Sunday, February 17, 2019

Hamlet Essay -- essays research papers

The word "there is a mavin to every story" has been heard of by almost all. But can this be true if the hero doesnt subsist through the story? It all depends on the definition of hero. A person can still be classified as a hero even if they do not live to see the good that they fox done or accomplished in their lifetime. This type of hero is a sadal hero. A tragic hero is a good and admirable man of high position who falls to destruction as a result of slightly great error he commits or slightly flaw in his character. This meaning can be broken bring down into three parts. The for the first time is that the person must be in some way distinguished as an honorable person of high stature. The following(a) feature they must possess is some sort of fault or flaw in their character that is often referred to as a tragic flaw. The third quality is the destruction of character due to this tragic flaw, which ordinarily means death. These three characteristics join togethe r to create the framework for a tragic hero. The Character Hamlet, from William Shakespeares novel Hamlet fits the mold of a tragic hero perfectly as he meets all three of the requirements.      The first characteristic, a good and admirable man of high position, is easily cover by Hamlet. He was definitely an honorable person as he was looked up upon by all of the people of Denmark as their prince and next to triumph (I.ii.113). This is not the only reason for him to be admirable. His mother found warrantor in him ...

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