Friday, February 22, 2019

Life Expectancy and Resources

To Drill or Not to Drill HUM/114 The topic of utilization or non to drill is a big topic. Some turn everywhere that we agree plenty of resources now and that we should save them for later generations that may make them more than we do. Instead they think we should invest in alternative sources of energy, such(prenominal) as solar agent and wind.Others believe that we should go ahead and using up the resources that we have available to use, starting with the untapped cover fields in Alaska and in the Gulf Coast, and even every the other areas in the plain that have not been explored. Others recite judgeing to obtain new power sources leave be very expensive and a long process. I can honestly say that I agree with both sides scantily now I am in favor of the join States using all the resources they have and not trying to come up with new direction to power America.A new way to power America is not a bad idea just not the one we need to realise our proble m. Solar panels and windmills still should be worked on for the future tense of America, but as for the present we should use all our oil resources. The reason I say that we need to use our resources is that we are not going to live forever, the medium human life expectancy is 67. 2 years. So in two hundred years that would be my third generation of children and I am positive(predicate) in 200 years they will have the same issues that we have today if not worse.Our country had an energy shortage in the seventies and I am sure that they were verbalise the same things that scientist are saying today. On the other hand I do believe that we should assure into securing other sources of energy just as a backup. There is nothing wrong with developing a plan b, in a just in case situation. Even though the majority of scientists think that we will never give out out of resources, there are still several(prenominal) scientist that think that we do not have much time left. more(preno minal) research and studies can help us come up with a better solution to the questions that we all have.All the data that the scientists are coming up with should be compiled and have a scientist with an unbiased opinion examine the data from both scientist and see exactly where we stand as a country. If we were not to take our focus off denudationing more resources and still try and find other ways to power our nation we would still be accomplishing both goals. If at any time we needed to switch over to non-fossil fuel energy we could. We need energy, so why not find as much as we can now and not chafe about if we will run out of the resources that we are using.The children are the future and as long as we keep producing them than there will always be someone who can figure out how to find the United States more energy. Reference Validation for gas guzzlers and comfort for those who fear oil shortage. (2005, Mar 19). National Post, pp. FW. 9-FW9. Retrieved from http//search. p roquest. com/docview/330334817? accountid=35812 Foss, B. (2006, May 22). How much oil is there, and when will we run out? Buffalo News, pp. C. 4-C4. Retrieved from http//search. proquest. com/docview/381749245? accountid=35812

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