Thursday, January 31, 2019
Innocence in William Blakes The Divine Image Essay -- Blake Divine Im
honour in Blakes The Divine picture Blake was both a poet and an artist and he created many Illuminated whole litigates which combined the two. These forms, each powerful in their own right atomic number 18 even more so when used together as in The Divine Image. In analyzing this piece I will be looking at at the elements and principles of art, the corresponding elements and principles of poetry and how they support one another to call for William Blakes idea of Innocence.Elements ar the fundamental make believeing blocks used in either art or poetry. In art they argon line, shape/form, quantify, texture, influence (which I wasnt able to deal with in this case as the solo reproduction was black and white) and space. In poetry one might sort out the elements as word choice, word placement, scansion or meter, capitalization and punctuation.Principles are what are produced by putting the elements together. In art they are focal point, movement, ally area (background or setting), contrast and repetition. Interestingly in poetry some(prenominal) are similar, namely movement, contrast and repetition. Other things one might discriminate as principles of poetry are rhyme, line treatment, and tone.Of all the elements of art I will be dealing with, line and shape are by far the most important. All the figures are outlined and the vines running end-to-end the picture constitute line as do the letters. Line is alike essential in the creation of value as this was printed on a press and all the ink is the same value. To create changes in value Blake used different densities and numbers of lines. The only texture in this work is a sort of implied texture that comes with creating value through a build up of line some areas tend to acquire a ridge look. The use o... ... contrast of the living and the fire but neither the vine nor the figures are consumed. This presents an depict of innocence similar to that of the Lion and the Lamb. Both the poem and the image serve to re-enforce each other as they present the freedom, harmony, and safety free-base in the state of Innocence. It seems fitting that these together would be called an Illumination as they help shed light on Blakes true meaning.Works Cited and ConsultedBlake, William. Songs of Innocence and of Experience. Intro. Geoffry Keynes. New York Oxford University Press, 1967. Easson, Kay. The Art of the Book. Blake in His Time. Essick and Pearce ed. 1978. (35-51).Frye, Northrop. Poetry and Design in William Blake. The diary of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. 10 (Sept., 1951) 35-42.Mellor, Anne. Blakes Human form divine. U of calcium P Berkeley 1974.
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Female Australian Nurses in World War One :: essays research papers
When war st hotshot-broke come forward in 1914, the Australian Government raised the first Australian purple Force for overseas gain. The nurses to staff the medical units, which formed an intrinsic collapse of the AIF, were recruited from the Australian Army nurse emolument Reserve and from the courteous nurse profession.Senior Officers were more inclined to have clever potent soldiers in preference to fe antheral nurses. Major world-wide Howse (Director of Medical Services) has been quoted as motto that the female nurse (as a substitute for the fully trained male nursing orderly) did little toward the actual saving of life in war... although she dexterity promote a more rapid and complete convalescence. General Howse was speaking at a time when the contribution of the Nursing Service to the treatment of the wounded soldiers, at an early stage, had yet to be recognized by the Australian authorities.The first draft of infants left Australia in kinsfolk 1914 and do neout the war, the Nursing Service served wherever Australian process were sent. A number were also sent to British medical units in discordant theatres of war.They served in places such as Vladivostok, Burma, India, The Persian Gulf, Egypt, Greece, Italy, France and England.The record of service for these Sisters is a brilliant one, and one which set a very elevated ensample for all who were to follow. The following statistics are noneworthy2,139 served overseas423 served in Australia25 died388 were decorated (seven Military Medals were awarded to Australian Nurses for their courage under lift).An causa of one nursing officers experience under fire is from Sister Kellys diary from the Casualty Clearing Station at the horse opera Front....The noise was so terrific, and the concussion so great that I was impel to the ground and had no idea where the damage was. I flew through the chest of drawers and abdo wards and called out are you alright boys? dont tizzy closely us wa s the general cry.All the hospitals lights were out and there was a dense moon, but the sky overhead was full of searchlights and fragments from the bursting anti-aircraft artillery. She passed the cook streak for an adjacent paddock, swearing hard and complaining that the bombs had put his fire out. data track on, she unawares fell headlong into a bomb crater...I shall neer embarrass the awful climb on hands and feet out of that muss that was near five feet deep with greasy clay and blood (although I did not know then that it was blood).Female Australian Nurses in valet War One essays research papersWhen war broke out in 1914, the Australian Government raised the first Australian Imperial Force for overseas service. The nurses to staff the medical units, which formed an integral part of the AIF, were recruited from the Australian Army Nursing Service Reserve and from the civil nursing profession.Senior Officers were more inclined to have trained male soldiers in prefere nce to female nurses. Major General Howse (Director of Medical Services) has been quoted as saying that the female nurse (as a substitute for the fully trained male nursing orderly) did little toward the actual saving of life in war... although she might promote a more rapid and complete recovery. General Howse was speaking at a time when the contribution of the Nursing Service to the treatment of the wounded soldiers, at an early stage, had yet to be recognized by the Australian authorities.The first draft of Sisters left Australia in September 1914 and throughout the war, the Nursing Service served wherever Australian troops were sent. A number were also sent to British medical units in various theatres of war.They served in places such as Vladivostok, Burma, India, The Persian Gulf, Egypt, Greece, Italy, France and England.The record of service for these Sisters is a brilliant one, and one which set a very high standard for all who were to follow. The following statistics are not eworthy2,139 served overseas423 served in Australia25 died388 were decorated (seven Military Medals were awarded to Australian Nurses for their courage under fire).An example of one nursing officers experience under fire is from Sister Kellys diary from the Casualty Clearing Station at the Western Front....The noise was so terrific, and the concussion so great that I was thrown to the ground and had no idea where the damage was. I flew through the chest and abdo wards and called out are you alright boys? dont bother about us was the general cry.All the hospitals lights were out and there was a faint moon, but the sky overhead was full of searchlights and fragments from the bursting anti-aircraft artillery. She passed the cook running for an adjacent paddock, swearing hard and complaining that the bombs had put his fire out.Running on, she suddenly fell headlong into a bomb crater...I shall never forget the awful climb on hands and feet out of that hole that was about five feet deep with greasy clay and blood (although I did not know then that it was blood).
Animal Species Essay
1. On the diagram below, what percentage of energy (from the choices in blue on the left) is transferred from a producer to a (A) secondary consumer, (B) ordinal consumer, (C) quartet consumer? The producer takes 100% from the sun then gives 10% to the essential consumer then 1% to the secondary consumer then .1% to the tertiary consumer and then .01% to the multiple consumer. 2. Look at the quote from Rachel Carson on the first page. What do you designate the quote means? Use some of the terms we provide cover regarding the topic of aliment webs in your one to two paragraph explanation. solely the life sentence of the planet is inter-related each species has its own ties to others, and alone be related to the earth.I think shes referring to the consumption between the animals going all in all around the world and going to the past life, similar to earth because all the animals eventually die and argon tied together on earth. The nutriment chain connects e preci seone and everything together in some way which is key to life on earth. 3. Why is it beneficial that many predatory look for have larval and juvenile stages that feed at a low trophic level, while the adults feed at a tertiary or quaternary trophic level? Its beneficial because then theyre non competing for the corresponding food. If the juvenile are eating something different it will aid them actually make it to adulthood.Also juvenile fish dont have the same energy as the adults so they eat in the low trophic level because its an easier and safer feed. 4. Not all adults feed at a high trophic level. Whale sharks (50 ft) are the largest fish and feed on plankton and small fish, while Great White sharks (20 ft) are the largest carnivorous fish and feed on sea lions, seals and large fish. risque whales (100 ft) are the largest whale and feed primarily on plankton and krill, while the sperm whale (45 ft) is the largest carnivorous whale feeding on fish and very large squid. (a) How does the location of each animals position in relation to the producers contribute to their size? Be sure to look at the food chain and the amount of energy that is being transferred between the levels.I think the location of an animal correlates with ones size because if you think of a strake compared to costal fish you know they cant eat the same things considering a wale being right offshore is highly unlikely. confident(p) the larger animals (like a whale) wont have as very much energy as a smaller animal to catch its food so they would eat in the low trophic level because its easier to get, and takes less energy. (b) Why do you suppose the plankton feeders are able to pretend such large sizes compared to the carnivores? The main reason I feel that plankton eaters are able to attain such large sizes is because plankton are not a hard catch compared to trying to catch a seal or chase a school of fish. Plankton eaters can eat a crowd more, while saving energy, which is perfect for bigger animals.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Stereotype and Term Crooked Politician
Stereotypes be rampant in our glossiness and rent been a dilapidating issue in our civilization for a pine while. The use of stumps to judge another human creation can safari serious detriment to the success and happiness of others. Understanding what stereotypes ar and how they came around is important to eradicate the use of stereotypes and be able to assess a persons worth based on their own somebody traits. Some of the near common stereotypes are among pols, tattooed persons, feminists, and senior citizens.I will endanger the stereotypes associated with these assorts, how the stereotypes are apply and why, and how stereotyping most definitely leaves a negative effect. sort out Groups There is a vast majority of community that are stereotyped. When a stereotype is implemented, it groups individuals into a certain category (Moore, Parker, 2004). This poses a difficult ensample because most populate can fit into several categories based on various factors such a s religion, race, sex, and personality traits among other features.When someone chooses to group people and give that group a description, they are opting to provoke a thought or image almost a group of people based on little or no evidence (Moore, Parker, 2004, p. 130). policy-making cues and stereotypes are key elements in the semipolitical spectrum that undoubtedly propel a certain gage in voters decisions (Johnston, 1981). Politicians have ever had a general stereotype of being corrupt. The term crooked political leader is a common one, and is seemingly used on a timed basis. Although there are mendacious politicians, it is unfair to ascertain that all or most of politicians have this characteristic.If a politician believes in a different ideal than a citizen, or if that politician simply belongs to the opposing political party, it is unfortunate that he or she may very well be coined as a dishonest politician. This is a form of mockery and slander. It is the much approp riate form of judgment to assess the unique traits and beliefs of that individual politician rather than endowting them into a class of untrustworthy fiddleatives by default. other stereotype falls into the lap of tattooed persons. Those with tattoos have a stereotype of being tough, scary, and delinquent.One scan perpetuated results that children connect a strong negative assumption about tattoos (Durkin, Houghton, 2000). Similarly, in this study it was also purported that young people who initiate entertain in getting tattoos are aware of the stigma of criminality link up to those with tattoos or body art (Durkin, Houghton, 2000). umteen people who choose to overcome their bodies with tattoos do so with a creative edge and it does not represent any delinquency per se. However, it is obvious that many another(prenominal) criminals and gangs have tattoos as standards, and this realisation seems to bleed into the mainstream population of those with tattoos.It is unfortunat e that society deems those with tattoos as estranged wrongdoers as it certainly impinges on the ability to gain employment or be generally respected and greeted appropriately by others. Feminists have long been looked upon as abrasive activists. Feminism started out this way in the 1960s in order to appease the needs of women and obtain rights. Some feminists have been essential with their attitudes and choices of activism, but it does not necessarily represent the entire feminist population. Many feminists are not radicals but are mild heroines of womens rights.Although some women have positive views of womens lib as it related to fighting sexism and cozy oppression, nevertheless 12% of 200 college women in one particular study readily identified themselves in a feminist group (Roy, Weibust, Miller, 2007). This shows that feminism still has a negative connotation and most are panicky to endorse feminism despite some of the positive aspects it entails. One cobblers last stereot ype that seems highly unfortunate is that of senior citizens. Most people have the view that elderly people are slow and dumb. This comes from some facts pertaining to previous(a) age that include deterioration of the mind and body.However, it is very clear that many senior citizens have active lifestyles and are healthy and happy. Furthermore, the aspect of this stereotype that is most regrettable is that unlike the other groups that were discussed such as politicians, feminists, and tattooed persons, being elderly is not a choice everyone comes to that stage in life. Therefore, peradventure the stereotypes forced upon senior citizens are by far the most relevant examples of a privation of philanthropy and signify how stereotypes are harmful, outrageous slanters that lack conviction and critical thinking.The Truth Behind Stereotypes Stereotypes were developed on assumptions without any evidence. However, most stereotypes come alive with part truths that permeate the surface. Th ere are relevant facts that pertain to stereotypes that have been witnessed within a particular group. This is maybe the most crucial aspect of stereotyping. Because of this, most people engage in stereotypes without recourse because they believe that they are expressing truth. After all, some politicians are dishonest while some tattooed people are definitely unlawful.And most people can see that feminists are usually radicals while senior citizens are most surely slow and lack wit. However, it is not viable to put all individuals who share those labels into one group because there are most certainly many people that can be in those categories who agitate a ration of the unexpected. That is why truth should not be used as a scapegoat when applying stereotypes, because truth is whole and encompassing. Stereotypes clearly only deal with some and not the entire portion, therefore there is no truth to stereotypes.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Public Speaking Essay
Before this air I was unmindful(predicate) of how significant non-verbal communication was to public speaking. According to Genera, 93 percent of center reception in public speaking comes from nonverbal communication (Genera, 2010). facial nerve expressions and body language ar what most people think of when discussing non-verbal communication. However, nerve contact, lighting and gestures atomic number 18 also included. When I bind to write a speech or speak in front of a mathematical group in the future there are many things that I go away do differently.I have learned that are many steps that pack to be followed in order to have a successful speech. Analyzing the audience, optic aids as wellspring as peer and expert appraisal are Just a few of the topics discussed In this course that I entrust carry with me In the future. I have always had discommode with the penning process. This course has given me great steps to Incorporate Into my writing process. Whether It I s a public speech, someoneal conversation, or a research story for another course, I have great tools in place to inspection and repair me be successful.Going into this course I felt as though I had no strengths in regards to public speaking. afterward successfully completing this course my outlook has completely changed. I feel more confident in the writing process and being able to stand up in front of an audience. A few weaknesses that still need improvement are execution off speech as well as my nerves. I would like to be able to one day speak in front of an audience without any note cards. When I would do my periodic pictureings I would have a billeted paper of the major topics I cute to discuss to help trigger my memory.I feel that with more time to course session I wouldnt require any note cards. My nerves and anxiety levels are a different story. I am a very shy(p) and quiet person and having to speak In front of any size of it audience perishs my anxiety levels r ising. I have never spoken in front of a large audience because of these feelings. The first few assignments that we had to record ourselves I felt really uncomfortable. As the weeks went by I started to tardily feel more comfortable. I have learned many tender strategies to help me be more prepared so that I wont be so nervous.The article Effective Public Speaking How to Overcome jumpiness express that one way to help reduce the nervous feelings is to get experience. The author suggests volunteering as an announcer for other speakers will help a person get more comfortable in front of an audience which will help reduce the nervous feelings (Plum, 2009). Another tip found to be very helpful on the topic of nerves and Haynes was from Larry Tracey. He stated that the antidote to help overcome fear Is Convert unidentified to known. Exchanging the unknown Into known can easily be accomplished by doing practically of research and practice (Tracey, 2003). This course had me very anx ious in the beginning. After only seven weeks I have absorbed so a good deal Knowledge Tanat my anxiety levels nave reappear considerably. I am stall a little apprehensive but nowhere near as unhealthful as before. I know that will the information that I have learned as well as the tools I have gained I will be successful no matter the situation. I am more confident in my writing ability as well as public speaking, thanks to this public speaking course.
Friday, January 25, 2019
Origins and Causes of the Cold War
&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212- wherefore the iron curtain descended production lines and causes of the insensate state of fight ROHAN SINGH SEPTEMBER 2012 Name of University The due west Bengal guinea pig University of Juridical Sciences SubjectPolitical Science Date of entering1st October, 2012. Why the Iron curtain descended A study into the origins and causes of the cold war INTRODUCTION On April 16, 1947, Bernard Baruch, former advisor to former U. S.Presidents, waste Truman and Woodrow Wilson came up with the term cold struggle to describe the breakdown in relations amidst the two forces at the clock time-the join States of America and the Soviet articulation. Historian Walter Lippman, his friend used it in the New York herald Tribune-which mark its introduction in popular media. This mutual antagonism in the midst of the two nations manifested itself, not in entirely-out war except in attacks by economic sa nctions, proxy wars, the building of alliances propaganda war off the beaten track(predicate)e, enmeshed in an overarching article of faith of non-cooperation.In this context, before delving into the causes, which this essay seeks to do, it is imperative to tubercle that the fact that the two superpowers fought on the same side during orb state of war II was nothing but a marriage of convenience, where they were united against the common enemy rather than on grounds of a common cause. The disbeliefs, ensuing due to the differences in ideology and motives on the global scale had not been occluded by any means, merely erased for the time being. THE BREAKDOWN OF THE MARRIAGE OF CONVENIENCETo fully watch the origins of the Cold War and the breakdown in relations,it is necessary for us to cypher the Yalta, Potsdam and Tehran conferences that occurred towards the dying stages of the Second World War. The Tehran Conference held in 1943 was attended by Roosevelt, Churchill and Stali n and even though, the leading went to Tehran with divers(prenominal) goals in mind, the quintessential objective, which was to open a second front against Ger numerous, was achieved. The big iii met again in Yalta in February, 1945.Relations again seemed cordial and the tierce leaders agreed on various key points, such as the governance of the United Nations, punishment of the Nazi war criminals, the division of Germany and Berlin into four zones, the safekeeping of free elections in east Europe. Yet, in that respect were perilous signs foreshadowing the origin of the Cold War as the three disagreed about what was to be make about Poland. Stalins demand that the Soviet Union should be addicted all land east of the Oder-Neisse Line was not taken as well as favorably by the otherwise two leaders.When they met at Potsdam again in July 1945, relations were not so amicable. Various changes had taken place in the transnational stage since Yalta. Firstly, the Soviet Unions Re d regular army had taken control of the Baltic States under the pretext of liberating them. Secondly, both the United States and Great Britain had different leaders representing them. Attlee replaced Churchill and Truman replaced Roosevelt. Both the new leaders were far to a greater extent suspicious of Stalin and his red agenda than their predecessors had been. Fourthly, the Americans had already tested an component bomb on July 16, 1945.While Stalin was informed of this development at the conference, the motive substructure the Manhatten Project was a manifestation of the suspicion the leaders harbored towards the Communist as they wanted to ensure that Japan was invaded by them and not the Soviet Union. Truman similarly disagreed with Stalins request for a Soviet sphere of influence and kept on pressing for free elections in the liberated states of Eastern Europe, which Stalin objected to on grounds of Soviet security. The expansion of the USSR east of the Oder-Neisse line in Poland remained a topic of dispute.The setting up of a brass in Poland that know all three powers, termed as a Provisional Government of National Unity ( in any case known as the Lublin Poles), which effectively rendered the Polish government in exile a thing of the past was another source of conflict. WHO WAS TO darned FOR THE rimy WAR? USA, USSR OR SIMPLE IDEOLOGY? Now, we come to the three schools of thought on the origins of the Cold War. The traditionalists, guide by the eminent historian George Kennan believe that the Stalin and USSR were to blame, owing to their agenda, which involved expanding Communism and establishing control over all the Eastern-European tates. In the 1960s and 1970s, Russian historians, who propounded the revisionist view believed that the United States were to blame for the war as the leaders had become paranoid about Communist aggression, whereas Stalins motives were purely defensive and the establishment of his sphere of influence in Eastern Eu rope was justified on grounds that USSR had suffered grave economic losses during the war and it seemed prudent to ensure that neighboring states werent hostile.This view became more popular during the 1960s and 1970s as the inherent paranoia regarding both the outer and internal Communist Threat, better known as The Red Scare, propounded by the Senator Joseph McCarthysubsided in the United States and people become exceptionally critical of American foreign policywith the emergence of the Vietnam War. The third view, which is accepted by roughly historians crossways the globe, including this author is the post-revisionist view, which says that it would be unfair to blame the origin of the Cold War on any of the sides without placing equal blame on the other.Furthermore, to fully understand, the causes back end the Cold War, we need to consider a multitude of factors. Firstly, the World War II had a detrimental impact on the economies of both Britain and France and uncomplete o f them were the superpowers they had once been. Thus, the USA and the USSR were now the remaining superpowers, two superpowers, which had starkly different and almost contradictory ideologies on government and economics. The Soviet system of government was a Communist one based on the Marxist principles of equating and the welfare state, which involved central planning at the expense of somebody freedom.On the other hand, the United States was a capitalist democracy, which espouses the ownership of private wealth, enter in the pursuit of profits, at the expense of economic disparity. This besides led to a breakdown in communication. Every act was construed by the other superpower to be a propaganda move to thwart the other. The Truman Doctrine, which vowed to provide soldiery service to European states from internal or external aggression and the marshal Plan, largely responsible for the economic rebuilding of Europe were interpreted, perhaps rightly, by the Soviet Union as mea ns of spreading USAs capitalist agenda.Stalin responded to the capitalist expansionist agenda of the Marshall Plan by setting up the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON) to economically aid the members of the Eastern block. ACTION AND REACTIONCOLD WAR CONFLICTS FROM 1945-1960 Each superpower wanted to spread their specific ideology and contain the others, which resulted in a result of propaganda measures, alliancesand proxy wars. The first major cold war conflict was the Berlin blockade and airlift of 1948-49.Stalin cut of all transport relate to West Berlin, which was under Allied Control, thus cutting of all food supplies to the city. Truman ordered an airlift with food supplies through B-52 bombers, thus ensuring that the population and indecorum of the zone were kept alive. In 1949, Stalin called of the blockade. The iron curtain-which was a symbolisation of both ideological and physical division between Eastern and occidental Europe became permanent and the ar ms race started to pick up pace.The horse opera nations were convinced of what a potential threat the Soviets could be, which prompted the USA to supplement its military machine deployment with political affiliations by signing the North Atlantic Treaty administration in April, 1949, emphasizing the principle of collective self-defense. This, along with the rearmament of The Federal state of Germany (West Germany, which was in the Allied Zone) was met with the creation of the War aphorism Pact in 1955. The Soviets also set up a Communist Information Bureau (Cominform), which served as a forum that gathered all communist Eastern Bloc nations.Throughout the 1950s, both countries continued to build up their military arsenal- of both stodgy and nuclear weapons. This form of action and reaction due to high levels of suspicion and hostility towards the other played a key role in laying the foundations of the Cold War that ensued. The final Cold War participation of the 1950s which l aid down the foundation for the tension that would exist in a dissociated Europe for the next forty years was the Berlin Crisis, which ensued from 1958-61.In 1961, The Soviet Union constructed a wall between east and West Germany in the heart of Berlin. Khrushchev claimed that it was an attempt to curb the expansion of western influence of fascistic attempting to influence the mindset of the people of East Germany through brainwashing and coercion. However, most historians believe that it was simply an attempt to curb the exodus of many immigrants (a number that has been pegged at 3. 5 million before the construction of The Wall) to West Germany, which was doing a great deal better economically.Throughout the Cold War, the war was a physical representation of the divide across the iron curtain and an emblem of the conflicts that it represented. CONCLUSION THE END OF THE COLD WAR AND THE BEGINNING OF A NEW WORLD ORDER The years 1945-1960 laid down the foundations for the period of supranational and diplomatic tensions that would ensue between the two superpowers. While, all-out- war- never broke out, the two countries policies of containment and brinksmanship brought them close to it on many occasions, such as during the Cu throw away Missile Crisis of 1962.Of course, the Cuban Missile crisis also helped in improving communication ties and kickstarted the process of arms limitation by the setting up of measures such as the Partial test ban treaty in 1963 and the Moscow-Washington hotline. The period 1969-79 saw a thaw in relations between the two superpowers- a period known as detente, which ended with the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979. The end of the Cold War, which was pronounced by the fall of the berlin Wall in 1989 and the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 led to a new world order.In this new era, there has generally been a decrease in inter-state conflicts but other threats to internationalist piece such as conflicts of ethnicity, rel igion, militancy and terrorism are however rampant. Communal tensions in regions such as Sudan, Somalia and the Congo are in vogue(p) epitomes of this form of conflict and to truly establish a framework of international piece it will be imperative for national governments, in conjunctive with the United Nations to make addressing such issues a priority. BIBLIOGRAPHY Arthur Bliss Lane. I saw Poland betrayed An American Ambassador Reports to the American People.Indianapolis TheBobbs-Merrill Company, 1948. pp. 5. Church, George, license The Berlin Wall,Time. Available at<http//www. time. com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,959058,00. html> (Accessed 29th September,2012. ) Cleary,Helen and Edwards,Phil (2005),Fact FilePotsdam Conference. BBC narrative. Availableat<http//www. bbc. co. uk/ annals/ww2peopleswar/timeline/factfiles/nonflash/a1144829. shtml? sectionId=7&articleId=1144829> (Accessed 28th September 2012. ) Czechoslovakia A Country national, Glenn E. Curtis, ed. (W ashington, D. C. Federal Research Division of the subroutine library of Congress, 1992. )Church, George,Freedom The Berlin Wall,Time. Available at<http//www. time. com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,959058,00. html> (Accessed 29th September,2012. ) Glass,Andrew (2010)Bernard baruch coins the term Cold War. Politico. Available at < http//www. politico. com/news/stories/0410/35862. html > ( Accessed 26th September, 2010. ) Fried, Albert (1997). McCarthyism, The Great American Red Scare A Documentary History. Oxford University Press. pp10. Lowe,Norman (2005)Mastering newfangled World History. quaternate ed. Palgrave Macmillan Publishers. London. pp. 130. Scott,Lenn(2001)International register 1900-90. n Baylis, Jon and Smith, Steve (2001),The globalization of world politicsAn introduction to international relations. 2nd ed. Oxford University Press. London. pp55-63. Yilmaz,Muzaffer (2008),The New World OrderAn outline of the charge Cold-War Era,Turkish Journal of Internation al Relations. v. 7(4) Available at http//www. alternativesjournal. net/volume7/Number4/myilmaz. pdf (Accessed 1st October,2012. ) &8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212 2 . Glass,Andrew (2010)Bernard baruch coins the term Cold War. Politico( Accessed 26th September, 2010. 3 . Ibid 4 . Lowe,Norman (2005)Mastering Modern World History. 4thed.Palgrave Macmillan Publishers. London. pp. 122. 5 . Churchill, Winston Spencer (1951). The Second World War Closing the Ring. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston. pp. 642. 6 . Lowe,Norman (2005)Mastering Modern World History. 4th ed. Palgrave Macmillan Publishers. London. pp. 123. 7 . Ibid 8 . The elections were held during the Conference and Churchill was replaced midway through the Conference. SeeLowe,Norman (2005)Mastering Modern World History. 4th ed. Palgrave Macmillan Publishers. London. pp. 122. 9 . Cleary,Helen and Edwards,Phil (2005),Fact FilePotsdam Conference. BBC Archives (Accessed 28th September 2 012) 10 .Arthur Bliss Lane. I saw Poland betrayed An American Ambassador Reports to the American People. Indianapolis The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1948. 11 . Supra note 5 12 . ibid 13 . Fried, Albert (1997). McCarthyism, The Great American Red Scare A Documentary History. Oxford University Press. 14 . Supra note 5 15 . Scott,Lenn(2001)International history 1900-90. in Baylis, Jon and Smith, Steve (2001),The globalization of world politicsAn introduction to international relations. 2nded. Oxford University Press. London. pp55-63. 16 . Czechoslovakia A Country Study, Glenn E. Curtis, ed. (Washington, D.C. Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress, 1992. ) 17 . Lowe,Norman (2005)Mastering Modern World History. 4th ed. Palgrave Macmillan Publishers. London. pp. 130. 18 . Supra note 14 19 . Lowe,Norman (2005)Mastering Modern World History. 4th ed. Palgrave Macmillan Publishers. London. pp. 130. 20 . Church, George,Freedom The Berlin Wall,Time (Accessed 29th Septembe r 2012) 21 . Supra note 14 22 . ibid 23 . Yilmaz,Muzaffer (2008),The New World OrderAn outline of the Post Cold-War Era,Turkish Journal of International Relations. v. 7(4) (Accessed 1st October,2012)
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Small Talk
microscopic Talk Weve any(prenominal) engaged in some sort of lower-ranking demand words either in the office, on campus, at a dissociatey, or some separate places w here(predicate) you reveal yourself in the attach to of others. For some of us, participating in comminuted ripple may come after easily, while for others it may be quite difficult. Some individuals may find sm every last(predicate) chat to be irritating while others find it a necessity.In this paper I am going to explore what b arly defines down(p) dress down as such the swithers why plenty find the need to engage in small tittle-tattle the benefits, and disadvantages of small colloquy is there an ethical set some to small talk and provide tips on how to participate in small talkwithout it creating an uncomfort able-bodied atmosphere. What exactly defines small talk as such, segregating it from the normal conversations exchanged between two individuals? nonaged talk is defined as a light conve rsation it is typically polite and about matters of little importance, especially between people who do not go to bed each other well.In these conversations general-interest topics ar ordinarily discussed such as movies, sports, food, travel, and music. galore(postnominal) find that those who engage in this variation of conversation are approachable and superstarly. By taking an active part in these conversations you send a message that you are ready, willing and able to communicate. This may not seem like a difficult task, considering all humans communicate at various levels daily, only if to engage in small talk may actually be very difficult, so when d unitary and only(a) willingly and well it can say a down about that somebody. Part of being fortunate at small talk is being an avid listener.This is a very important part of conversation. Many get worried about being able to communicate their thoughts clearly that they neglect to listen. Listening carefully helps in ge t wording and encouraging those who are speaking to you. Franklin Roosevelt, the thirty-second president of the United States of America, believed that most people were low-down listeners. He believed that this held true especially when engage in small talk conversations. To prove his point and amuse himself, he would greet visiting guests with, I murdered my grandmother this morning. He was usually responded with a puzzling assist yet a polite nod in approval. However, nonpareil flush he was impressed when one guest responded with a surprising response, Im sure she had it coming. Even so, Roosevelt did prove the common neglect individuals birth towards small talk. So, why do people engage in small talk? Talking is the primary form of communication between all beings. The mere act of talk is a way to break the ice, mitigate any tensions, and it helps individuals find a common ground amongst them.Small talk is most commonly found in an instance when there is an ill-fitting silence, or is used in a situation where a person is waiting for somethingit passes the time. There are many instances when people spirit they boast to engage in small talk simply not to be gross. We have been cultured in our society to view small talk as a politically correct act when in one of these instances. Those who do not openly converse with others are looked upon as rude and unapproachable. This sensations to the topic of the benefits small talk has and its importance.An article from the Los Angeles Times entitled, Researchers take a high view of idle chatter showed that an increase of social amour aided mental function. This affect is similar to those of solitaire games such as Sudoku and crossword puzzles, which have the resembling benefit when engaged in for the same amount of time. Good news for those who enjoy chatter, but not corking for those who have difficulties with it. Striking a conversation with someone gives him or her the hazard to either accept or re ject you. This is probably the main reason for its importance.Americans typically strive to be accepted by their peers. We want to be liked by our peers and when we engage in small talk we are being judged. A lot of the time it is the early impression we run with someone. Another benefit of small talk is meeting new people and possibly new friends or making new business relations, which could lead to a promotion or new business venture. Wendy Warman, co-author of earsplitting and Clear How to Prepare and Deliver Effective Business and Technical Presentations, gives instructional seminars on how to effectively participate in small talk for astronomical success.Warman discusses the importance of small talk in order to improve communication, move on sales, enhance customer service and increase profits in any organization or industry. These are all very important benefits, which I think everyone could find use for. Now that we more thoroughly understand the basic means of small ta lk and what small talk actually consists of, we need to be aware of the topics chosen for these conversations. There is an ethical approach to small talk and ethical judgments need to be made.Very oftentimes small talk is shared between individuals whom do not know each other well, therefore there are many nix topics that should be parryed. When people do not know each other well it is not a wise decision to discuss face-to-face information such as salaries or divorce. Two main topics that should be avoided are religion and politics. The foundationalists view should not be considered here since everyones justified beliefs on these topics might vary. The intent of small talk should basically be to get to know someone better, keeping in mind other peoples feelings.Raised emotion may arise if one of these topics is brought forth in a conversation. The consequence of these discussions may be a ban response, being that many people have different beliefs and opinions in the matter. An altruistic approach is definitely called for when engaging in small talk. The rosy rule of Love your neighbor as yourself should be remembered in these situations. Placing the other persons feelings first gear will usually lead to a pleasant conversation with affirmative results. Thus one can in addition say a utilitarian approach is also prerequisite when engaging in small talk.There are some basic guidelines one can follow to assist in creating proficient small talk. The first step before going to a function or group is to prepare yourself. Here is a list of tips that will help in engaging in small talk 1. One should derive at least three topics to discuss as well as iv questions that can be asked to others to spark conversation. If you know that there will be people there that you have met before, try to remember some things about them that you can bring up . . . maybe a charity theyre involved with or a hobby they partake in. 2. Be the first to say Hello. Offering your name when greeting someone will avoid an uncomfortable situation of him or her not remembering your name. 3. Make an effort to remember names and use them frequently. 4. Motivate the other person(s) to start talking by asking an open-ended question that is common ground, such as, How do you know the host? 5. Be an active listener and provide feedback. 6. You were presumption two ears and one mouth . . . you should listen twice as such(prenominal) as you talk. 7. Try to contribute something interesting to the conversation. Stay away from negative or controversial topics, as mentioned above. . If you want to meet someone in particular, be introduced to him or her by someone they respect. A mutual friend should be asked to do so. 9. When accepting a business card, receive it with some(prenominal) hands, read it, and place it in a coat pocket, purse or wallet to show it is valued. 10. Be mindful of you body language, this can bring others to be uncomfortable. Act confident. 11. Obs erve and listen before entering a conversation that has already begun. 12. Always be prepared with a a a couple of(prenominal)(prenominal) exit lines so you can have a graceful expelling from the conversation. Be bright. Be brief. Be gone. I chose this topic with the expectations of finding good reasons for small talk. Although I find small talk to be necessary and appropriate in certain situations, I find it unnecessary at time and frankly quite annoying. I still think talking about the weather with a fellow employee at the printer is unnecessary, but I dont see those instances being avoidable. However, I have learned if you are active in using the tips provided, you can carry more control over the conversation and guide it so that it is more enjoyable. Being prepared for small talk is the best way to avoid lame conversation.If you go to a function with a select few topics to discuss, chances are the conversation will be strong and others will be guided by your contributions. Another important matter in successful small talk is to think of others first. This is very important with successful small talk and getting positive results. You want to make people ingenious and to feel goodeveryone likes to be around people that make them feel better about themselves. Reference List 12 Tips for Making Small Talk. CareerBuilder. com. 2005. CNN. com. 1 may 2009 Hoekman, Laurel. The Benefits of Small Talk. hoary Center SUN News. 2008. Gray Center. 2 may 2009 Murphy, Peter. How to Master the Art of Small Talk. Relationships/Communication. 2007. Ezinarticles. 1 May 2009 Rosenstand, Nina. The Moral of the Story An Introduction to Ethics (Sixth Edition). New York, NY The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. , 19942009. Small Talk. Encarta being Dictionary. 2009. EncartaMsn. 2 May 2009 Small Talk Who, What, Where, When, Why?. EnglishClub. com. 19972009. nglichClub. com. 1 May 2009 Wendy Warman. World Class Speakers &038 Entertainers wcSpeakers. com. 20052009. wcSpeakers . com. 2 May 2009.
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Stock Exchange
What is gillyflower replace? A nisus change is the commercialize steer for the leverage and sale of second hand securities. It provides trading facilities for var. brokers and change oerrs, to trade sh atomic number 18s of the listed companies and separate financial instruments much(prenominal) as Term Finance Certificates and Derivatives. gillyflower exchanges similarly provide facilities for the issue (listing), redemption (delisting) of securities and other working capital events including the allowance of income and dividends. It is a lynchpin institution for smooth lasting and steady suppuration of the corporate sector and can be seen as a key to the sparing life of a nation. convey exchange is the home of the capital and pivot man of the money food market place, providing proper mobility for capital. The securities of joint- argument companies, g all overnment securities and securities issued by semi-government brass instrument argon dealt with on a de clivity exchange. History of declivity Exchange The history of credit line exchanges can be traced to 12th century France, when the head start brokers (the role of an respective(pre nominal phrase) or a firm when it acts as an agent for a customer and charges the customer a commission for its operate) are believed to incur true, trading in debt and government securities.Unofficial share markets existed across Europe through the 1600s, where brokers would meet foreign or in coffee houses to pee trades. The Amsterdam Stock Exchange, created in 1602, became the prototypical official personal credit line exchange when it began trading shares of the Dutch eastern India Compevery. These were the depression appointer shares ever issued. By the early 1700s thither were to the full operational stemma exchanges in France and England, and America followed in the later disassociate of the century. Share exchanges became an important way for companies to raise capital for en thronisation, while in addition offering investors the opportunity to share in company profits.The early days of the roue exchange experienced many scandals and share crashes, as there was littler to no regulation and al virtually anyone was allowed to sparkicipate in the exchange. Today, stock exchanges operate around the earth, and they pack become highly regulated institutions. Investors absentminded to buy and sell shares must do so through a share broker, who give ins to own a seat on the exchange. Companies with shares traded on an exchange are said to be listed and they must meet specific criteria, which varies across exchanges. around stock exchanges began as floor exchanges, where mongers do deals face-to-face. The massivest stock exchange in the world, the New York Stock Exchange, continues to operate this way, but most of the worlds exchanges have promptly become fully electronic. Functions of Stock Market ? Ready Market Stock exchange is a continuous market for the resale of existing securities. It is a concentre where buyers and sellers assemble to deal in securities at any time during the phone by-line hours. It enables investors to realize quickly their shares and debentures.This celerity encourages people to invest in occupation enterp rotate by means of acquire industrial securities. It helps new investors to recover securities at any time at market cost. ? cheerive cover to investors Protection of the interest of the investors is another function of stock exchange. This it does by ensuring safety and uncontaminating dealing to the average investors through strict enforcement of its rules and regulations. Without the cover of a stock exchange there whitethorn be unfair competition among different brokers. The investors may be deceived by clever and dishonest brokers.In a stock exchange any malpractice by a broker carries a severe penalty. ? Profitable use of funds Another major function of the stock exchange is the mo bilization of surplus funds of somebodys firms and companies for investment in industrial securities. Without the stock exchange, these funds would have re main(prenominal)ed idle. It directs the surplus funds into the most profitable channel and thereby secures their effective utilization. People invest their savings in companies yielding good returns. Stock exchange in Pakistan In Pakistan there are three stock exchanges, ? Karachi stock exchange (KSE) Lahore stock exchange (LSE) ? Islamabad stock exchange (ISE) Karachi Stock Exchange The KSE is the first stock exchange of Pakistan established in September 18, 1947 and incorporated in March 10, 1949. KSE start with 5 companies with a paid-up capital of RS 37 million. The first tycoon was the KSE c index. KSE Indices Family ? KSE 100 The KSE100 index is a benchmark by which the stock worth performance can be compared to over a plosive consonant of time. In particular, the KSE 100 is designed to provide investors with a sense o f how the Pakistan truth market is performing.Thus, the KSE100 is similar to other indicators that track versatile sectors of the Pakistan economic activity much(prenominal) as the gross national product, consumer impairment index, etc. The KSE-100 Index was introduced in November 1991 with base care for of 1,000 masterminds. The Index comprises of 100 companies selected on the basis of sector representation and highest market capitalisation, which tracks over 85% of the ingrained market capitalization of the companies listed on the Exchange. ? KSE-30 Index The Karachi Stock Exchange has launched the KSE-30 Index with base value of 10,000 points, formally implemented from Friday, September 1, 2006.The main feature of this index that makes it different from other indices is ? Based on the surplus Float Methodology ? It includes only(prenominal) the top 30 most mobile companies listed on the KSE. ? KMI-30 ? Index introduced in September, 2008 ? Tracks the 30 most liquid sha ria-compliant companies listed at KSE weighted by free float adjusted market capitalization. ? Shariah Screening performed by Shariah Supervisory Board of Meezan Bank (chaired by Justice (Retd. ) Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani). ? KSE All Share Index ? It consists of all the companies listed on the KSE. ? KSE-GTOiOil &038 fluid Sector plays vital roles in Pakistans economy and therefore KSE has developed a Tradable Oil &038 Gas Index which tracks at least 80% free-float market capitalization of the Oil &038 Gas Sector. This index provides Investors and Market Intermediaries with an remove benchmark that captures the performance of each segment of the economy. KSE-100 Composition Basis The filling criteria for stock inclusion in the existing KSE-100 Index is found on three main filters, namely Sector rule, capitalisation rule and fail rule. The top sector companies may also qualify for inclusion on the basis of their market capitalization. Sector formula Largest market capitalizati on in each Karachi Stock Exchange sectors excluding Open-end Mutual Fund Sector ? The Largest Capitalization Rule The remaining index places are taken up by the hugest market capitalization companies in descending order. ? The Default Counter and Non Tradable Rule Company which is on the Defaulters Counter and/or its trading is suspended throw Non-Tradable (i. e. NT) in preceding 6 months from the date of re-composition shall not be considered in the re-composition of KSE-100 Index . How many stocks are registered and categories? The total number of companies listed in KSE is 572 with a listed capital of RS. 1103072. 80 million ? In KSE companies are listed under future(a) categories according to the nature of their industry. Sector Wise Categories of Companies Oil and Gas drug company and Bio Tech Chemicals Media Forestry Travel &038 leisure Industrial metals and mining Fixed line Telecommunication General industries Electricity Electronic and electrical Goods Multiutili ties Engineering commercial message Banks Industrial Transportation Non purport Insurance Support ser offenses Life insurance Automobile and Parts Real estate investment and ser offenses Beverages financial services Food Producers Equity Investment Instruments Household Goods software package and computer services Leisure Goods. Technology Hardware and Equipment personal Goods Personal Goods Tobacco Advance /Decline If there is increasing trend in the expenditures of share then we said that the market gains the index or points and vice versa. Points Points shows the Overall worth of the market. There are many factors that play the market points and due to these factors markets point increases or increases. These factors consist of formulae of capital structure and other related things. In Pakistan value of 1 point is approximately equal to 5 crores and it changes due to inflation and other economic factors. When an individual invest an amount equal to 5 Crores then 1 point increases and when he/she pull back his investment then 1 point decreases 1 point = 5 CroresStock ExchangeA stock market or equity market is a domain (a loose network of economic transactions, not a physical facility or discrete) entity for the trading of company stock (shares) and derivatives at an agreed price these are securities listed on a stock exchange as well up as those only traded privately. The size of the world stock market was estimated at about $36. 6 trillion at the start of October 2008. The total world derivatives market has been estimated at about $791 trillion face or nominal value,2 11 times the size of the entire world economy.The stocks are listed and traded on stock exchanges which are entities of a corporation or mutual organization specialized in the business of bringing buyers and sellers of the organizations to a listing of stocks and securities together. The largest stock market in the linked States, by market capitalization, is th e New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). In Canada, the largest stock market is the Toronto Stock Exchange.Major European examples of stock exchanges include the Amsterdam Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange, genus Paris Bourse, and the Deutsche Borse (Frankfurt Stock Exchange). In Africa, examples include Nigerian Stock Exchange, JSE Limited, etc. Asiatic examples include the Singapore Exchange, the Tokyo Stock Exchange, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and the Bombay Stock Exchange. In Latin America, there are such exchanges as the BM&F Bovespa and the BMV.A few decades ago, worldwide, buyers and sellers were individual investors, such as wealthy businessmen, usually with long family histories to particular corporations. Over time, markets have become more institutionalized buyers and sellers are largely institutions (e. g. , pension funds, insurance companies, mutual funds, index funds, exchange-traded funds, hedge funds, investor groups, banks and variou s other financial institutions). The rise of the institutional investor has brought with it some improvements in market operations.Thus, the government was responsible for decided (and exorbitant) fees being markedly reduced for the small investor, but only after the large institutions had managed to break the brokers solid front on fees. (They then went to negotiated fees, but only for large institutions. History Established in 1875, the Bombay Stock Exchange is Asias first stock exchange. In 12th century France the courratiers de change were concerned with managing and set the debts of agricultural communities on behalf of the banks.Because these men also traded with debts, they could be called the first brokers. A common misbelief is that in late 13th century Bruges commodity traders garner inside the house of a man called Van der Beurze, and in 1309 they became the Brugse Beurse, institutionalizing what had been, until then, an unceremonious meeting, but actually, the fami ly Van der Beurze had a building in Antwerp where those gatherings occurred the Van der Beurze had Antwerp, as most of the merchants of that period, as their primary place for trading.The idea quickly penetrate around Flanders and neighboring counties and Beurzen soon opened in Ghent and Amsterdam. In the middle of the 13th century, Venetian bankers began to trade in government securities. In 1351 the Venetian government outlawed spreading rumors intended to lower the price of government funds. Bankers in Pisa, Verona, Genoa and Florence also began trading in government securities during the fourteenth century. This was only possible because these were in dependent city states not ruled by a duke but a council of influential citizens.Italian companies were also the first to issue shares. Companies in England and the Low Countries followed in the 16th century. The Dutch eastern hemisphere India Company (founded in 1602) was the first joint-stock company to get a ameliorate capital stock and as a result, continuous trade in company stock emerged on the Amsterdam Exchange. Soon thereafter, a rich trade in various derivatives, among which options and repos, emerged on the Amsterdam market. Dutch traders also pioneered go around selling a practice which was banned by the Dutch authorities as early as 1610. 7 There are this instant stock markets in virtually every developed and most growing economies, with the worlds biggest market being in the United States, United Kingdom, Japan, India, China, Canada, Germanys (Frankfurt Stock Exchange), France, to the south Korea and the Netherlands. Importance of stock market The stock market is one of the most important sources for companies to raise money. This allows businesses to be publicly traded, or raise excess financial capital for expansion by selling shares of ownership of the company in a public market.The liquidity that an exchange provides affords investors the ability to quickly and easily sell securitie s. This is an attractive feature of investing in stocks, compared to other less liquid investments such as real estate. History has shown that the price of shares and other assets is an important part of the dynamics of economic activity, and can influence or be an indicator of social mood. An economy where the stock market is on the rise is considered to be an up-and-coming economy.In fact, the stock market is oft considered the primary indicator of a countrys economic strength and development. revolt share prices, for instance, tend to be associated with change magnitude business investment and vice versa. Share prices also affect the wealth of households and their consumption. Therefore, central banks tend to bear on an eye on the control and behavior of the stock market and, in general, on the smooth operation of financial system functions. financial constancy is the raison detre of central banks.Exchanges also act as the clearinghouse for each transaction, meaning that th ey collar and deliver the shares, and guarantee payment to the seller of a security. This eliminates the risk to an individual buyer or seller that the counterparty could default on the transaction. The smooth mental process of all these activities facilitates economic growth in that lower costs and initiative risks promote the production of goods and services as well as employment. In this way the financial system contributes to increased prosperity. Stock market index The movements of the prices in a market or section of a market are captured in price indices called stock market indices, of which there are many, e. g. , the S&P, the FTSE and the Euronext indices. Such indices are usually market capitalization weighted, with the weights reflecting the contribution of the stock to the index. The constituents of the index are reviewed frequently to include/ uprise stocks in order to reflect the changing business environment. Derivative instruments Financial innovation has brou ght many new financial instruments whose pay-offs or values depend on the prices of stocks.Some examples are exchange-traded funds (ETFs), stock index and stock options, equity swaps, single-stock futures, and stock index futures. These last two may be traded on futures exchanges (which are distinct from stock exchangestheir history traces back to commodities futures exchanges), or traded over-the-counter. As all of these products are only derived from stocks, they are sometimes considered to be traded in a (hypothetical) derivatives market, rather than the (hypothetical) stock market. Leveraged strategies Stock that a trader does not actually own may be traded utilise short selling allowance account buying may be used to purchase stock with borrowed funds or, derivatives may be used to control large blocks of stocks for a much smaller amount of money than would be postulate by outright purchase or sales. Short selling In short selling, the trader borrows stock (usually from his brokerage which holds its clients shares or its own shares on study to lend to short sellers) then sells it on the market, hoping for the price to fall.The trader eventually buys back the stock, making money if the price fell in the meantime and losing money if it rose. Exiting a short position by buying back the stock is called covering a short position. This strategy may also be used by unscrupulous traders in illiquid or thinly traded markets to artificially lower the price of a stock. Hence most markets either prevent short selling or place restrictions on when and how a short sale can occur. The practice of naked shorting is under-the-counter in most (but not all) stock markets.Margin buying In margin buying, the trader borrows money (at interest) to buy a stock and hopes for it to rise. Most industrialized countries have regulations that require that if the borrowing is based on confirmative from other stocks the trader owns outright, it can be a supreme of a certain p ercentage of those other stocks value. In the United States, the margin requirements have been 50 %% for many years (that is, if you want to make a $ super C investment, you need to put up $500, and there is often a attention margin below the $500).A margin call is made if the total value of the investors account cannot support the loss of the trade. (Upon a moderate in the value of the margined securities additional funds may be demand to restrain the accounts equity, and with or without notice the margined security or any others at heart the account may be sold by the brokerage to protect its add position. The investor is responsible for any shortfall following such agonistic sales. ) law of margin requirements (by the Federal Reserve) was implemented after the dash of 1929. beforehand that, speculators typically only needed to put up as little as 10 percent (or even less) of the total investment be by the stocks purchased. Other rules may include the prohibition of free -riding move in an order to buy stocks without paying initially (there is normally a three-day blessing period for delivery of the stock), but then selling them (before the three-days are up) and using part of the proceeds to make the original payment (assuming that the value of the stocks has not declined in theIn margin buying, the trader borrows money (at interest) to buy a stock and hopes for it to rise. Most industrialized countries have regulations that require that if the borrowing is based on collateral from other stocks the trader owns outright, it can be a maximum of a certain percentage of those other stocks value. In the United States, the margin requirements have been 50 %% for many years (that is, if you want to make a $1000 investment, you need to put up $500, and there is often a maintenance margin below the $500).A margin call is made if the total value of the investors account cannot support the loss of the trade. (Upon a decline in the value of the margined secu rities additional funds may be required to maintain the accounts equity, and with or without notice the margined security or any others within the account may be sold by the brokerage to protect its loan position. The investor is responsible for any shortfall following such forced sales. ) Regulation of margin requirements (by the Federal Reserve) was implemented after the Crash of 1929.Before that, speculators typically only needed to put up as little as 10 percent (or even less) of the total investment represented by the stocks purchased. Other rules may include the prohibition of free-riding putting in an order to buy stocks without paying initially (there is normally a three-day grace period for delivery of the stock), but then selling them (before the three-days are up) and using part of the proceeds to make the original payment (assuming that the value of the stocks has not declined in theIn margin buying, the trader borrows money (at interest) to buy a stock and hopes for it to rise. Most industrialized countries have regulations that require that if the borrowing is based on collateral from other stocks the trader owns outright, it can be a maximum of a certain percentage of those other stocks value. In the United States, the margin requirements have been 50 %% for many years (that is, if you want to make a $1000 investment, you need to put up $500, and there is often a maintenance margin below the $500).A margin call is made if the total value of the investors account cannot support the loss of the trade. (Upon a decline in the value of the margined securities additional funds may be required to maintain the accounts equity, and with or without notice the margined security or any others within the account may be sold by the brokerage to protect its loan position. The investor is responsible for any shortfall following such forced sales. ) Regulation of margin requirements (by the Federal Reserve) was implemented after the Crash of 1929.Before that, sp eculators typically only needed to put up as little as 10 percent (or even less) of the total investment represented by the stocks purchased. Other rules may include the prohibition of free-riding putting in an order to buy stocks without paying initially (there is normally a three-day grace period for delivery of the stock), but then selling them (before the three-days are up) and using part of the proceeds to make the original payment (assuming that the value of the stocks has not declined in theNew issuance Global issuance of equity and equity-related instruments totaled $505 billion in 2004, a 29. 8 %% increase over the $389 billion raised in 2003. Initial public offerings (IPOs) by US issuers increased 221 %% with 233 offerings that raised $45 billion, and IPOs in Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) increased by 333 %%, from $ 9 billion to $39 billion. Taxation According to much national or state legislation, a large array of financial obligations are taxed for capital gai ns.Taxes are charged by the state over the transactions, dividends and capital gains on the stock market, in particular in the stock exchanges. However, these fiscal obligations may vary from jurisdictions to jurisdictions because, among other reasons, it could be assumed that tax is already incorporated into the stock price through the different taxes companies pay to the state, or that tax free stock market operations are useful to boost economic growth.
Friday, January 18, 2019
The War of 1812 Could Have Been Avoided
Konrad Bradbury 8/20/13 History The state of contend of 1812 The war of 1812, a war that some people tend to referto as the atomic number 16 revolutionary war. But could it fuddle been avoided? Well yes it most sure enough could have been avoided, but then again couldnt most wars have been avoided? though some people do not have the same cerebrateing. opposite ring that the war of 1812 was unavoidable, that it was destined to happen. Well what reasons do they have to study that? Though what reason do i have to think what i do? Well i will tell you.One reason that i think that the whole war could have erect been avoided is because the british exclusively disragarded the maritime acts of the coupled states. After a country that was a speed of light times smaller than you just beat you you are going to go ahead and act completely oblivious to that ssame countries rules? Sounds very enkindleing to the people that just got away from you right? Right, the Americans did not ta ke this lightly. But that couldnt be the precisely reason that this whole war could have been avoided could it? No.The british might as well of just went up to the president of the united states and told him too whop off. They seemed to not care at all what they did to the americans. other thing that they did was that they were meddlesome with all of the trade of the united states. Though even worse they were intercepting american ships and illegally improsining the american seamen. This as you can imagine would greatly anger the united states. The president at the time Madison demanded that britain revoke the oder in the council that declared american commercial vessels subject to interception and seizure.Britian ingnored this demand. Which angered the U. S. even more(prenominal) and congress declared war. After about a week of the declartation britain take away the provocative order and so there was no longer reason for a war to arise. There are some people including me that think that if there was better communication between europe and the united states and north-central america then the war could have been avoided entirely. Some people care to call the war of 1812 the piece revolutionary war. But how could this be if the united states of american was already free of briatin.Well some people think that this is the second revolutionary war because they think that the americans were pretty much showing erstwhile again that they were there own country witht their own rules and their own trading. Which in that sense does kind of make it the second revolutionary war for america. Another reason that the war of 1812 is a second revolutionary war is because of what happened in the war. The britsish came and completely burned Washington D. C. down to the ground. This is actually where our star jeweled banner came from.Which personally i think is one of the best reasons to scan that it was the second revolutionary war. So in all technicality this was the second revolutionary war because we were fighting from the british so that we were able to have a rights as a free country. Why not verbalise thats what it is? Because that is exacty what it was. After all the reasearch that was done to be able to write this wallpaper i do and will always strongly believe that the war of 1812 most certainly could have been avoided entirely.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Quality Customer Service and IT
In times past tone of voice service was not important to man senescers and staff that constituteed for the County of San Bernardino. However due to the proliferation of corruption and mismanagement taxpayers are demanding more for their dollar. It is a known fact that when local government is run efficiently more people can be put to move around. The money saved from this can in turn be used to benefit the local cities. Civic improvements can be do instead of paying for people to sit at home. To create this musical note service information technology needed to be implemented. This where the BAS or (Business Applications and Support) percentage enters the picture. The mission of BAS is to provide quality data processor software support by dint of a customer service oriented methodology.A while back, in front ITSD, there were ASU (Automated Systems Unit) psychoanalysts who lead and coordinated automation projects. They would gather up the requests from the antithetic SSG di visions/departments, do a preliminary analysis, write a work come in stating the request and/or problem that was to be solved through automation. The work order would then find its way to ISD ( culture Services Department) where it would be assign to a programmer analyst who would do an in-depth analysis with the help of the ASU analyst and define the requirements for the automation project. The programming would begin and soon, a new program was created and deployed. The requests and problems soon began to multiply and expand until it was like a virtual blizzard of requests, too many for one base unit to keep under control.Help arrived around 1990 in the form of the Automation Project decision maker the first of the Automation Coordination Specialists equanimous together to relieve some of the warhead falling on ASU. The Automation Project Administrator soon gathered in a handful of Automation Coordination Specialists who took on much of the cheat of the initial analysi s of automation requests and problem definition. They met with the users, defined the problem, wrote the initial work order, which then went to ASU to forward to ISD, and of decennium worked with the ISD programmers. The two units, ASU and ACU, found themselves still uneffective to keep up with the many automation requests, particularly since ASU had years forward branched out into computer hardware requisition and maintenance.Then came Information Technology and Support Division (ITSD). ASU and ACU merged into one entity, a small (but growing) and mighty automation division. ASU became Systems Operations and Support (SOS) and ACU became BAS Business Applications and Support.The BAS Analysts do in-depth analyses of computer software requests, working with the users and their management, write detailed functionality and design specs and work with the programmers to make sure that the final product is what the user requested and lead meet the needs of the department. Support nearl y all software applications at heart SSG, including the TAD Mainframe Benefit Issuance System GAPPS, CWS/CMS and a countless of PC based applications as well as intranet/internet.A dislodge in technology has occurred in the past, and will continue at change magnitude rate. What will we use in five short years, in ten years. the future of office automation will be achieved by all of us working together. This is important in this day and age when quality customer service is the buzzword for all branches of civil service. The link chart shows what the long-term plan is for the County of San Bernardino. These improvements will enable the line proletarian to put more people to work and less people on the public dole. Logo Essay
Myntra was established by Mukesh Bansal and Sankar Bora in February 2007. The other key members ar Ashutosh Lawania, and Vineet Saxena. All of them are IIT/IIM alumni, and have worked for several start-ups. Myntra is headquartered in Bangalore and has been funded by s blast capital of the United States funds like IndoUS, IDG & angstrom unit Accel Partners.5 The company started off in the railway line of personalization of products, and soon expanded to set up regional offices in New Delhi,Mumbai and Chennai. It began its operations in the B2B (business to business) segment with the personalization of gifts, which included T-shirts, mugs and caps to name a few. However, in 2010, the company shifted its strategy to becoming a B2C (business to practiseer) oriented firm, expanding its memorial to fashion and life-style products.From 2007 to December 2010, was in the business of online demand personalization. 6 The products ranged from T-shirts, mugs, salutation cards, calendars, key chains, diaries, wine glasses, coasters and many a(prenominal) such products with photographs, matchless-liners and slogans. In three years, Myntra became one of the Indias largest on-demand personalization platform for products and gifts with everywhere a 50% market appoint 7 Myntra 8 tolerateed personalized jerseys of several cricket and football teams such as police squad India, IPL teams, national football teams, and Premier League football teams. New business focus and productsMyntra has tied up with exculpate fashion and life-style brands in India, such as Nike, Inc., Reebok, Puma, Adidas, Asics, Lee, Lotto, Decathlon, FILA, John Miller, colorful Nation etc. to offer a wide range of incumbent season merchandise from these brands 9 Myntra soon offers products from more(prenominal) than 350 Indian and international brands. 10 These include shoes for ravel outning, tennis, football, basketball and fitness, on with casual footwear from world-re o utrightned industry leaders like Nike, Puma, Converse, Adidas, Decathlon, Reebok, Lee Cooper, Numero Uno, Skechers, Crocks, Asics, Fila, Lotto, ID and many more.There are also casual and dressy footwear for women from Catwalk, Carlton capital of the United Kingdom and Red Tape to name a few. Myntra also stocks T-shirts for men and women from general brands like Jealous 21, Forever New, Classic Polo, Inkfruit, Lee, Nike, Inc., Probase, Puma, Adidas, Reebok, Ed Hardy, Decathlon, Lotto, Ediots, Mr. Men, Tantra and Guerilla. The website has also launched existence Human and Fastrack watches. 11 12 13In July 31, 2012 Bollywood actorKalki Koechlin launches Myntras Star N Style feature.14 -Business is an aggregator of many brands. Its business model is based on procuring current season merchandise from various brands and making them available on the doorway at the same time as in respective sell brand outlets. All these products are offered to customers on MRP. 15 In October 2007, Myntra received a seed funding from Accel Partners (formerly Erasmic Venture Fund), Sasha Mirchandani from Mumbai Angels and another angel investor. In November 2008, Myntra brocaded with its A funding of $5 million from NEA-IndoUS Ventures, IDG Ventures and Accel Partners. 16 In the minute round of funding led by Tiger Global and participated by existing investors IDG Ventures and Indo-US Venture Partners, Myntra raised $14 million.Towards the end of 2011, raised $20 million in its third round of funding led by Tiger Global.17 Myntra launched a brand campaign with its first TVC in July 2011. The mercantile juxtaposes unfermented-age fashion with old-world grit and positions Myntra as a fashionable sassyly age brand. 18 19 20 21 Myntras second campaign, with the tagline Ramp It Up, was launched in October 2011 with a TVC. The new ad scored high on fashion quotient and the core cognitive content was to communicate the launch of the Autumn Winter 20 11 collection on In February 2012, Myntra also rolled out an OOH (out of home) campaign across Tier 2 cities, to to puddle brand awareness and promote online hauntping. 23 In June 2012, Myntra launched its third campaign. Created by Taproot, the communication emphasises the benefits of buying online, and is titled Real life mein aisa hota hai which they offer guiltless shipping,cash on delivery,30 day return & 24 hours dispatch 24 Myntra proceed the Real life mein aisa hota hai kya theme in its next campaign in October 2012 and extended it to showcase its wide catalog and hassle-free Returns Policy.25 RevenueIn the exsert round (Nov 2010), Myntra raised $14mn and in 2008, raised $5mn from NEA-IUV, IDG Ventures and Accel. Myntra started as a custom gifting service and later morphed into an online store fashion store selling lifestyle products. The latest round of $20mn funding (Series C) will be used to build its logistics service (they have already start ed their own logistic service) and expansion into new categories. targets Rs 500 crores revenue for the next fiscal, the largest online retailer of fashion and lifestyle products in India, is aiming revenues of Rs 500 crores in the financial year 2012- 2013. The company which entered the lifestyle and fashion retailing segment in December 2010 has registered a 10 fold growth in 2011 and is relatively, the fastest growing company in the e-commerce space in India.Mr. Mukesh Bansal (Founder & CEO) said, Myntra has undergone phenomenal growth in the resist 12 months and has emerged as the clear leader in Fashion/ life style space. We have been consistently doubling every 4 months and have now reached a scale where we ship up to 10,000 products every day. We are planning to cross revenue of Rs 500 crores in FY 12-13 which will further beef up Myntras leadership position in the lifestyle phratry.This is an exciting category with the total market size projected to be over $ degree centigrade billion in 5 years with mid single public figure portion being online, making this, possibly the largest online category in India. He further added, We have built the largest catalog in fashion & lifestyle category with over 200 brands, have very great supply-chain capabilities including world-class warehouse in multiple cities and our own logistics network in large cities. We will continue to invest aggressively in our engine room platform, supply-chain and the Myntra brand to rapidly scale the is ranked among the leading e-commerce companies in India and is the largest online retailer of lifestyle and fashion products. The company was started by a pigeonholing of IIT/IIM graduates in 2007 and is headquartered in Bangalore. Funded by top tier Venture Capital Funds, Myntra is among the best funded e-commerce companies in the country today. Myntra, which started as an online culture for personalized products sec ond in 2007, has expanded into broader lifestyle and fashion retailing.Today, Myntra is the largest online lifestyle retailer with over 200 national and international brands under its banner. Myntra has brought in a new level of professionalism and technology enablement to the e-commerce space in India. For consumers, this translates to superior experience, broader product excerption and unmatched efficiency, thus adding to a better purchasing decision. The companys unique offerings include the largest in-season product catalogue, 100% au pasttic products, cash on delivery, and 30 day return policy, making Myntra the preferred online breakping destination in the country.Products* There are also casual and dressy footwear for women from Catwalk, Carlton London and Red Tape to name a few. To offer a wide range of current season merchandise from these brands. Myntra currently offers products from more than 200 Indian and international brands. These include shoes for running, tennis, football, basketball and fitness, on with casual footwear from world-renowned industry leaders likeMyntra has tied up with top fashion and lifestyle brands in India, such as Nike, Reebok, Puma, Adidas, Asics, Lee, Lotto, Decathlon, FIFA, John Miller, Indigo Nation etc.*, Blue Bus Tees,, Myntra undoubtedly enjoyed the first performer advantage in the online retailing business. But Myntras success has been replicated by other companies that have now become competitors for Myntra. Some of them are Diff amidst tradional bssness n e bussnessTraditional businesses and e-businesses both require you to have a business license. Registering your business name with the state registrar, acquiring a national tax ID number, researching local zoning and licensing regulations, purchasing insurance pertinent to your of necessity and establishing banking relationships are critical steps in setting up shop in either venue. While telecommunications equipme nt, office supplies and a marketing/ advertising budget are necessary expenses in both traditional and electronic commerce, a traditional business model has the added overhead of a periodic lease, utilities, staff salaries and benefits, exterior/interior maintenance costs and security systems. An e-business run from a home office utilizes resources that already exist and which are then prorated as deductionCustomer ConvenienceIf the weather is bad, the parking is a challenge or the hour is late when inspiration strikes to buy something, an e-business that is spread 24/7 often has more appeal to customers than a brick-and-mortar shop located across town and only open five years a week from 10 to 4. Shopping for goods electronically doesnt hardly save customers time and energy it can also save them from compensable sales taxes, provide them with more outlets to comparison-shop and eliminate the feeling of being pressured or followed around by a salesperson. Many customers, howeve r, prefer the efficiency to personally inspect the merchandise, ask for advice and assistance and be able to take their purchases home immediately rather than having to pay shipping costs and appreciation for delivery. A traditional business satisfies those needs in addition to elevation an environment of trust through personal conversation and face-time. ns for tax purposes.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Writing Skills Part 2
Student ID 21542212 Exam 986041RR WRITING SKILLS PART 2 When you have completed your exam and reviewed your answers, click Submit Exam. Answers will non be recorded until you hit Submit Exam. If you need to exit so hotshotr completing the exam, click Cancel Exam. Questions 1 to 20 Select the crush answer to each question. Note that a question and its answers may be split across a page break, so be for certain that you have seen the entire question and all the answers before choosing an answer. 1. Which of the sideline would be an appropriate port to add variety to your sentences? A. Add personal anecdotes. B. accustom questions and answers together. C. Use more close-up terminology. D. Make your sentences read like a spoken conversation. 2. Which of the quest statements active vocabulary building is not correct? A. The best way to improve your vocabulary is to memorize lists of vocabulary speech communication. B. Reading on a daily basis is very important for building your vocabulary. C. Using the mental lexicon is only one step in the process of vocabulary building. D. orthoepy is an important part of adding mod words to your vocabulary. 3. To put abstract ideas into close-up words, drug abuse _______ descriptions. A. general B. faraway C. mpersonal D. concrete 4. Increasing your vocabulary means A. youll save up more lively sentences. B. youll be able to spend more beat reading. C. youll spend less time on revision. D. youll bring out longer sentences. 5. Which one of the by-line statements about making your writing fun to read is not correct? A. Give your writing a personal touch by showing that youre interested in your subject. B. An anecdote or humorous extension is often more convincing than a strong argument. C. The conversation you indite must sound natural for the characters. D. Direct quotations should be reserved for characters in stories. . Which statement is most accurate regarding the speaking-writing connection?A. Written words rarely reflect the words people use when they speak. B. To own a word, write it over and over again. C. The words used by writers are not normally used in speaking. D. To own a word, speak it. 7. Which of the following direct quotations is punctuated properly? A. Way to go, Sean, the take shouted. That was a corking take the field B. Way to go, Sean, the coach shouted. That was a great run C. Way to go, Sean, the coach shouted. That was a great run D. Way to go, Sean, the coach shouted. That was a great run 8. Which one of the following sentences or phrases is most likely to be considered a cliche? A. How dead is a dead doornail? B. When in doubt, pout. C. expression before you leap. D. Are you a man or a moose? 9. Read the word in parentheses then decide which of these sentences most in effect translates an abstract concept into a mental picture. A. (Freedom) On her twenty-first birthday, Lola say herself a woman. B. (Studious) Lucy lay on her bed reading a underpin issue of National Geographic. C. (Rumors) Whispers of doubt filled the empty halls like the fume of boiled cabbage. D. Sunrise) The rising sun transformed the canyon into bright rock n roll and deep shadow. 10. A synonym is a word thats A. pronounced the same. B. blow in meaning. C. defined in a thesaurus. D. similar in meaning. 11. bugger off the sentence with the alert voice. A. The bill was passed by the legislature. B. The chairman told me that the legislature passed the bill. C. It was voted by the legislature to pass. D. I was told by the chairman that the bill was passed by the legislature. 12. An reverse is a word thats A. defined in a thesaurus. B. the same in meaning. C. pronounced the same. D. opposite in meaning. 13.A cliche is a _______ expression. A. worn-out B. new C. foreign D. wordy 14. Which one of the following sentences is written in the active voice? A. Accidents are considered by most people as unavoidable. B. It is tell that definite steps can be taken to pre vent numerous accidents. C. Accidents are witnessed every day. D. Few people think seriously of doing something about accidents. 15. Anna is an exceptional young girl. _______ Anna does any job that needs to be done. To exchange the sentence structure, which one of the following sentences should you insert in the blank? A. Anna whole shebang hard every day of her life.B. Anna is a hardworking and versatile person. C. rescue you noticed how hard she works? D. Anna is always working hard at home. 16. Freewriting is an exercise in which you A. rewrite an article in a powder magazine or newspaper. B. write only grammatically correct sentences. C. revise and go through an essay. D. write whatever your thoughts are in no particular order. 17. When use direct quotations in your writing, which of the following should be placed outside the come down of quotation marks? A. Comma B. Question mark C. Period D. Semicolon 18. Which of the following words is most likely to carry a connotat ion?A. travel B. Stand C. Stride D. Walk 19. When we speak of the flavor of a word, were talk about the supernumerary understood meanings that it carries in addition to its main meaning. These extra meanings are called A. connotations. B. definitions. C. denotations. D. shadings. 20. Which sentence best describes clustering? A. You write down words or ideas in chronological order. B. Youre generating words that suggest possible themes for an essay. C. Youre generating words that suggest possible sentences or paragraphs. D. You write down words or ideas that occur to you in no particular order. End of exam
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Advertising to Children Notes Essay
* Children cannot comprehend advertizing mess ripens due to their novel age. * Children dont empathize persuasive inclination until they ar eight or nine years old and that it is unethical to advertise to them originally then. According to Karpatkin and Holmes from the Consumers Union, Young squirtren, in classicular, establish difficulty in distinguishing betwixt advertising and genuinelyity in ads, and ads can distort their view of the terra firma. to boot churlren be un adapted to evaluate advertising claims. Beder, 1998) * Older children pay slight economic aid to advertisements and atomic number 18 more(prenominal) subject to variantiate surrounded by the ads and TV programs but they ar to a fault easy prey for advertisers. Around puberty, in their early teens, children atomic number 18 forming their feature identities and they are higher(prenominal)ly vulner satisfactory to air pressure to conform to group standards and mores. At this age they fee l insecure and fate to feel that they belong to their friction match group.Advertising manipulates them by means of their insecurities, verifyking to confine normality for them influencing the way they view and obtain appropriate models for the adult world and under(a)mining fundamental human values in the germinatement of the identity of children. Advertisements actively encourage them to seek happiness and esteem through consumption. (Beder, 1998) * Younger children a lot do not understand the persuasive intent of advertisements, and hence far cured children probably ready difficulty understanding the intent of newer trade techniques that conf engross the line between commercial-grade and program content. Calvert, 2008)* unmatched key area in research on the effect of advertising on children has been depth psychology of age-based changes in childrens ability to understand commercial messages, particularly their intent. earlier they constitute the age of eight, children believe that the purpose of commercials is to help them in their acquire decisions they are unaware that commercials are designed to persuade them to buy specialized products. The shifts that take propose in childrens understanding of commercial intent are better explained put on theories of cognitive development. Calvert, 2008) * During the stage of pre operative thought, roughly from age two to age seven, young children are perceptually bound and stress on properties such as how a product looks. Young children also use animistic thinking, believing that imaginary events and characters can be real. For instance, during the Christmas season, telecasting is flooded with commercials that foster an crap-to doe with in the toys that Santa ordain bring in his sleigh pulled by flying commanddeer. Young children buy in to these fantasies and the consumer agriculture they represent.Preoperational modes of thought put young children at a distinct loss in understanding c ommercial intent and, thus, in being up to(p) to make informed decisions about requests and purchases of products. (Calvert, 2008) * With the advent of concrete operational thought, between age seven and age eleven, children get off to understand their world more realistically. They understand, for example, that perceptual manipulations do not change the underlying properties of objects. More important, they begin to go beyond the instruction given in a commercial and grasp that the intent of advertisers is to give away products.By the stage of formal operational thought, about age twelve and upward, adoles cen ages can reason abstractly and understand the motives of advertisers even to the point of emergence cynical about advertising. (Calvert, 2008) * Increased use of the meshwork to target children offers increasing opportunities for advertisers to convey their messages. * A new arena for advertising is the net. It is estimated that about four million children are using t he meshing worldwide and this figure is bound to increase dramatically over the beside few years. Beder, 1998) * As the enormous increase in the repress of getable television channels has led to smaller audiences for each channel, digital interactive technologies invite simultaneously opened new routes to narrow cast to children, thereby creating a growing media space just for children and childrens products. (Calvert, 2008)* Newer marketing approaches have led to online advertising and to so-called stealth marketing techniques, such as embedding products in the program content in films, online, and in video games. Calvert, 2008) * telly has long been the staple of advertising to children and early days. Children view approximately 40,000 advertisements each year. The products marketed to children sugarcoated cereals, unbendable food restaurants, candy, and toyshave remained relatively constant over clock prison term. But traffickers are now unioniseing these same kinds of products to children online. (Calvert, 2008) * Rapid growth in the number of television stations and online venues has also led advertisers to market instantaneously to children and juvenility.Because children and youth are heavy media users and early weders of newer technologies, media marketing and advertising campaigns using two(prenominal) television and newer media are efficient pathways into childrens homes and lives. Although television is still the preferred medium for reaching children and youth, marketers are exploring how to reach this age group online using cell phones, iPods, game platforms, and oppo billet digital devices. Banner ads, for example, which resemble tralatitious billboard ads but market a product across the crownwork of an Internet page, appear on most webpages.And advergames integrate products such as cereal and candy into online video games to sell products to youth. (Calvert, 2008) * Although television is still the plethoric venue for adve rtising, marketers are exploring new ways to market to children and adolescents through online media and radio set devices, often using stealth techniques whereby consumers are immersed in gradeed environments, oftentimes without knowing that they are being exposed to sophisticated marketing campaigns. Marketers carefully prove children and adolescents interest patterns, focusing on games for tweens, as well as communication software for teens.Tracking these patterns provides extensive information that marketers now analyze in aggregate form, but that can, in the future, be used for one-on-one relational marketing strategies directed at specific individuals. (Calvert, 2008) * Online interactive agents are a practical(prenominal) form of stealth advertising. Marketers program robots, or bots, to solution? to surfers who initiate a conversation. Such bots are programmed to respond to users in a one-on-one relational way that builds brand loyalty, as for instance, with virtual bartenders who chew up to those who visit their sites.These alcohol-related websites feature humor, games, and hip language to appeal to minors. (Calvert, 2008) * Many companies have realized that children, particularly tweens and teens, enjoy using technology for education, communication, and pastime purposes. The Internet allows tweens and teens to become involved with, explore, and learn about products when and where they want to (Schumann and Thorson, 2007).* Some marketers advise that the best way to engage children through the Internet is by the use of viral or buzz marketing strategies that encourage children to email their avourite commercials and other product information to each other (Schumann and Thorson, 2007). As the Internet has go along to grow in prominence and commercial strength, concerns about this medium have grown accordingly, particularly as they relate to children and teens (Schumann and Thorson, 2007).* Typically, these concerns focus around issues of ti me spent on the Internet and its effect on intellectual and accessible development, the vulnerability of children to advertisers tactics and childrens access to inappropriate content (Schumann and Thorson, 2007). One of the concerns often voiced about children and Internet advertising is how much time children are exposed to advertising messages man online and also how much attention they pay to these messages (Schumann and Thorson, 2007). * Because exposure to Internet advertising is not regulated like advertising on broadcast television, there is concern about the essence of exposure that a child whitethorn have to advertising messages. On television, a single advertisement for a single brand may last 30-60 seconds before switching to another advertisement.On the internet, however, a child can die hours on a single web site playing games, chatting to friends, catching up on product news, all while being continually exposed to a range of persuasive messages for that brand (Sch umann and Thorson, 2007). * While television and other media have long been used to sell to children, the Internet presents some important differences. For example, television advertisers are asked to maintain a clear separation between content and advertising Internet advertisers are not.And television advertisers are prohibited from using their corporate logos both as content and pitchmen at the same time Internet advertisers hardiness no such restrictions. As a result, Tony the Tiger has free rein among the games, quizzes and activities on Kelloggs site, while on television he is qualified to station breaks (Carleton, 2000). * Today, children spend an estimated $130 million annually, and bring another $ergocalciferol million in household purchases.And the Internet is a great place to reach those young consumers (Carleton, 2000). * Unlike conventional media, the Internet allows children and adolescents to access different kinds of content, and a specific characteristic is that this can be done in privacy, without the knowledge of parents (Marshall, 2010). * The most influential sources of information for children today making decisions and retentivity contact with peers are media, meaning that children receive far more information from media than from parents and schools.This phenomenon has been called the parallel school of media, which means that children and adolescents will daily use up several hours on various media (Marshall, 2010). * Children can very quickly adopt and use new media technology and companies and advertising agencies are extremely advance(a) and creative when it is a question of targeting children with commercial messages (Marshall, 2010).* Children are targeted because of the amount of bullion they spend on themselves, the crop they have on their parents and because of the money they will spend when they grow up (three different markets). Young children are increasingly the target of advertising and marketing because of the amou nt of money they spend themselves, the influence they have on their parents spending (the nag factor) and because of the money they will spend when they grow up. (Beder, 1998) * Children represent three different markets. In addition to the direct money that children spend and the money they influence, children also represent a ordinal major market and perhaps the most significant and that is the future market.Advertisers live that brand loyalties and consumer habits formed when children are young and vulnerable will be carried through to adulthood. (Beder, 1998) * In Australia, children under 18 have an average $31. 60 to spend each week and they influence more than 70 per cent of their parents clothes and fast food purchases. (Beder, 1998) * Both the discretionary income of children and their power to influence parent purchases have increased over time. (Calvert, 2008) * The affluence of todays children and adolescents has made youth a market eminently worthy of chase by busine sses. Calvert, 2008)* Evolution of a child consumer. (Beder, 1998) From age 1 incident Parents and Observing. Children are taken with their parents to supermarkets and other stores where all sorts of goodies are displayed. By the time a child can sit erect, he or she is position in his or her culturally be observation post high atop a shopping cart. From this vantage point the child waistband safety in proximity to parents but can see for the set-back time the wonderland of marketing. From age 2 Accompanying Parents and Requesting.Children begin to ask for things that they see and make connections between television advertising and store contents. They pay more attention to those ads and the list of things they want increases. At the same time, the youngster is erudition how to get parents to respond to his or her wishes and wants. This may take the form of a grunt, whine, scream, or gestureindeed some tears may be necessarybut eventually almost all children are able on a re gular basis to persuade Mom or Dad to buy something for them. From age 3 Accompanying Parents and Selecting with Permission.Children are able to come down from the shopping trolley and make their own choices. They are able to recognise brands and locate goods in the store. At this point the child has completed many connections, from advertisements to wants, to stores, to displays, to packages, to retrieval of want-satisfying products. For many parents this is a pleasing experience. ditto mark for the marketers, for it signals the beginning of the childs understanding of the want-satisfaction process in a market-driven society. From age 4 Accompanying Parents and make In hooklike Purchases.The final whole tone in their development as a consumer is learning to pay for their purchases at the checkout counter. From age 5 Going to the Store Alone and Making Independent Purchases. By the age of eight children make most of their own buying decisions. * Integrating a variety of diffe rent theoretical perspectives, Patti Valkenburg and Joanne hazan advanced a developmental model? of how children become consumers * In the stolon stage (birth to two years), toddlers and infants have desires and preferences, but they are not til now true consumers because they are not yet truly goal-directed in their product choices. During the second stage (two to five years), preschoolers nag and negotiate, asking for and even demanding certain products.At this point in their development, young children do not understand the persuasive intent of commercials they focus on the attractive qualities of products and cannot sustain their minds off the products for long. These developmental characteristics make them extremely vulnerable to commercial advertisements. By the end of this stage, children replace whining and throwing tantrums to get a desired product with more effective negotiation.In early elementary school (five to eight years), children reach the stage of adventure and first purchases. They begin to make clearer distinctions between what is real and what is imaginary, their attention spans are longer, and they make their first purchases outside the company of their parents. * In the final stage (eight to twelve years), elementary school children are attuned to their peer groups opinions. Their particular skills to assess products emerge, and their understanding of others emotions improves considerably.In the later years of this stage, interest shifts from toys to more adult-like products, such as music and sports equipment. Although childrens consumer behaviors continue to develop during the adolescent years, the foundation is laid in these early years with a progression from simple wants and desires to a search to fulfill those desires to making in- dependent choices and purchases to evaluating the product and its competition * (All Beder, 1998). The ability of elementary children to recognize both traditional online advertising such as banner and button ads and embedded advertising that is part of advergames seems to be limited.With only about a third of the children able to accurately identify advertising, a large percentage is left unable to identify advertising content. * Childrens culture is increasingly dominated and defined by market interests, as advertisers, childrens industries, and other producers of consumer goods clamour to restrain the hearts, minds and pocketbooks of this profitable demographic. * The worldly concern of online communities and spaces for children and youth has thus become a growing and lucrative endevour for many media, toy and food companies.This article provides a critical analysis of one such online community called NeoPets, whose premise is that users create or adopt a virtual pet to nuture. * Acquisition of currency (called NeoPoints), gained by playing various games, exchanging or selling items, filling out marketing surveys, and entering contests and games of chance, allows for the purchase o pet food and other virtual consumer products. * Neopets is part of a landscape of global, youthful, digital entertainment products that have emerged with the Internet and technological convergence.In its few years of operation, 16 million users have created Neopets. According to promotional material, Neopets is one of the fastest growing Internet youth communities. * The neopets site generates revenue through a scheme it calls immersive marketing, a scheme similar to product placement in films. Food manufacturers and entertainment giants have thus flocked to neopets, eager to reach this youthful market through insinuation of their brand in games and activities on the site. * Neopets generates a substantial part of its revenue by providing market research and consumer studies of its users. The neopets website exemplifies the new childrens digital media culture- a culture which fosters deepening levels of intimacy between marketer and children by dissolving traditional ba rriers between content and commerce.* In neopia, products and brand names are integrated within the many games and features that are part of the rich content on the site. Advertisers and entertainment companies such as Walt Disney, McDonalds and Mattel have flocked to Neopets, eager to reach the tween and teen market. * The majority of neopets users are under 18 years of age, with 39% below the age of 12 and 40% between 13-17 years old. Neopets conforms to modern conventions found in Saturday-morning cartoon series, comics, childrens advertising and product design the use of a brightly colourful palate, with a predominance of primary and secondary colours, and highly-stylized bubbly graphics.* Immersive advertising directly integrates a sponsors product or service into the activities functional with in the site. Advertisers hope that immersive advertising campaigns will encourage children to play with the products, thus enabling them to later identify their brand. As children and youth continue to elaborate their access and presence on the Internet, they adopt participatory roles in the creation of online content and contribute in meaningful ways to online environments, including games and communities.* As children are sucked into the commercial marker in an increasingly competitive cradle-to-grave branding scheme, neopets strategy of immersive advertising amidst a fantastical community concerned with the ethos of acquisition and entrepreneurialism as entertainment provides a salient example of childhood as a cultural space constituted by consumerism. Neopets global marketing strategy of cross-media licensing and integrated marketing is a blatant example of branding childrens media environments. Slapping consumer culture onto childrens culture means we are denying children a period of autonomy and agency in creating their own spaces.
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