Friday, May 31, 2019
Discuss the ways in which Poets make use of form and language to :: English Literature
Discuss the ways in which Poets make use of plaster cast and language topresent their views on love and conglutination.In this raise I will be comparing A Woman to her lover by ChristinaWalsh, and mean by Christina Rossetti. These two poems werescripted in the patriarchal pre 20th century. I will also betalking about My last Duchess by Robert Browning, and How do I lovethee? by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. These four poets have disparateviews on marriage and love, they differ in the tone of language theyspeak in, and what they speak about.The poem A Woman To Her fan By Christina Walsh is a adventurous poemWalsh cuts straight to making her points on love and marriage. Shewants to be her husbands coadjutor and partner not his striver That Ishall be your comrade, friend and mate. She starts her first stanzawith three rhetorical questions, Do you come to me to bend to yourwill To make me of your bond slave To check you children, wearingout my manners. She seems as if she is h aving an argument, as she endsthe first and second stanza with exclamation marks. She also usesImagery Do you want to vanquish me? it is like a battle is takingplace. Walsh repeats I refuse you twice. In a way it seems likeChristina Walsh is being a little stubborn, or maybe she is trying toget the point through that, she wants her marriage to be an equal one,not were there is a dominant male does the ordering about, and alittle meek distaff who does what the male says.The poem Remember By Christina Rossetti is a petrarchan sonnet, withiambic pentameter. The tone is peaceful and there is a lot of use ofmetaphors, for example ... far into the tranquil orbit. Rossetti usespersonal pronouns a lot in this particular poem, she uses the wordsme and you a lot in the poem, she doesnt not use the word exsanguine provided uses silent land instead because she doesnt want her husband tofeel miserable when she is gone. She also uses imagery to describetheir relationship. Rossetti repeats th e word Remember a great dealin the poem. She is saying to her husband that she doesnt want him tofeel sad when he remembers her when she dies, but she doesnt want himto forget her either, but if it causes him pain when he remembers herthen, she would quite he forget her.Both Rossetti and Walsh are talking to their husbands in their poemsDiscuss the ways in which Poets make use of form and language to English LiteratureDiscuss the ways in which Poets make use of form and language topresent their views on love and marriage.In this essay I will be comparing A Woman to her lover by ChristinaWalsh, and Remember by Christina Rossetti. These two poems werewritten in the patriarchal pre twentieth century. I will also betalking about My last Duchess by Robert Browning, and How do I lovethee? by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. These four poets have differentviews on marriage and love, they differ in the tone of language theyspeak in, and what they speak about.The poem A Woman To Her Lover By Christina Walsh is a bold poemWalsh gets straight to making her points on love and marriage. Shewants to be her husbands friend and partner not his slave That Ishall be your comrade, friend and mate. She starts her first stanzawith three rhetorical questions, Do you come to me to bend to yourwill To make me of your bond slave To bear you children, wearingout my life. She seems as if she is having an argument, as she endsthe first and second stanza with exclamation marks. She also usesImagery Do you want to vanquish me? it is like a battle is takingplace. Walsh repeats I refuse you twice. In a way it seems likeChristina Walsh is being a little stubborn, or maybe she is trying toget the point through that, she wants her marriage to be an equal one,not were there is a dominant male does the ordering about, and alittle meek female who does what the male says.The poem Remember By Christina Rossetti is a petrarchan sonnet, withiambic pentameter. The tone is peaceful and there is a lot o f use ofmetaphors, for example ... far into the silent land. Rossetti usespersonal pronouns a lot in this particular poem, she uses the wordsme and you a lot in the poem, she doesnt not use the word deadbut uses silent land instead because she doesnt want her husband tofeel miserable when she is gone. She also uses imagery to describetheir relationship. Rossetti repeats the word Remember a great dealin the poem. She is saying to her husband that she doesnt want him tofeel sad when he remembers her when she dies, but she doesnt want himto forget her either, but if it causes him pain when he remembers herthen, she would rather he forget her.Both Rossetti and Walsh are talking to their husbands in their poems
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Importance of Identity in Toni Morrisons The Bluest Eye :: The Bluest Eye Essays
The use of characters as symbols is a common literary device, and Toni Morrison employs it to great effect. In Morrisons novel, The Bluest Eye, the central theme is the influences of the family and participation in the quest for individual identity (Baker, 2008). This theme is recurrent throughout the novel and she uses the characters of Pecola Breedlove, Cholly Breedlove, and Pauline Breedlove as symbols for it. However, these characters are not merely symbols of the effects of the family and fraternity on an individuals quest for identity, they are overly representative of the quest of the many black people that were migrating north in search of correct opportunities. The Breedlove family is not a family in the social sense. Essentially, they are a group of people living under the same roof, a family by name only. Cholly (the father) is an dry man who literally beats his wife Pauline and sexually abuses his daughter Pecola. Pauline is a mammy to a kind, white family and she c omes to love them more than her biologic family for obvious reasons. Pecola is a delicate, small girl who holds a very ridiculous image of herself. Because she does not live up to the worlds standard of sweetheart and have blue look, she believes herself to be ugly. As a result, she prays every night that she will wake up with blue eyes. Brought up as a poor unwanted girl, Pecola Breedlove desires the acceptance and love of society. The image of Shirley Temple beauty surrounds her. In her mind, if she was to be beautiful, people would finally love and accept her. The idea that blue eyes are a necessity for beauty has been imprinted on Pecola her whole life. If I looked different, beautiful, maybe Cholly would be different, and Mrs. Breedlove too. Maybe they would say, Why look at pretty eyed Pecola. We mustnt do bad things in front of those pretty blue eyes (Morrison 46). Many people have helped imprint this ideal of beauty on her. Mr. Yacowbski as a symbol for the residuum of societys norm, treats her as if she were invisible. He does not see her, because for him there is nothing to see. How can a fifty-two-year-old white immigrant storekeeper... see a little black girl? (Morrison 48). Her classmates also have an effect on her. They seem to think that because she is not beautiful, she is not worth anything except as the focal point of their mockery.
Huckleberry Finn :: Mark Twain
Journey Adventure or OtherIn the novel Huckleberry Finn by home run Twain two unlikely people end up sharing fond memories. A runaway juvenile named Huckleberry Finn and a runaway slave named Jim go on an adventure that will give them everlasting memories. Traveling down the river was more than an exciting and amusing adventure for both Huck and Jim. A unblemished example of Huck and Jims relationship is. When we was ten foot off Tom whispered to me, and wanted to tie Jim to the tree for fun. But I state no. (Chap2 twain) Early in the book you can see the respect Huck gives Jim though he is a runaway slave. This sign of respect no matter how minor builds for their relationship in the book. Why aint this nigger put up at auction and sold?(Chap6 twain) From early on Huck heard his father curse about and denounce slaves and surprisingly Huck did non take on the same attitude. Jim wont ever forgit you, Huck, yous de bes fren Jims ever had, en yous de only f ren ole Jims got now.(Chap16 twain) At this question Jim has put his guard down and allowed him self to trust a white adult male and actually call him a friend. This is dramatic because Huck is plotting to turn Jim in to bounty hunters. Im a-trying to steal out of slavery Jim (Chap33 twain) At this point in the story Jim and Huck have developed a deep friendship and have proven how much both didnt and how much they plan they knew about each other.Huck and Jim both have a lot to dawdle. Jim has his and his familys future on the line while Huck will lose a great friend and have to go back to his abusive father. Before night they judged it was done by a runaway nigger named Jim.(Chap11 twain) Jim has been criminate of murder and the fact that he is a runaway slave will make his punishment worst if it is not death. If Jim is caught he will lose his find to be free and see his family. So he said courts mustnt interfere and separate families if they couldnt help it, said hed druthe r not take a child away from its father.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Importance of the Negro Bank in Invisible Man Essay -- Ralph Elli
The early Americana coin bank which the fibber of Invisible Man discovers one morning in his means at Marys house is a reflection of the narrators state throughout much of the novel. The offensively exaggerated Negro figure provokes an instant hatred in the narrator due to the tolerance it suggests. However, the narrator becomes personally offended by the object because of the similarities it holds to himself. While smashing the pipes with the bank, he yells out to his neighbors who are banging on the pipes, Get release of your cottonpatch ways Act civilized (320). Thus he associates the hatred he feels for the bank figure with his neighbors who are acting no less civilized than he is. He is not aware of his own cottonpatch ways it appears. In describing the bank, the narrator states that it is the kind of bank that flips coins from its hand into a large grinning mouth. In differentiate to put bullion in the bank, one must feed the smiling, hungry Negro. At a point in the na rrators life where he has no money and has decided to join the Brotherhood out of a debt ...
Maos Last Dancer Essay -- Dancing Dancers China Essays
monoamine oxidases exit DancerStaggeringly vast and a land of great diversity, China, the worldsmost populous and third largest nation is more analogous a continent initself than a awkward. With that huge population and a long history,China has made itself become a glorious and controversial countryduring iodine hundred years, especially from 1949 when China was finallyat peace after decades of war, a China under China Communist Party(CCP) and Mao Zedong. There was actually a lot of changing in societyas well as in particular peoples lives. Li Cunxin, a dancer and theauthor of the book Maos last dancer - a huge bestseller in Australiaand the thirty-fourth book of Australias one hundred favourite books of theyear, has his life changed clearly and dramatically which is explainedemotionally in his book. Maos last dancer touches every readershearts by its beauty, its honesty and exhilaration. by dint of this book,we are able to learn more about China from a different side andobviou sly about Li Cunxins life a life within a burning desire forhigher achievements.Li Cunxin was born into an extreme poor peasant family in Qingdoa in1961, Northern China. He is the sixth son in the family of seven sons,living in a small house with relatives. 1961 is the third year ofMaos Great leap out Forward which had left rural China sufferingterribly from disease and deprivation. But when he was eleven yearsold, Madame Mao decided to resuscitate the Perking Dance Academy and senther men into the countryside to find suitable children. And Li, thanksto his teacher pointing out, without any former experience, was chosento become a dancer - one of the best dancers in the world. After sevenyears of hard training at Beijing Dance Ac... ...s andaspirations. His delivery was powerful and effective and he surehad the audience with him all the way, conquered, inspired andenriched.Reference1 Maos last dancer by Li Cunxin Book Summary and Book Reviews, http// ws/index.cfm?book_number=1388, 17/08/052 Li Cunxin An interview with author, http// honest/index.cfm?author_number=995, 17/08/053 Li Cunxin, Dancer Magnificent, http//, 17/08/054 Li Cunxin An interview with author, http//, 17/08/055 Li Cunxin, Dancer Magnificent, http//, 17/08/05* Li Cunxin, Maos Last Dancer, New York Putnam, 2003.
Monday, May 27, 2019
The C++ Programming Language :: Software Programmer Computer Essays
The C++ Programming LanguageComputer technology has evolved at an astound rate during the last few decades. Today a laptop information processing system good deal compute faster and store more information than a entire computer system (called mainframe computers) of forty years ago. According to Harvey Deitel and Paul Deitel from Nova University, A person operating a desk calculator might require decades to plump out the same number of calculations a powerful computer screw perform in one second (5). Along with that revolution, computer terminologys have evolved, too. A language created in the early 1970s by Dennis Ritchie called C quickly became very helpful and popular because of its features. In 1983 Bjarne Stroustrup developed C++, which is much like C, exclusively with a number of important extensions. C++ has been described as one of the most important programming languages of the 1990s and promises to continue strongly into the 2000s (Prata 1). As a computer programmer , I have had opportunities to work with this language to write system softw ar. I have found many interesting things about this language it has definite characteristics over other languages. The most remarkable are portability, brevity, C compatibility, object-oriented programming and speed. Most of us would agree that computers have become an integral part of society. We can touch them and see the results of their incredible capabilities. But a computer does nothing until directed to do so. Computers are able to perform many different tasks. These tasks are not made by the computer itself, but they are performed following a series of predefined instructions that conform what we call a program. The computer programs that meet on a computer are referred to as software. A computer does not have enough creativity to make tasks for which it is not programmed, so it can only follow the instructions of the programs that it has been programmed for. The ones in charge to generate program s so that the computers may perform new tasks are programmers. For many years, the principle goal of computer programmers was to write short and efficient programs. When programmers choose a programming language to write, the first consideration is known as level of the programming language. The level determines how earnest to the hardware (devices such as keyboard, screen, disks, memory and processing unit that comprise a computer) the programming language is. Machine language, the first generation was written at a basic level of computer operation called low-level language, which used symbols for instructions (e.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Ap Language Review Essay
Chapter 1 Review Questions1. What is invention in ornateness?Invention in rhetoric is the process of coming up with ideas for speaking or writing. It has three raises, ethos, logos, and pathos.2. What is ethos?Ethos is an appeal based on the character of the speaker or writer.3. What is logos?Logos consists of the capacitance of the line of credit. It also appeals to the intellect.4. What is pathos? pathos appeals to the emotions of the audience.5. How does ethos, logos, and pathos work together to persuade an audience? All three come together to persuade and audience because they appeal to the heart and the mind. People dont make decisions with just adept or the other, so this creates maximum persuasive effect. These proofs ar tools for analyzing and creating effective aims.6. What is syllogism?Syllogism is a cosmic string of reasoning moving from general, universal principles to specific instances.7. What is an enthymeme?An enthymeme is a shortened syllogism. It serves the purpose of a more than practical and beneficial way to argue.8. How do you derive an enthymeme from a syllogism?To derive an enthymeme from a syllogism is to take out the universal principal and create a more practical argument. Its basically to summarize the syllogism to the key point.9. why is an enthymeme more useful than a syllogism in analyzing andconstructing an argument? An enthymeme is more useful than a syllogism in analyzing and constructing arguments because an enthymeme is used in real-world argumentation. Whereas, a syllogism is used primarily in a logic course. Enthymemes, being a shortened version of a syllogism, uses an unstated principal that you can understand without it being said. Later in the argument you can address the unstated principal to support your enthymeme.10. What is an arrangement, and why is it important in analyzing and constructing arguments? An arrangement is the order of how you present your ideas. It is important in analyzing and constructing a rguments because you cant just speak/write close roughthing without knowing what youre going to say. The arrangement collects your ideas and lets you go under it in order. It allows you to form the best possible argument.11. What is style? appearance is choosing how to express your ideas. Contributes to the writers content, message, or emotional appeal.12. What effect does style stir in communicating an argument to an audience? The way the writer communicates is through and through their style. It appeals to the audiences emotions, it can make the message more artistic and memorable.1. Invention in rhetoric is the process of coming up with ideas for speaking and writing, kinda like brainstorming. 2. Ethos is one of the three appeals. It is based on the character or credibility of the speaker and or writer. Its all about making the audience trust and moot in you in a sense. You want them to impression connected to you, that they have your trust and understanding. 3. Logos is an other one of the three appeals. This appeal is the content of the indite or spoken message. In this appeal its all about reducing the problem ethically. Making the problems that they have more understandable and more logical. 4. Pathos is the last of the three appeals.Pathos is the emotional appeal to the audience by the speaker and or writer. Speakers know that people will follow their hearts more than there mind so they try to connect with them on an emotional level. Trying tospeak with passion, and emotion so people can feel the wo(e) and understand. 5. The three proofs work together in a balance to help persuade an audience, because people use their hearts and their minds when making decisions. So when all the appeals are used together in a balance it creates a very effective argument. 6. Syllogism is a chain of reasoning. Moving from general, vernacular principles to specific events. Its about responding to minor things, then addressing more major premises. 7. An enthymemes is a shortened syllogism. Its a more practical way to argue. Enthymemes are fetching the common know facts out of an argument, but an argument could crumble if the audience doesnt know or understand the fact you took out of your argument. 8. You make an enthymeme from a syllogism by taking out the universal principle. Like Fish have gills.A tuna has gills.In conclusion a tuna is a fish.Its a common thing to know that fish have gills, so you could leave that out of an argument when stating that a tuna is a fish. 9. An enthymeme is more useful and practical in analyzing and constructing an argument because when you analyze an argument you often look for the unstated principle that supports the enthymemes. So when constructing an argument you need to grasp the audience and make sure they have acceptance of the unstated principle. 10. Arrangement is when you know what you are going to say but you need to figure out what order you are going to put it in. It is important in analyzing and arranging arguments because if you compose an amazing argument it needs to have everything in the right arrangement or the audience and will kick the bucket to grasp your idea, without the best possible argument. 11. Style is the way you express your ideas.Every writer has a different writing style. Style can change the feel of an argument. Your style can chnage alot, the character, the view point, the content, the memories, and enhance ethos. Think of a writting stlye the way youd think of a persons personal fashion stlye. Everyones is different, some similar but never one hundred percent the same. All of them have a different impact. 12. Style has an effect on communicating an argument to an audience that only that one speaker can do. You could have three different speakers with the same argument topic and all three speakers would graspe the audience in different ways. All from thestyle that they use.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Jim Hensen’s “The Dark Crystal†Essay
With its animatronics technology, Jim Hensons 1982 film, The Dark crystallizinglizing, in both(prenominal) form and theme depicts key elements of David Leemings description of the sensation myths rites of passage in The World of Myth An Anthology. As in Leemings rites of passage, in this film the protagonists championic experiences lead him to wholeness and luxuriant individuation (220). At the formal level, by concealing puppet strings, providing puppets with exceptionally life-like and fluid motions, and creating convincingly vital puppets, Hensons detail-rich and realistic animatronics technology allows his puppet-hero, Jen, to grow both beyond his filmic father figure, urSu, as salutary as beyond the confining puppet strings of the traditional puppet master. Thematically, too, Jen experiences the rites of being born when . . . needed (218), of being called to gamble (219), and of being faced with trials and danger (219), that Leeming discusses as making up the passage int o individuation.As Leeming describes, heroes ar born when the need for them arises this usually happens during a dark stopover in the cultures history (218). In The Dark Crystal, Jen, who belongs to a nearly extinct race known as Gelflings, is born after the Crystal is cracked and a shard of it is lost. As with Leemings dark period, the events initiated by the crystals shattering mark the end of a period of unfounded here the thousand years of the green and goodness of the land once maintained by the Crystal be induce darkness and ugliness once the crystal is shattered. This dark period is also marked by the claiming of the land by the cruel and evil race of Skeksis.Making this period of the heros number in the film even darker, the Skeksis, in their attempt to avoid fulfillment of the prophecy that a Gelfling would destroy them, begin to kill all of the Gelflings. Ushering in Jens position as the hero who is called, the Skeksis kill his family. Sole survivor from his family, Je n is kept safe by a race of gentle mystics, known as the urRu. This flight of stairs of birth, threat, and protection like chic follows Leemings description of the story line of the hero myth because, wherein a further dimension is added by the threat to the young heros life (218-19).Also like the traditional hero myth, Jensons film traces the experience of the heros call to adventure. In this case, typifying the wise quondam(a) manarchetype (219) Leeming discusses, Jens mystic master, urSu, sends Jen to chance the missing crystal shard and heal the Dark Crystal. As he will wonder throughout the film, Jen responds to his dying masters assignment by asking, How can I? Im only a Gelfling. In his anxiety and near refusal to find the shard, Jen represents another element of Leemings description of the heros experiences it the prosecution usually begins with a call to adventure. . . . Often the hero refuses the summons. We all resist radical change, and the hero. . . is no exception. Who am I to perform such a task (219). As Leeming indicates, this initial refusal of the adventure is meant to show the heros lack of wisdom, confidence, or, individuation the hero is not yet a whole, individuated, wiser and more confident adult. Jen decides to go on his signal outside of the valley of the mystics after his master dies.Additionally, Leeming explains that the heros quest is marked by many trials and confrontations with evil monsters (219). While Jen never actually has to fight or destroy any monsters in order to complete his questthe common expectation for heroic behaviorhe does fit Leemings definition in his regular escapes from a range of threats, especially the Garthim, beetle-like creatures programmed by the Skeksis to try on out and destroy all Gelflings. Whereas Jen does not actually confront the Garthim, he is often face to face with them before he turns to run for his life. Also, when he does come face to face with the Skeksis, it is not until he is about t o destroy them by returning the shard to its place in the dark crystal. Leeming goes on to explain that the monsters are balanced by initiations of strength. Heroes are often guided by a spirit who takes the form of a fairy godmother, a wise old man, or a wise fool. (219). Jen begins his journey alone, but, as the hero myth tradition dictates, he encounters many other beings that help him on his way.Aughra, a wise, witch-like woman who is verbalize to be born from the rocks and trees before time began, in order that they might have an eye with which to see the world. Aughra gives Jen the crystal shard that he is in depend of. She also, before saving him from an attack by the Garthim, gives him the insight he needs to realize how important the successful completion of his journey is. Finally, Jen is given an additional source of strength by another surviving Gelfling named Kira. She is joined by adog-like creature named Fizgig, his antics and heroics in the film could place him in the role that Leeming refers to as the wise fool. Kiras ability to communicate with and receive help from the animals in the story, her tendency to trust her intuition, and her harmonious relationship with the natural environment, all play a pinnacle role in Jens ability to complete his journey.Ultimately, with these rites of being born in a time of need, of being called to adventure, and of experiencing great trials, as well as with the animatronics technology, Hensons Jen, like Gepettos famous puppet, Pinocchio, experiences the process of individuation, becoming both whole and (almost) wholly human.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Forest Life Changes the Characters in As you like it, do you agree? Essay
In Shakespeares As you like it, we stripping the characters attempting to escape the court. What they specifically are escaping from are the horse briers of the working day world. The imagery of briar bushes specifically enacts a form of entanglement that the world of the court is entrapping and the people in it are reflected as such. What is comely envenoms him that bears it, highlighting a reverse polarisation of morality, that what is good is a hindrance in the world of the court. This is paralleled by what Touchstone (who represents the court as a jester, whom were always in the service of the court) says The sweetest nut hath the sourest rind. Indeed, the supplanter is viewed as the rightful ruler of the court whitheras the rightful ruler is branded an outlaw.So the characters escape to the lumber in order to cleanse themselves of th infect world (Playing upon the previous mention of envenoms as a form of physical affliction that requires cathartic release). One can argue th at the characters do respond to the forest, and their characters motley as such. One particularly significant example is how Shakespeare constructs the forest as a place of alternative knowledge Duke Senior finds that the winds are his councillors and that the trees shall be my (his) books, that they find sermons in stones. This highlights the homiletic edification that occurs when one engages with constitution, and indeed, this is paralleled by the discourse explicit between Rosalind and Celia in Act I, where they comment on how fortune (A product of the court) and temper (Of the forest) are at odds with one another Fortune reigns in gifts of the world/not in the lineaments of nature.The escapism of the forest is further expressed when the gentlemen become successful men and brothers in exile highlighting how they are able to fleet time as they did in the golden age, with the merry men alluding exclusively to the notion of Robin hood, who represents an active rebellion against the court, suggesting an underlying romanticisation of what it is to be an outlaw. Indeed, defying social norms appears to be what the forest epitomises, and as such, Rosalind so far changes all perception of her by becoming Ganymede, she essentially dresses up to become someone different.Finally, we find the ii main villains of the story Duke Frederick and Oliver corroborate a really quick change of heart from the forest, which in both cases turn out to be spectacular examples of Deus Ex Machina, both being equally contrived notwithstanding portray as legitimately woven into the story. So in that sense, the forest is a healing force.However, there is an argument for the opposite that the forest is exactly the same as the court and no significant change occurs. One of the biggest examples of this lies in the speech of Lord 1 regarding the murder of a deer. The deer are portrayed as native burghers in their own desert city, who retreat from the hunters aim into a sequestered languish. Jaques remarks and then about how the foresters are the unstained usurpers who kill them up/in their assignd and native dwelling place. This is particularly significant because a parallel is drawn between the deer and the foresters, the deer is escaping usurpation in much the same way the foresters are, this is further enhanced by the position that the deer has a leathern coat, a conceive wording by Shakespeare to highlight the parallels it has with its human usurpers. This usurpation is shown elsewhere in the book, Rosalind who buys the shepherds passion (Livelihood) because it is much upon her fashion, suggesting a transitory or arbitrary desire, innocent(p) of consideration for the fact that the shepherd derives his survival from his flock. Indeed, she wishes to waste her time here, rather than use it for any meaningful purpose.Other aspects of the court are also filtered into the forest to enact a distinct lack of change. The notion of the merry men and brothers in exile is immediately undermined by the fact that the duke is referred to as your grace, implying that the pecking order of society is still in place, despite their attempts to gloss over it. Indeed, the rattling nature of them dressing up as foresters when they are in fact gentlemen enacts the nature of the painted pomp that is alluded to when referring to the court. The word pompous implies a level of self-importance and unnecessary grandiose, which is ever present in the forest to blow on whom I please (IE, to do as I wish).Conventionally in the pastoral, the return to reality (In this instance, the court) is forced due to the ephemeral nature of Arcadia. However, at the end of the calculate here, we find that the characters easily cast off their disguises as if they had never left, willingly returning to the court, signifying that there must have been little difference between the two worlds, and emphasising the fact that the court has been a constant throughout the play.On e of the most famous quotes of the play, All the world is a stage is particularly significant here also. Throughout the story, the motley coat (Emblematic of the fool) has been alluded to, and it represents the players and by extension, the audience as a whole. If we are all players as in a play, with their exists and entrances/and many parts, then we are all fundamentally acting like the foresters all the time, we all are part of the same outcome. Indeed, at the very end, we all are sans teeth, sans taste, sans everything, emphasising the fact we all end up subjected to time and age, no better for our experiences in life. This is particularly ironic of course, because earlier on in the story, the forest is described as having no clock, but it is infact time that undoes all as expressed in this passage, enacting the futility of escape and the absence of any change in outcome from action.Finally, we have the ephemeral nature of the escape for the audience. As alluded to in the preced ing paragraph, the audience are players and actors in the play to, but do they change? At the very end, within the epilogue, Rosalind breaks the fourth wall, essentially undermining the experience of the play, returning the audience from the forest (The imaginative space of the play) to the court (Reality). She directly remarks upon the fact that it is a play, that it is a constructed memoir and further commends it to be watched by the friends of the audience (Cementing the notion of realism in the fact that the play is a commercial enterprise at heart, not a creative escape).
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Impact of Globalization on Developing Countries
INTRODUCTION * Globalization describes the process by which regional economies, societies and cultures have become integrated through a global meshing of ideas. * This integration has been fueled by scientific advances in communication, transportation and trade that break muckle national divisions and barriers. * Globalization is recognized through a bite of trends such as growing economic integration and liberalization trade regulation convergence of macroeconomic policies modification of the role and concept of nation atomic number 18a proliferation of supranational agreements and regulatory bodies and globalization of information systems. These trends are associated with both positive and negative impacts on human well-being, the use and conservation of the environment, equity within countries and between developing and developed countries, participation and democratic decision-making, food security, poverty alleviation and others. 1 http//elearn. usiu. ac. ke/webapps/portal /frameset. jsp? tab_tab_group_id=_2_1&url=%2Fwebapps%2Fblackboard%2Fexecute%2Flauncher%3Ftype%3DCourse%26id%3D_4144_1%26url%3D- GLOBALIZATION LECTURE. PPTX EFFECTS OF GLOBALIZATION ON evolution COUNTRIES Globalization has brought in brand-new opportunities to developing countries.Greater access to developed country markets and technology transfer hold out promise, improved productivity and higher existing standards. But globalization has also thrown up new challenges like growing inequality across and within nations, volatility in financial markets and environmental deteriorations. 2 This paper assesses the positive and negative impact of globalization on developing countries in the following dimensions 1. Economic 2. Social 3. Political POSITIVE economic IMPACT Increased Standard of Living Economic globalization gives governments of developing nations access to conflicting lending.When these funds are used on infrastructure including roads, health care, moveing up, and soci al function, the standard of living in the country increases. If the m sensationy is used only selectively, however, non all citizens go out participate in the benefits. Access to crude Markets Globalization leads to freer trade between countries. This is one of its largest benefits to developing nations. Homegrown industries see trade barriers fall and have access to a much wider international market. The return this generates allows companies to develop new technologies and produce new products and services.Access to New and More capital Developing nations attract foreign investments resulting in better smooth consumption, deepens financial markets, and increases the gunpoint of market discipline. In most developing nations, the financial markets are not fully developed, as such globalization is a boost to the countrys financial markets. Employment Opportunities Because the wages in developing countries is far lower than that of developed countries, work such as software dev elopment, customer support, marketing, accounting and damages is outsourced to developing countries like India.The workers in the developing countries get exercise. Access to technologies As a result of outsourcing, developing countries get access to the latest technology and technological improvements they are thus able to use the technologies to improve the standard of living. They gutter also utilize these technologies in solving problems, for example advanced medicine to resume local diseases. Increased competition Due to the need to compete globally, companies have had to reduce prices, which is good for the consumer in such countries. In addition, there is improvement of goods and services accompanied by improved technology.Globalization is thus a win for consumers. NEGATIVE ECONOMIC IMPACT Widening Disparity in Incomes While an influx of foreign companies and foreign capital creates a reduction in overall unemployment and poverty, it can also increase the wage gap betwee n those who are educated and those who are not. Over the longer term, education levels will rise as the financial health of developing countries rise, but in the short term, some of the poor will become poorer. Not everyone will participate in an elevation of living standards. Decreased EmploymentThe influx of foreign companies into developing countries increases employment in many sectors, curiously for skilled workers. However, improvements in technology come with the new businesses and that technology spreads to domestic companies. Automation in the manufacturing and agricultural sectors lessens the need for unskilled labor and unemployment rises in those sectors. If there is no infrastructure to help the unemployed train for the globalized economy, social services in the country may become strained trying to care for the new underclass. http//smallbusiness. hron. com/effects-economic-globalization-developing-countries-3906. html Globalization for Developing Countries in Asia Ba cked by sound economic policies and information technological advancements, the South-East Asian countries have prospered as their employment growth rate has increased tremendously. One fine example of this phenomenon is India which continues to have an economic growth rate of 8 percent or more per year. aristocratical access to foreign capital and increased foreign direct investment lays down the foundation for a competitive and yet, thriving market.Since the players increase in the market, the consumers not only get better products, but also at a cheaper price. Hence, another benefit is low inflation rate which helps the country to have a stabilized economy. Poverty has reduced in the Asian countries which have adopted liberalized economic policies. Companies from other countries bring their products with their technologies. Newer technologies in IT, production and research cut down the production cost, and increase sales. Moreover, they also sharpen the skills of the local labor force. Globalization in AfricaAfrica is a huge continent with many countries which are downtrodden and poor mostly sustaining life on agriculture and aquaculture. Not only that, there are regions which are torn apart by war and violence, and hence steady income from a stable employment would work as a respite from the in-fighting. Education plays a major role in the development of any nation and is one of the important drawbacks in the growth of the African region. UNESCO believed that 48% of children in Africa were never ever enrolled in primary schools in the year 2000.This disappointing number can go down if African countries open their doors to free market policies. With significant players in the market, a major positive impact would be on the education and technological field of the African continent. More resources and FDI would be at hand because of globalization and ensure lower exchange rate of local currency. Hence, it will indirectly help boom the economy. Though, glob alization is not a magic wand and cannot wipe away all of Africas woes, but it can surely create a favorable environment for a fair and stable government.Globalization would bring any African country more closer to rest of the world and any mistake on the part of a government or a faction can be monitored and curtailed. Trade treaties and co-dependence in business is fostered by globalization. It can bring about a vast change in the political, economical, and social set ups in Africa. With more money, resources and people coming to Africa, the real and the most devastating problems of these countries could arrest the limelight, and relief intervention can be provided by the global community. Read more at Buzzle http//www. buzzle. com/articles/benefits-of-globalization. html
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Main Factors of Lesson Plan Papers Essay
Main Factors of Lesson Plan PapersWhen addressing a classroom without goals, objectives, and a clear path is an pellucid mistake that any appriseer could make. The greatest idea give fall flat without understanding what to film when lesson homework, and as we know all lessons require versed how to reach specific students and how to respond to their needs as a student. Outlined in this paper is the Framework for program line, Core propositions, comparison of framework and propositions, main factors to consider when lesson planning, and how to identify the difference between goals and objectives, as well as observable and measurable objectives. Charlotte Danielsons Enhancing Professional Practice A Framework for Teaching (2007), Danielson utilize the Praxis III assessment and created organized responsibilities for teachers. Within this, there are four domains that were covered in The Framework for Teaching planning and preparation, classroom environment, focal point and, prof essional responsibilities.She outlines what each of the four domains is and clearly states the key concept and thesis. In 1987, The National Board of Certified Teachers (NBCTs) created a policy of the vision of accomplished article of belief that they had. NBCTs also created The Five Core Propositions to form the foundation and frame the rich amalgam of knowledge, skills, dispositions, and beliefs. The Five Core Propositions are teachers are committed to their students and their learning, teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to the students, teachers are responsible for monitoring and managing student learning, teachers should think systematically about their practice and learn from experience, and teachers are members of a learning community. All five-spot of these propositions outline what every teacher should know and be able to do. Here is a visual organizer comparing the framework of lesson planning to the propositions of teaching by using dif ferent colors to categorize it. It is clear to see how the framework for lesson planning comes across in the propositions for effective teachers.Teachers should be able to create plans of goals and activities to suffice promote learning and implement instruction into their everyday lessons. A detailed lesson plan should consider how to organize and achieve the goalsand objectives of the lesson that is organism taught. When a teacher is planning a lesson, they should start with the end in mind. Including several instruction method actings to en indisputable, various learning types are being addressed. To have an effective lesson it has to focus on conviction allowances to be able to ensure productivity and completion of the extra activities. Once the initial lesson is complete, revisions, adaptations, and sometimes, re-teaching the lesson may be crucial in order to make sure that every student fully understands. Goals and objectives, as well as observable and measurable objectives, are important to have in the lesson plan as well. Goals for a lesson are an outline for students to understand the direction that they are intended to go in.Goals are not measurable. Objectives clearly define the goal, including measurable and observable behaviors. A method if setting clear objectives in lesson planning is to use S.M.A.R.T., which is an acronym for (S) Specific, (M) Measurable, (A) Attainable, (R) Realistic or relevant, and (T) Time Limited. For Example teaching students how to draw a triangle is the goal. The objective is that students will show their understanding by (a) identifying the correct and incorrect triangle, (b) correctly draw a triangle.This behavior is observable of the triangle identified correctly and drawn correctly. The measurable objective is to have 80% of the class showing they can do both of these things without help. Teaching to a captive audience is a huge responsibility. To be able to honor this responsibility it is our duty as a teacher to create engaging and nourishing lessons for every student. As well as being able to understand the logic, method, and clear process of lesson planning that will allow observable and measurable success in the classroom.ReferencesNational Board for Professional Teaching Standards (2014).The Five Core Propositions. Retrieved on October 17, 2014 from Methods for Effective Teaching Meeting the Needs of All Students, Sixth Edition, by Paul R. Burden and David M. Byrd. Published by Pearson. procure 2013 by Pearson Education, Inc. http// Retrieved October 17, 2014.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Advertisement, Good or Not Essay
Advertisement is news or a message that is do for persuade or influenced good deal to be interested in the product or service that a company offers. It means that every ad essential be persuasive. There be many kinds of ads based on its nature of advertisement, it is divide into Commerce ads and Non-commerce ads. Commerce ads made for influencing people in order to make water, defile and use the product that has been advertised. On the other hand non-commerce ads made to get peoples attention so they will be sympathetic or seduce a support to the ads.In the daily c areer people often see an advertisement in television, in news paper, in internet, in radio and at the road, posted on billboard. The advertisement will influence peoples behavior and physicology, because peoples culture and life title are based on what they wipe out seen and feel then they will implement it in their daily life. In this case, modern peoples life will be influenced by the information that they get in their daily life. By watching and hearing an advertisement, people will get two sides of effect, they are disavantages and advantages.The effect that people get is based on how people reply to the advertisement, and if people dont want to get the disadvantageous side of advertisement, they have to know how to respond to it. The main function of the ads is to promote a product in order to look more interesting and able to get consumers attention. There are many ways that company do to get the consumers attention through an ads, like in a humorous , strange , controversial way, and so on However many ads do not only want to promote their products but also want to give slightly honorable message to people so that it can useful to peoples life.For example, cigarette advertising Gudang Garam. It show that a scholar who is able to be a motorist hack only. He is constantly humiliated by the other motorcycle taxi riders because of his bachelors degree. His unfortunate fate changes when his only one motorcycyle is stolen. He feels high-risk and curses his bad luck. But, because that accident, he has an idea to make an alarm for motorcycle and after that he become a succesful entrepreneur. The moral message that we get is Never give up on situation, make a mockery as our motivation, and believe that there must be a good lesson in every difficulty. another(prenominal) function of ads is to educate people.How could an ads educate people? Thats because every has a figment that could be a lesson to people in their life. For example, Tea advertising sariwangi . It tells story about the wife who wants to ask her husband to repair their roof, but she doesnt want to disturb her husband. Finally she asks her husband softly and she also gives her husband a cup of warm tea in order to warm up the situation. The message conveyed in this ad is a wife should know her husband the train before asking something so that their family will always be harmonious.From both ads, we can see that there are no factors that could ruin childrens moral or the factor that could influence people to do something bad. On the other hand, both ads contain a lot of factors of entertainment and education, and they also give a lot of useful moral message to peoples life. There are some ads that advertise product excessively. That ads can manipulate public render and public minds. For example, body lotion advertisement. In that ads, the price of the product is not stated clearly.In fact it is only showing the beauty of its white shapes body that shows women will look more beautiful if they have flawless white skin after using this product. Its tagline also influences people to debauch something useless and force them to think that such a product is a primary need. The woman who feel pretty with her brown skin, now they feel loathsome because they dont flawless white skin. If the women still cannot get what the color of skin that they want, they will buy the product again and again untill they feel they have the best color of skin thinking about the effect.This ads shows that a bad ads can make someone consumptive and imitate the action from the ads. An ads doesnt have to be erased or eliminated from human live. As people who consume an ads in almost every activity, people have an obligation to choose and sort some ads which are good or not for themselves, think rationally to every sugesstion from the ads and improve the intrepretation of the ads in which every action in the ads is not always the sama as the real life.In short, any ads showed by some companies can be concluded as a bad ads or good ads based on how to responed to it. The ads can be good to someone but may not to others. Therefore, people have to respond to it wisely. People have to assume that an ads is just a media to promote a product and there is not a MUST buy the product. People cannot only the good ads but also can react the bad ones.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Summarizing and contrasting two Explanatory Theories Essay
Social fielders put one across theories according to how they understand people in the context of their unique circumstances, besides theories in sociable work atomic number 18 fundamental as they guide and explain hearty work practices. This essay will ca utilize to summarize psychodynamic and systems theories, highlighting similarities and differences and contrasting the application of the two explanatory theories and a practice possible action to the contingency scenario of bloody shame & Patrick.Psychodynamic TheoriesAccording to Preston-Shoot and Agass (1990), Psychodynamic theories derives from Freud and has been expanded and modified subsequently by the work of Jung, Hollis, Melanie Klein and object-relations theorists, as well as Goldstin and ego psychology. former(a) influences are Bowlby and Howes attachment theory and a major proponent comparable Erikson wearmental theories. Walsh (2010), suggest that psychodynamic theories emphasise upon the inter behave mingle d with conscious and unconscious forces (p.32). Furthermore, Freud describes the importance of unconscious thought dish upes and defense reaction mechanisms in determining human behaviour and human motivation (p.34). to a greater extentover, psychodynamic theories place importance on then(prenominal) experiences in shaping soulfulnessality unchangeable things in the foregone are causing a persons present behaviour (Payne, 1997, p. 92). Additionally, Brearley as cited in Lishman (2007), describes that psychodynamic thinking concerns certain key bloods, like self and significant other, past and present experience, and inner and outer reality.Hence, some of the central concepts of psychodynamic theories are Freuds structural model of the psyche the id, ego and superego and the mental life as operating on several levels The conscious, the preconscious and the unconscious. Moreover, individuals develop defensive strategies to protect themselves from painful experiences thus the c oncepts of defence mechanisms much(prenominal) as denial, projection, splitting, rationalisation, sublimation and regression (Walsh 2010). Finally, other classical concepts to take aim areanxiety, ambivalence, coping, transference, countertransference and inner world.Systems conjectureTrevithick (2012), indicates that systems theory emphasises upon understanding the transactions between people and their environs. This theory recognises that a range of systems, including the intrapersonal and interpersonal, as well as neighbourhood and society impact individuals. Additionally, Healy (2005) suggests that transactions between person-environment are entangled and non-linear. According to Healy (2005), Florence Hollis introduced the term systems theory to social work. She articulates some ways in which social histrions could intervene in the clients environment. Yet, one of the founders of general systems theory was Bertalanffy, who proposed that all inter-relationships between el ements attain the whole and recognise that all part of the system can never be entirely isolated from from each one other.Another important proponent is Bronfenbrenner who proposes an ecological theory that centres on the relationship between the evolution individual and the changing environmental systems, Bronfenbrenner suggests that the environment has an effect on the behaviour and how this is expressed (Guavian & Cole 1994). The social work discipline has expanded this perspective to explain that an individual is constantly creating, restructuring, and adapting to the environment as the environment is affecting them (Ungar, 2002). Additionally, Gordon Hearn and his colleagues pioneered the application of this theory to social work and Pincus, Minahan, Golstein, Germain, Gitterman, and Carol Meyer presented systems practice models. In recent years, Colin Peile proposed complex systems ideas in social work (Healy 2005).Furthermore, The different relationships of development ca lled the microsystems mesosystems and macrosystems are central concepts in systems theory. Microsystems, which refer to the relationship between a person and the immediate environment, such as school and family. Macrosystems refer to institutional patterns such as the economy, customs and policy. Other concepts such as homeostasis, defined as the tendency of a biological organism to seek and keep some kind of operating balance in its internal process (Leighninger, 1978, p.448).Finally, other fundamental concepts to consider are input, feedback, roles, boundaries and subsystems.Similarities and differencesIndeed, both psychodynamic and systems theories in social work have been altered from theories originated in other disciplines, most notably from psychology and biology. Similarly, Psychodynamic and systems theories have been criticised because mevery of the concepts are difficult to understand and apply. In contrast, Trevithick (2012) indicates that for Freud and all later psychoan alytic theorists, the unconscious is the central concept, which differentiates psychoanalytic perspectives from systems theories. Furthermore, psychodynamic places attention on past experiences affecting current behaviour, whereas systems look at present circumstances impacting the individual. Finally, it is possible to say that psychodynamic theories focus on the individuals behaviour, whereas systems locate individuals within their wider contexts.Case scenario MaryFrom a systems perspective, a social histrion could start by considering Marys family and social supports. It would be a heavy idea to use an ecomap for Mary and her family to gather data and analyse the impact that multiple systems are having in her situation. From an ecosystem perspective, the social proletarian could promote a supportive community for Mary. For instance, at a micro level the social player could help Mary with the foster family or child care arrangements so that she does not have to give-up the gh ost so far with her baby, and so it is less stressful for her to go on visiting her other children. Other considerations to take into account could be exploring if Mary has anyone to whom she can turn in times of crisis, or if she has any friends, family, religious or community groups that can support her, or if social isolation is placing Mary at greater risk. Furthermore, exploring her relationship with her husband and visiting arrangements in jail. At a meso level, the social worker could consider external resources to help her financially so she can maintain her housing or alternatives for work ortraining.By applying psychodynamic theory, a social worker could consider whether Marys lost of her parents have contributed to her unconscious conflicts or if other experiences of her past are affecting her mental stability. Furthermore, psychodynamic theories could be applied to understanding Marys and the childrens life stages and developmental needs. Is Mary functioning as a respons ible bountiful? Is she able to appreciate the developmental needs of her children, especially her infant? Moreover, psychodynamic theory could be applied to visualise ways in which Marys defence mechanisms may be functioning. What role does denial play in the appraisal of her situation? From a strengths perspective, good practice would be to address her isolation. It would be good to encourage her to include more positive social interactions and use available resources. Moreover, recognizing the strengths that Mary possesses, reinforcing Marys capacity for wanting to seek help and empowering her to continue addressing her mental illness. Likewise, acknowledging her resilient characteristics.From this perspective the social worker needs to positively engage with Mary by enquire good questions. This may involve asking How have you managed to keep going? What would you like to see happening? What visions do you have for the future? What are you proud of? What would you like to chang e? How can I help you to achieve this change? In conclusion, each of these theoretical positions makes an important contribution to our understanding for practice. Both psychodynamic and systems theories have their strengths and weakness but can be helpful for understanding the clients situation. Although a theory might seem to fit to a service-user, this doesnt necessarily mean that this is the correct understanding of that persons life so eventide if a theory appears to work, it is important to remain open-minded and maintain our reflective thinking. Likewise, when evaluating a theorys applicability, social workers must consider whether the theories are helpful to understanding and/or responding to their clients circumstances.ReferencesGuavian, M. Cole, M. (1994). Readings on the Development of Children. Ecological Models of human development, NY FreemanHealy, K. (2005) Social escape Theories in Context Creating Frameworks for Practice. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire New Y ork Palgrave MacmillanLeighninger, R. (1978) Systems Theory, Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 5, 448-66. Retrieved from http//, J. (2007). Handbook for Practice Learning in Social Work and Social disquiet Knowledge and Theory. London Philadelphia Jessica Kingsley PublishersPayne, M. (1997). Modern Social Work Theory. Chicago, IL Lyceum.Preston Shoot, M. and Agass, D. (1990) Making Sense of Social Work Psychodynamics, Systems and Practice. Basingstoke Macmillan.Trevithick, P. (2012). Social Work Skills and Knowledge A Practice Handbook. Maidenhead McGraw-Hill/Open University PressUngar, M. (2002). A Deeper, More Social Ecological Social Work Practice. Social Service Review, 2(16), 231-248.Walsh, J. (2010). Theories for Direct Social Work Practice. Belmont, Cal Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Marijuana Persuasive Essay
Do you believe the negative effects of marihuana are more alter than alcohol and tobacco? Personally, I really dont think the effects are both worse, and seeing as though alcohol and tobacco are legal so should marijuana. Presently, it is illegal to consume, grow, and/or sell any amount of marijuana in the United States of America for any reason with the censure of fourteen states, which uses it strictly for medicinal purposes. Yes, I said medicinal purpose. Crazy how an herb that is capable of service of process to cure you can be illegal while a nonher that kills over 3 million a year can be legal (Charltan, 2004).Marijuana is a hallucinogen that has been around for many years, initially used for recreational purposes. In recent years, doctors engage come to realize that it can actually back up with diseases such as cancer, Alzheimers, multiple sclerosis (MS), glaucoma, and more (Drug Free America Foundation, Inc.). The active atom in marijuana, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, has been proven to prevent the increase of rate Alzheimer plaques in patients (Marijuana may befriend rung off Alzheimers). It has been known to work more efficiently than any other commercial medicate presently being marketed, but many people still have qualms about the idea. They believe marijuana is just a drug that has bad side effects, when in reality tobacco and alcohol have worse effects.In contrast to marijuana alcohol and tobacco are legal. Although there is an age lay out to consume both, 21 and 18 respectively, the use is not prohibited. When it comes down to lasting effects on the body and organ damage tobacco does way more damage than marijuana. Tobacco causes emphysema, cavities, gum disease, and it is responsible for 9 out of 10 lung cancer deaths (Cigarette Smoking, 2009). People are warned of the negative effects of tobacco on a daily basis, but yet they smoke packs of cigarettes continuously, and you may wonder why this is so. I reason that the reason why the y smoke cigarettes is because theyre legal, point blank. If marijuana was legal I guarantee no one would ever smoke a cigarette again, and as a result, there would be less(prenominal) cases of lung cancer, emphysema, and oral cancer altogether.In the case of what drugs should and should not be legal, this argument is very astonishing. Just how tobacco such a harmful herb, with barely any health benefits can be legal and operational to everyone. The lasting effects are so harsh I cannot understand how people do not see my point of view. While tobacco causes cancer, marijuana helps cure it. For one to say that legalizing marijuana is a ridiculous idea, it would be like saying using a band-aid on a cut is pointless. It should be legalized and officially recognized as a medicine. All states, not only fourteen, should sign off on this topic. Marijuana is treatment for many diseases and it is what a band-aid is to a cut. Many people need it and are triskaidekaphobic to obtain it because of possible repercussions. That should no longer be an issue in this country.Works Cited.Centers for Disease view as and Prevention (CDC). Annual smoking-attributable mortality, years of potential life lost, and economic costs United States, 19951999. 200251(14)300303. MMWR Morb Mort Wkly Rep. Accessed at on September 17, 2009. Charlton, Ann. (2004). Medicinal use of tobacco in history. Retrieved from http// Marijuana may help stave off Alzheimers. (2006, October 10). Retrieved from http//
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Obesity speech
Overweight and obesity cause the development of diabetes, and contribute to high blood pres genuine, Infertility, birth complications and join on asthma and a poor health status. This Is very serious and It has to be taken way to a greater extent serious by the people living here. Obesity Is largely preventable through changes In lifestyle, specially diet or daily exercise. There atomic number 18 many diseases that are so hard to cure, so why is it that, when we actually make believe a disease that you can cure yourself, we dont do anything about it?By some changes in your lifestyles, you could actually get a lot healthier than you were before. I am not saying that it is easy. I whap that it can be hard to turn things around especially if its grow a habit to eat unhealthy and by eating unhealthy you dont get energy, and that is overly a reason why many dont exercise as much as they should do. Younger people have largely grown up in a world, where a greater variety of food than constantly before has become available and at a relatively low cost, and so are to a greater extent pr unmatchable to develop obesity at a younger age.Obesity is a major cause of death and 1 out of 3 adults and 1 out of 6 children is obese. Obesity costs the US, almost cl million dollars a year, where almost 10 % of he national medical budgets. The way you eat has changed everyplace the last 50 years. A lot to a greater extent food is available than before and opportunities for physical activities are lacking. It is a liven fact that physical activity improves overall health. Not only does it improve circulation, add blood flow to the brain, and raise endorphin levels, which all helps to reduce stress, improve mood and attitude, and calm children.Physically active students also achieve more in school, they are less likely to miss school and participate more in class. Michelle Obama speaks about obesity In her beech and tells that because of the support of huge American busines ses, Like Disney and Walter etcetera Now more than one-half a million In undeserved communities now have the admission to fresh, healthy food. Military leaders are serving healthier menus and products. Nearly two and a half million kids have enrolled In recreational sport classes.And they launched Lets Move Active schools, an unprecedented effort to confide more than $70 million to promote actively and bring physical education back to your schools. So something Is done, yes. But could more be done? Walt for audience response I think yes Guys I know that I may not Influence you to do something about It, but I may as well try, because this is serious. After I told you all these consequences, it must do outside the restaurant is looking so tasty and the candy in the candy stores can be so tempting, and its okay to eat it at a time in a while, but it cant be an everyday food or an everyday habit.Thats Just in like manner unhealthy for your body and health. I know that it tastes so good when youre eating it, but how do you relish about yourself when you finished the meal? Do you feel good or do you feel hazardous about your body? Wait for audience response I can tell you, that I sure dont feel especially good after an unhealthy meal like that. So you got to ask yourself Is this charge it? Do I want to be healthy? Do I want to be scoff? Do I want to look good?Im not saying that its wrong to have curves, it isnt at all. But its wrong, when its dangerous for your own life. You are the young generation. You can still do something about this and with one step at a time it will help. Even if its baby steps, you still got to try. I know that after an exhausting day at school it is very tempting to lie down in the bed and watch television, go on your phone and hat with your friends on backbone, go on Mainstream and status a picture, whatever you like to do.
College Student Stress Coping Essay
College students facing academic, social, and other stresses such as finances and how to cope with them. The well-nigh common stress most college students face is the stress from the work load that is common in a higher education system. This is the major challenge, and you will be facing without the close guidance you may give up previously enjoyed from a teacher or parent Social stress seems to be to a vaster extent big(a) with underclassmen going home and there support structure from home scarcely can affect any(prenominal) college student.Most students descry that the number whizz cause of stress for them is financially emphasiseing to juggle a full load, and work full clock to support yourself and for other students pay for naturalise. Academic stress seems to be what cause the biggest problem for most students. There are nearly things you can do if you would like to dismount your stress level and crap student life better. First thing you should do is get the sal utary information from the very beginning. How many lectures, seminars or laboratory sessions are you supposed to be attending?With your assignments cite veritable you know exactly what you are being asked to do? How many words youre expect to write and what the deadline is for handing it in. Also try to set up your own space for academics to make it easier to focus and concentrate, if you have a noisy roommate try to find a place in the library or even a local coffee shop to frequent. These suggestions will help overturn your academics stress which will make life easier for the college student.Social stress for college students is something else that is very common especially in new college students. Most social stress comes from trying to fit it or even trying to occasion a new social network because in most cases this is the first time remote from home and away from your entire support structure and comfort z iodin. With social stress one of the most important things to rem ember is to try and stay involved in varied activities at school and get involved with different organizations on campus to meet new people.When getting involved with the organizations on campus youll meet new friends and arrive more socially outgoing which will help greatly with social stress. Reducing the amount of social stress in college students, will lead to a more enjoyable and positive experience. Financial stress tends to be tohe root of most students problems whether its from overspending, lack of halal guidance, peer pressure, inexperience or many other factors. As a result just about everyone is bogged down with large debts increasing day by day.As students many have tried different things to cut down expense but still no luck. There are many shipway to help lift the financial stress for college students like taking federal or private loans, grants and scholarships, and work during the summertime vacation. By taking federal or private loans you get to choose the b est(p) one that is suitable for your need, if you decide to go for a private one then do enough enquiry to make sure youre not at a loss and end up gainful more instead of benefitting from it.Grants and scholarships are another great ideas because these will help lift the burden of some financial stress. When applying for grants and scholarships keep in mind these are offered free by federal organizations for the benefit of students. consume sure to take advantage of the situation but you have to prove worthy for these aids. Getting summer jobs will also help lift some of that financial stress because you can do it in your off time and not stress with studying or school work but dumbfound up and save some moneyThe best ways for college students to cope with the stress of being away from home, social stress, and financial stress. Academic stress seems to be one of the most common among students. Most college students find that the added freedom of being away from the structure at home and the more difficult classes to be extremely stressful. Just remember try and create your own space for studying with a desk and a silent place, if you have a noisy roommate find a nice place in the library or a nice local coffee shop to visit.Social stress also seems to be a major problem with college students. Trying to fit in and make new friends after leaving there comfort zone and support structure can be difficult. When starting at college try and get involved in activities to get you out and have a good time. Another great thing to do is get into some organizations to help meet new people and even become more outgoing to make the college experience more fun and less stress.Financial stress seems to be the biggest burden for college students trying to survive on your own and worrying about how you will pay forschool. conceive federal and private loans are a great way to lift stress off you but just do your research and find the one that will work best for your needs. Grants and scholarships are the best thing for most students because they are offered for free from federal organizations but you must prove yourself for these aids pass jobs are great for students who want to make a little extra cash on the stance and lift the stress and worry of college off their mind. B y following some of these tips you are sure to reduce some stress in your everyday college life.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Varsity blues
varsity Blues In the movie Varsity Blues, not everyone can appreciate what a secondary town Friday night feels like. Living life underneath a microscope. The whole town in the stands. You can practically fell them breathing down your do criticizing every move, every play the team makes. Thats what it felt like for the boys from West Canaan. No matter how inflexible things get you can always stand up for yourself, friends, and family. Growing up the main characters jumble, Lance, Billy Bob, and Tweeter were a band f brothers and stuck together throughout high school.As expected of many high schools winning a district championship in football is as expected as graduating. Thats what these kids from West Canaan lived for. During their ranking(prenominal) year, the boys face many hardships along the way. As captain of the team and idol of the town, quarterback Lance, gets a human knee deformity throwing the whole season In a tail spin. His long time friend Mix is handed the rein s to not only the team but for the town. Nobody believes he can fill the lieu of the star hes replacing. Mix doesnt understand the responsibility hes given and tries to keep his nonchalant post.As his season carries on his attitude changes. He goes from being and average student to a cocky typical Sock to soak up his stardom. After his first loss he gets a complete reality check. As the team Is face with hardships brought on by their head coach cause of death. Killer has pushed these boys too hard for too long and they ultimately pushed back. Killer was the cause of Lances knee Injury as he pushed anesthetic shots Into his knee and advises It to be make to another Injured teammate. This act causes the boys o stand up to their monster of a coach.They leave Killer a chance to run while he can or they will tell everyone what he has been doing. This act of heroism saves many players from ridicule and even Injury. This movie shows the passion of small town sports and the pressing of living under the magnifying glass In a small town. Football In the state of Texas Is alike(p) no where else In the country. You grow up playing with your best friends and will break to always cast things out with your real brothers. Varsity blues By humoring 995 quarterback Lance, gets a knee injury throwing the whole season in a tail spin.His As the team is faced with hardships brought on by their head coach Killer. Killer was the cause of Lances knee injury as he pushed anesthetic shots into his knee and advises it to be done to another injured teammate. This act causes the boys players from ridicule and even injury. This movie shows the passion of small town sports and the pressure of living under the magnifying glass in a small town. Football in the state of Texas is like no where else in the country. You grow up playing with your best friends and will learn to always stick things out with your real brothers.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
In the eye of Law; a review of the European Single Market in Financial Essay
In the eye of natural law a review of the European virtuoso merchandise in Financial Services - Essay suitSince the establishment of the European amalgamation in 1957 through the Treaty of Rome the increase of the political, social and financial stability across the European Union has been related with the introduction of policies that are supported by both the member states or at least from the most powerful ones this is another aspect of the European Union. The movement of benefits for all its members is based on policies decided by the Unions representative bodies like the European Commission and the Council of Europe at the next level, the European Court of Justice1 has been established aiming to help to the resolution of conflicts that come out while applying the European Union regulations. One of the most important elements of the European Union is the Single Market which has the role of the platform on which financial activities are developed the borders of the Sin gle Market are defined by the borders of the member states the fact that there are certain states that do not participate in the Euro-zone do not affect the field in which the activities of the Single Market are developed Single market is a concept broader from the Euro-zone. All member states belong to the Single market zone tho not also in the Euro-zone the participation in which is depended on specific requirements. The single market has been extensively explored in all its aspects however, there are certain of its elements that should be more closely observed and analyse the Financial Services sector is such case. The legal history of the specific sector is set downstairs examination in this paper. It is concluded that the development of this sector has been related with specific targets and requirements the effectiveness of its rules could be high taking into consideration the importance of this sector for the further development of the European Union.The establishmen t of the European Union has been decided in the context of the need for increasing the
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Business Law Memo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Business Law Memo - Essay ExampleUnfortunately, the gas confederate falsely filled the car with gas worth $27.39 instead of $8.00. However, the plaintiff did not have any interchange on him to settle the extra bill, he offered to leave behind his driving license as confirming until in the evening when he would return to settle the whole bill (Robert v. City Fair wooing ). However, the manager of the gas station, Mr. Tommy, hold outd the collateral and demanded the plaintiff to immerse $19.39 worth of gas from his tank. The plaintiff Mr. Robert tried to refuse claiming it is risky. However, he changed his mind when the manager threatened him with a police arrest. As he was siphoning, the plaintiff inhaled and swallowed some gas. The plaintiff Mr. Robert developed some health complications such as constant eye watering, burning of throat and dizziness. The plaintiff visited ER twice for severe abdominal pain and uncontrollable vomiting. The plaintiff has been pressure to drop off several days of work, avoided leisure activities such as trail running at Tier super acid and playing basketball league. His medical bills are rising while his medical condition will bear on as such for long if not for life. Furthermore, his family is unable to put up with the rising hospital bill. affirmation of the Issue The plaintiff employs our services in the lawsuit against Tommy and City Fair. The plaintiff believes that Tommy and City Fair should be held responsible for his medical conditions. According to the plaintiff, had the gas attendant followed the instruction careful, he would not have been forced to siphon any gas. His health condition would be normal. Analysis of the Case The plaintiffs altogether mistake was forgetting credit card at home. Furthermore, the plaintiff seemed in a hurry and scared of the police. From the way of things, the defendant took advantage of the plaintiff fear of the police and manipulated him. Tommy and City Fair violated business morals and risked the health of the plaintiff. Their first mistake was to employee incompetent gas attendants who could not follow instructions. As a result, the attendant filled the car with more gas than required. It is correct to argue that the gas attendant caused the misfortune. Secondly, Tommy the manager refused to encounter the driving license as collateral until the evening when the plaintiff would have settled the bill. By the detail the plaintiff was involuntary to leave behind his driving license, is a clear indication that he was willing to take responsibility and settle the matter. However, the defendant refused the security and instead forced the plaintiff to suck the begrime gas. This gas has risked the health of the plaintiff. Another mistake made by the defendant is allowing contact with risky goods. This has been prove by the doctor who concluded that the gas is responsible for the plaintiff health condition. Apart from the plaintiff, the gas world power al so affect the health condition of employees working for the station or customers who are forced to suck when they fail to pay. In this case the defendant has a product liability. He is responsible for selling incorrect goods to customers. Another mistake made by the defendant is forcing the complainant to siphon the gas using malapropos tools. In the vent that the plaintiff had appropriate siphoning equipments, then his health would have been okay. It is fundamental to acknowledge that consumer laws in Pennsylvania advocate fro protection and
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Why i want to be a Nurse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Why i want to be a Nurse - Es introduce Example after(prenominal) I graduated from paramedic school in 1997, I became an EMT paramedic and continued for a a couple of(prenominal) years there. There, I realized that my career was grinding to a standstill as there was a limit to which I could learn and grow professionally. Further, I like challenges and the job duties and responsibilities there were not full-blooded enough.Once I realized that I was hitting a ceiling of sorts, I decided to keep back to join care for school. I feel very comfortable creation a healthcare provider and thus would like to verbalise my professional goals as being part of the intensive care building block or surgical nursing. I have great regard for cardiac surgery and I would say that being in cardiac nursing would be immensely gratifying for me.Lastly, I would like to state that my experience as a paramedic has given me a solid foundation and my courses in the nursing school have helped me build on t hat. I have developed skills that would help me in being a nurse and I am fascinated by the healthcare sector and the knowledge that comes on with it. I look forward to a fulfilling career with your
Monday, May 13, 2019
Land and valuation of land with various land investments Research Paper
Land and valuation of solid ground with assorted land investments - Research Paper ExampleThis essay analyzes that unlike other investments, land investment is intractable in quantity and immobile. Its value, however, keeps on appreciating, this makes land one of the major and vital investment projects of all times. The risks gnarly in land investment are also very minimal, this is because, when one invests in the land he is sure that its value go out keep on appreciating over a given duration, thus departure no room for carrying it below the investment price. This is contrary to other investments which might depreciate in value with time.Land investment is very advantageous in the sense that, it historically keeps on appreciating in value. at that place are fewer risks involved in the land investment. In addition to being an investment project, the land is also a factor of production, which means that investing in land may end up giving double returns, that of its value plu s the proceeds from production, say if used for Agricultural purposes. Property perceptivity talking about property appreciation, this refers to increase in the value of a property with time, a high-priced example is that of land. Due to increase in demand each day, some properties for example land testament continue appreciating in value because population keeps on increasing and its supply remains fixed. Equity refers to the symmetry claim on an investment. The land has the equity in that, after investment on land, when one wants to sell off his property, he will sell land at a high price than the initial investment price. The land is, therefore, the best equity investment.... Mostly, they are knowledgeable in finance, money matters including banking, stocks and commodities, investments and economics. INTRODUCTION plenty have always been passionate about acquisition of land for ranching, farming, hunting, fishing, recreating, commercial-agricultural, and for land to develop into a higher use. Lands are very precious from time immemorial and that is why there have been laws, which govern land issues right from the start of civilization. The meaning of land is not only derived on the face value, but by what it contains and encompasses and this is why different lands attract different prices when being valued. There are also areas with vast lands, which just lie idle yet they are owned by slew. In the day-to-day life, almost everyone comes into range with some of the land rules governing the ownership, use or occupation of land. To begin, every person lives somewhere on a parcel of land. And many humans owe their existence, livelihood or employment, directly or indirectly, to something that was produced from land. This all the way shows that we cannot live without land. Some people live on leasehold homes while others on freehold properties. Not many will examine the term freehold and leasehold. It is therefore very important for each person to under stand and appreciate what he or she owns or occupies. Individuals who rent homes on a weekly or monthly basis sine qua non to understand to what extent they can act or do things with the rented property and what they cannot do. The same principle applies to people living with their parents or on properties owned and managed by their partners. They need this knowledge so as to understand the rights they have, if any exists, and
Sunday, May 12, 2019
International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
International Business - study ExampleGlobalization has further increased international traffic as now countries are able to trade easily through flexible negotiations that provide put away obstructions that may undermine trade between countries (Reuvid & Sherlock, 2011). International trade has provided grounds for increased competition, and this means that there are competitive prices in the market, which will see to it that consumers benefit from quality products, which are offered at low costs. International trade has resulted to the globular delivery which operates on the forces of demand and supply meaning that the prices of products are affected by events that occur globally (Aswathappa, 2010). For example, the political unrest in Libya caused the prices of gas to inflate in the whole world, and this clearly shows how the global economy works. Research shows that international trade is focused on by nations so that the citizens standards of living can be increased throu gh the provision of various products and creation of job opportunities. International trade theories provide explanations, which will elaborate on the patterns global trade takes and the benefits that arise from it. The theories gives reasons as to why nations trade and why it is dependable to trade. This paper seeks to inform the theories that explain why countries engage in international trade and goes ahead to explain the benefits that countries get from international trade. Mercantilism Theory This theory was in application in the economic organisation of the 16th to 18th centuries, and its main objectives was to increase the wealth of a nation imposing regulations on the governments interests so as to ensure that the government had control on all of them (Ajami & Goddard, 2006). It was based on the fact that countries could return wealth in the form of precious metals, which is not practical because if every country decided to indigence to export and not importing from oth er countries, the worldwide economy would be sluggish due to restriction of free trade. The theory was mainly used by colonial governments such as Britain, France and Spain, which practiced the zero-sum gamy that implied that wealth was scarce and countries could only benefit by taking prefer of the resources of their neighbors (Kerr & Gaisford, 2008). These governments would take advantage of their colonies by charging them high prices for imports and low for their own exports. This theory is seen as a hindrance to international trade as it was seen to favor exports and hinder imports in the colonial countries. Absolute Advantage Theory This theory was developed by Adam Smith (1776) and explains that a company has an advantage if it can produce the more products with similar resources or the same amount of products using fewer resources than its trade partners (Ajami & Goddard, 2006). With this in mind it follows that the country with the absolute advantage will be able to produ ce and export commodities at a lower cost than its trading partners, and this will be the basis of its trade relations with the partners. This is because the absolute advantage will have the liking to reduce costs of production and at the same time increase profits which will in turn boost the economy. This theory further explains that market forces should determine trade and restrictions such as tariffs and quotas should be eliminated hence this destroys
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Critical Essay On The Book The Crusades through Arab Eyes
Critical On The Book The Crusades through Arab Eyes - canvass ExampleThe book stands out among other books written on this subject, for it differs from other books in its focus. Majority of books imbibe depicted the Crusades from the Western perspective. This book focuses on the Arab forces and their thoughts. The author begins the book by describing the fear that Franj troops created in the minds of Arab leaders. King Kilij Arslan was the premier(prenominal) Arab King who was informed about the approach of Franj troops. The King Kilij Arslan whom Ibn al-Qalanisi mentions here was not up to now seventeen when their invader arrived. The first Muslim leader to be informed of their approach, but also the first to be routed by the formidable knights.The news of the invasion was received with fear, as Arslan was aware that the Franj troops brought cave in and destruction. The attitude of Arab world towards Franj troops is depicted in the thoughts of Arslan. Although they were ignoran t of their aims, they were sure that Franj troops were coming to legal injury them. Arslan represented the outlook of the Arab world towards Franj troops. He immediately feared the worst. Naturally, he had no idea as to the sure aims of these people, but in his view, nothing good could come of their arrival in the Orient.. The Arab world viewed the Franj troops with surmise and fear.The book also sheds light on the conduct of Arabs and Franj troops during the Crusades. The Franj troops claimed that they followed the teachings of Christian but their conduct defied their claim.
Friday, May 10, 2019
Saloon management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Saloon management - Case Study drillMarketing has also been defined as the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and serve to create relationships which satisfy consumer and business objectives (Boone, 2008, p.7). This recognises marketing as a rather complex series of activities which eventually decide the entire direction which an organisation takes in order to become profitable or undertake high sales volumes of their harvests. For example, the streak will need to consider how best to price the musical events in a way that is competitive with other companies offering nightly musical acts as well as satisfying what consumers would actually be willing to pay for these events.Creating relationships is another key factor of marketing which should be explored, especially for a saloon owner/manager because the business will rely on a great deal of return customers in order to be successful. Therefore, as part of mark eting, the business leadership should consider the attitude of staff who tend bar or serve clients as part of the dwell staff, as this is part of quality customer military service which will determine whether many customers feel that the saloon gives them a good experience. With all of the above having been said, marketing is a complicated process which involves budgeting, people management, having a focus toward satisfying both the business goals and the consumer goals, and also ensuring that a quality product or service is delivered to the best of the business ability. Marketing considers how best to get the product to the right customer markets and what type of message should be associated with product in order to build awareness and interest and perhaps even long-term product loyalty if successful. Marketing and the OrganisationMarketing within the saloon consists of first understanding what customers in the local region would actually be looking for when deciding on enterta inment locations. Murphys Saloon will allow for regular live musical group entertainment, a small-scale restaurant environment with a contain menu, alcoholic beverages, and true tournaments such as billiards. However, in relation to organisation, the saloon must consider certain budget issues and determine how much money the owner really maintains (capital) prior to laying out a marketing strategy. Costs, from the organisational perspective, are significant considerations as they will decide how much of the business profit should be utilise to promotion and advertisement and how much the saloon owner can actually afford. This is why having a substantive marketing strategy is so vital because it recognises projected costs of marketing as well as the actual costs of historical marketing in order to give a better read of financial capabilities and how to use different mediums in order to get messages across to potential customers about the saloon and its activities. Two marketing professionals flatly offer that product is the single
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Remembering Event Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Remembering Event - Essay ExampleDuring this while, I decided to go for a trip that could connect me to Qatar, Italy, and finally bring me back to the United States. To do this, I chose to give way the country for South Africa, where my family planned to visit that year. After successful planning, the trip was iodine of the best I have had in years. After some good vacation time with family, it was time to head back dwelling. Personally, I decided not to accompany my family and take a different bridle-path that would fulfill my desire to set foot in Qatar and Italy.To achieve my interest at the time, my family had no weft other than leaving me alone to take my preferred route home. When my family took their flight and left, I went back to the draught board in a bid to determine how to make my flight back home longer, through some places that I wanted to see. I contacted a travel agent and asked for any available flights that would go through Qatar and Italy before heading to the United States. I was not surprised to learn that these flights were available, but apiece stop would require me to connect to a different airline after waiting for at to the lowest degree eight hours. This to me was thrilling.After an hour-long phone call, I finally had my itinerary. I would leave South Africa for Qatar, the n leave Qatar for Italy before heading back home. Even though this sounded interesting, there was a surprise to the story. I brook get impatient at times, and the long wait between flights was not going to be easy for me. However, I convinced myself that this was the right thing to do because I wanted to do it in the rootage place.Bidding South Africa goodbye and looking forward to a great long way home was all my mind clicked. Eight hours after takeoff, we landed at Qatars Doha Airport. The airport was pretty and well maintained. It was easy to navigate around because airports atomic number 18 more or less the same. They have signs, directions, and p ersons who are ready to assist you at
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Making Government Intervention Work for Leadership Research Paper
Making Government Intervention Work for leading - Research Paper ExampleWhereas, it not possible for the government to undertake mixed risks and investments alone, through supplement excessive bureaucracy rule and other policies it helps the leaders to undertake and implement change initiatives, by pickings technological advancement benefit, innovativeness and risk bearing capacity and adequate capital gaining ability., This will improvise the students and institutional outcomes, by increasing recognition so as to provide the best possible education to the learners.In the present education governing body, it has become a general trend for the local, state, and federal government to get multiform in the higher education institutions that in turn has disrupted the process of implementing change policies.The education system is one of the crucial aspects for developing the economy of a country. The governments are responsible in order to tick off that the citizens are protected w ith the implementation of stringent education polices. In order to satisfy this role of the government, various responsible agencies are emphasizing the enactment of effective policies to protect the citizens. In the present scenario, the education system is funded mostly by the government and is virtually governed through governmental or by non-profit organization. Contextually, local, state and federal government have less emphasis over the operations of higher education. Nevertheless, when they interfere, a large mend is imposed in the education system for the overall effectiveness. Education is one of the most important aspects for overall development and this is the reason for which government is setting its main priority over it (American Council on Education, 2014). The paper intends to shout out the involvement of local, state, and federal government in higher education institutions, which distract leaders from accomplishing their intended goals. advance the discussion w ill be made about how government
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Digital Transcription Birmingham Organization Background and Structure Essay
Digital Transcription Birmingham brass instrument Background and Structure - Essay ExampleThe transcription has considered using a website to improve its visibility in the marketplace but is concerned that there is a great deal of competition on the web. The organization also is resource limitedand feels unable to justify making any member of responsible for a website, or paying for a third party to build and maintain the website.DTB has decided to request a feasibility study to determine whether moving all or part of its marketing to the web would be beneficial. It is also interested in how else it could overcome some of its problems by using the web. For instance, if the organization was able to enhance home workers on an as-required basis, this might allow it to take more work in and expand its doing over time.The organizations current website can be found at http// The website has been operative for 2 months but to date has not generated any enqu iries. It consists of 3 pages. The home page poorly describes the services on offer, the contact page provides an HTML form for enquirers to obtain more information, and the confidentiality page covers the organizations credential and payment policy.Many have argued that the Internet renders strategy obsolete. In reality, the opposite is trueit is more classical than ever for companies to distinguish themselves through strategy. The winners will be those that view the cyberspace as a musical accompaniment to, not a cannibal of, traditional ways of competing. usher has described the manner in which the internet influences the five forces of competitiveness (see below). The majority of impacts are negative on the long-term profitability of an organization. As Porter explainsThe great paradox of the Internet is that its very benefits making information widely available reducing the difficultness of purchasing, marketing, and distribution allowing buyers and sellers to find and tr ansactbusiness with one another more easily also view as it more difficult for companies to capture those benefits as profits.
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