Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Greenwashing Case Essay
â… .Introduction An appreciation for environmental protection has matured steadily in recent decades. With increasing concerns over the environment comes an increasing popularity of greenwashing. Consequently, companies whose actions do not match their environmentally-friendly promotions may mislead consumers in terms of the environmental benefits of a product or service. This essay explores possible reasons of the visible boom in greenwashing and claims that Nike, a sportswear and equipment supplier, deserves the accusation of greenwashing. â… ¡.Reasons for Greenwashing Clearly, the widespread popularity of greenwashing arises in the pursuance of reputation and sales. A recent survey conducted by Advertising Age indicates that 78% of customers prefer eco-friendly corporations to companies that are reckless with the environmental issue (Berkeley Media Studies Group 2008, p.2). The result of this survey serves as an incentive for companies to greenwash. Moreover, greenwashing definitely yields fruitful results for these companies. In a survey conducted by Landor Associates, BP, a corporation being accused of greenwashing, is considered to be more environmentally friendly than its counterparts, with its voters surpassing that of Shell by 6 per cent (Solman 2008, p.24). Most importantly, greenwashing helps BP promote sales from 2004($192 billion) to 2006($266 billion) (Solman 2008, p.24). With such a prime example of greenwashing, no wonder other companies follow in BP’s footsteps. â… ¢.Nike’s official claims Nike claims that it regards environmental protection and humane management as part of their corporate responsibility. Primarily, several claims are made regarding environmental content of its products. Nike claims that T-shirts it sells in the US contain 3 per cent organic cotton and 90 per cent of its shoes are free from toxic glues, cleaners and solvents (Beder 2002, p.25). On top of that, it asserts that it eliminates the use of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) from its shoes (Beder 2002, p.27). Furthermore, it also advertises regarding good working conditions and happy workers in a Vietnamese factory (Beder 2002, p.25). â… £.Analysis of Claims It is doubtful whether Nike really produces clothes with 3 per cent organic cotton and 90 per cent of shoes are without toxic glues, cleaners and solvents. Rather than manufacturing its own products, Nike is only responsible for designing and marketing them and there is no supervision of the manufacturing process (Beder 2002, p.27). Furthermore, in order to promote credibility, Nike has the claim endorsed by United Nations. However, it turns out that United Nations do no monitoring of the claim made by Nike, either (Beder 2002, p.26). Consequently, Nike has no certification for this claim it makes. Therefore, there is no guarantee that the official claim regarding the environmental-friendly content in sportswear will be more than empty rhetoric. Due to the lack of valid evidence and certification, Nike’s claim considering the sportswear’s content commits the â€Å"sin of no proof†(TerraChoice 2007, p.8). Nike’s claim regarding PVC-free shoes may not be a true reflection of the fact. In a press conference, Soon after Nike’s repeated assurance regarding the PVC-free shoes, Greenpeace (a reliable organization against PVC) has claimed that Nike’s search for an alternative substitute for PVC have barely begun (Beder 2002, p.27). Given the fact that research has not lasted long, it is very unlikely that Nike is manufacturing shoes that are free from PVC, which makes this claim turn out to be a false claim. Nike commits the â€Å"sin of fibbing†(TerraChoice 2007, p.9) . Inconsistent with its advertisement, workers may not be so happy and contented in the Nike’s factory since Nike is definitely unkind to them. Nike is deceptive regarding comfortable working conditions. Specifically, in Vietnamese Nike plants, workers are exposed to carcinogens at 177 times safe levels and paid $10 for a 65-hour work per week (Beder 2002, p.27). Such differences between Nike’s claims and its behaviors are called bluewashing, which is categorized as one kind of greenwashing. Bluewashing refers to corporations that wrap themselves in the flag of human rights and labor rights, while their actions are quite otherwise (Corpwatch 2001, p.2). Furthermore, there is no uniform definition of happiness. Not only does the company misuse workers, it also makes a vague commitment because happiness is a feeling that varies from person to person. Such ambiguity proves that Nike commits the â€Å"sin of vagueness†(TerraChoice 2007, p.9). â… ¤.Counter-Arguments While Nike fails to realize certain official claims, it improves the environment and sustainability. Specifically, Nike claims that materials used in shoeboxes are 100% recycled and these shoeboxes weigh 10% less than those made up of non-recyclable paper (Stoner 2006, p.4). Nike helps alleviate deforestation by using recycled materials, thereby contributing to sustainable development and environmental protection. On the other hand, while Nike spends $1.13 billion on advertising and promoting the reputation of its products in 2003, it only donates $100,000 since 1998 to education programs for Nike workers. Compared with charity, it seems that much more funds are invested in advertising. The endeavor to greenwash far outweighs the effort to assume social responsibility. Hence, Nike is still greenwashing. â… ¥.Conclusion Overall, this paper reports that there are some reasons for companies to greenwash and even though Nike makes some effort to protect the environment, it has every reason to be accused of greenwashing. The reasons for most companies whose actions do not conform to their environmentally-friendly claims are simple: the pursuits of profits and goodwill. Despite Nike’s contribution towards environmental conservation and sustainability, several official claims regarding working conditions of employees and raw materials of products lack of evidence and clarity. Owing to the proliferation of greenwashing, customers should consider the environmental impact rather than advertising and packaging when shopping. â… ¦.References Beder S, 2002, ‘Putting the Boot In’, The Ecologist, April, pp. 24-28. Berkeley Media Studies Group, 2008, ‘Food Marketers Greenwash Junk Food’, Adweek, March, pp.1-3 CorpWatch, 2001, ‘Greenwash Fact Sheet’, CorpWatch, pp.1-2 Solman G, 2008, ‘Coloring Public Opinion?’, Adweek. January.14, pp22-24 Stoner C, 2006, ‘Corporate Greenings: Nike’, Peakinsight, pp. 1-13 TerraChoice Environmental Marketing Inc. 2007, ‘The Six Sins of Greenwashing’, November, pp.1-12
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Why Is Ghana Still an Ledc?
Why is Ghana still an LEDC? Peilin Cheng 9A Although Ghana is rich in raw materials and precious metals, it is still a Less Economically Developed Country (LEDC). There are many different reasons ranging from the environment and climate to their debt problem. Ghana is in the tropics of Africa near the equator which means the temperature is very hot, there is also a hot dry North East wind called the harmattan which blows between December and March. Ghana’s climate and ecosystems are split into three different climate and ecosystems: The Tropical rainforest is hot and wet all year round.This means that it is a good source of timber wood however more of the rainforest is being cut down for firewood or by farmers to clear land for farming, Ghana is the second largest cocoa producer in the world because of the ideal growing climate. The farmers gain more land to grow on but once the nutrients have been used up the soil becomes useless and most farmers cannot afford fertiliser so t he land is abandoned. Over three quarters of the rainforest has been destroyed so deforestation is a problem. Diamonds, gold, bauxite and many other useful ores or precious metals are also found in the rainforest area.The Savannah is hot and very dry due to drought, deforestation and overgrazing and there are not as many useful natural resources there, unfortunately more of the North of Ghana is turning into desert. Desertification is a growing environmental problem because the ground is too dry for agricultural uses and so it slows down Ghana’s development. The majority of Ghana’s workforce is farmers so the state of the land is very important to them. Both desertification and deforestation mean fewer crops to sell and eat so there is more poverty.The Coastal Savannah is quite hot and dry but some oil has been found offshore (although it is not enough, it has to import a lot more), it has more natural gas which Ghana has begun to use. The River Volta is used for hydro electricity and fishing which has helped Ghana develop. There are also some historical reasons on why Ghana is still in poverty. Ghana was not always one country; it used to be made up of separate kingdoms and so some people were wealthy. Then some Europeans arrived in 1650 and began trading gold with Ghana.Later, the British began demanding slaves for their plantations in America so they bought at least 5000 people per year from the country, this held back development. The kingdoms went to war for over 150 years for people to sell. Many Europeans competed for trade but the British soon took over and by 1901 the kingdoms had been forced together and Ghana had become a British colony, this is a mixture of both helping and hindering development because the British did build railways to speed up the process as well as roads, schools and hospitals for the people but they had to pay taxes for them.The British exported diamonds, gold, ivory, timber, pepper, corn and cocoa which made the E uropeans very rich but not the people in Ghana. In 1957 Ghana finally gained independence but problems soon arose, they had no factories, few services and not many educated or skilled people. Since Ghana had just gained independence, it wanted to develop fast so they borrowed a lot of money from the World Bank and other governments. When people borrow money they have to pay an interest on the loan, most of the bank loans were made in the early 1970s when the rates were low.Then they suddenly rose so poorer countries like Ghana could not maintain their repayments and so had to spend more money than they were earning on repaying their debt than actually developing. This meant less money for building schools, hospitals, clean water supplies as well as other things the people desperately needed. Being in debt can have a huge impact on life, especially if you are living in a developing country. There were fewer schools which meant there was a very low literacy rate so it was harder to fi nd work which meant unemployment.Plans to create a clean water supply were put on hold which meant an unhealthy workforce due to dirty water, bad healthcare and unhygienic living conditions, this also lead to unemployment. Unemployment meant no income and money so people lived in poverty and was not able to pay for medicine or school. This resulted in a cycle which was hard to break. Most poor countries depend on selling their crops (e. g. sugar, cocoa, coffee, bananas, etc. ) to other countries but despite that fact, Ghana is not getting richer.When Ghana tries to sell their crops to a richer country, it faces large tariffs which put buyers off. The world price of many crops are falling because too much is being grown and also big food companies who buy most of their crops force the price down. The tariffs stop crops being sold and the falling world prices mean they earn less. At the same time, farmers in richer and more developed countries who grow similar crops get subsidies for them. Those crops are the shipped to poorer countries at such low prices the local farmers cannot compete with and so hey go out of business. Poorer countries cannot stop those imports because the World Bank has forced them to lower tariffs in exchange for their loans. In 2000 there was a campaign in the UK to cancel the debt of some of the world’s poorest countries. The campaign was a success and this meant that the money that would be used to repay their debt could be used to develop their countries. They could spend it on clean water supplies, healthcare, education and other things.Ghana has many natural resources and the discovery of oil meant it could be used or sold and the natural gases could be used to power objects and generate electricity. I think that the main reason why Ghana is still an LEDC is because it cannot repay its huge debt since it cannot sell its crops fairly because powerful companies force their prices down unfairly. Hopefully their debt will be cance lled by the richer countries so they can concentrate on developing their country. Sources: http://www. economist. com/content/global_debt_clock , geog. 3- Oxford
Monday, July 29, 2019
Case 5 the Ken Griffey Jr. Negotiation Summary
Case Summary Ken Griffey Jr. was a professional baseball player for the United States. Griffey was known as one of the first professional baseball players in the two North American leagues who held the post as an outfielder and has proven to be an excellent hitter and outstanding fielder over several years. During negotiations, Griffey played for a Seattle Team called Seattle Mariners. His contract with Seattle was to end in the 2000 season. If Griffey stayed in Seattle for the 2000 season and allowed his contract to expire, he could have become a free agent who can possibly sell his services and talent to other baseball teams. However, if Seattle can trade him during the time of the case, they could get something for Griffey because he has supreme talent which can bring Seattle many great players in return. Seattle could have tried to sign Griffey into a new contract but knew that Griffey was very unhappy in Seattle for several reasons. Griffey expressed on numerous occasions a desire to live closer to his relatives. After the 1999 season, Griffey’s request was approved and he was traded to the Cincinnati Reds for a couple players which involved Brett Tomko, Mike Cameron, Jake Meyer, and Antonio Perez. Originally, the expectations looked bright for Griffey in Cincinnati because the Reds had just come within one game of a playoff. Cincinnati was the city where Griffey grew up and he was very pleased to be playing on his father’s previous team. Ken Griffey, Jr. was a featured star of the Mariners and a fan favorite in Seattle throughout is tenure. The case involves negotiations that consist of professional baseball athlete Ken Griffey, Jr. which occurred during the winter of 2000.
Two key models in services marketing are the service gaps model and Essay
Two key models in services marketing are the service gaps model and the service profit chain. Discuss the ethos and elements of - Essay Example t, majority of research scholars including Parasuraman et al (1985 and 1988) have devoted their time in order to develop a replicable but reliable instrument with witch service quality gap can be measured. Fortunately, Parasuraman et al (1991, 1994) were successful in developing â€Å"SERVQUAL†scale which is one of the most commonly used scales for measuring the gap in the service quality. In the proposed SERVQUAL scale by Parasuraman et al (1985 and 1988), twenty two items have been incorporated in order to measure service gap in five service settings such as maintenance and repair of electrical appliances, telephone services (long distance), brokerage services, credit card services and retail banking services. However, modern marketers apply the SERVQUAL model to measure service quality gap in almost every service sector. Although the concept of service quality gap is widely accepted but there are research scholars such as Jabnoun and Khalifa (2005) and Landrum et al (2007) who have raised question over the validity service quality gap in service sectors which are categorized by involvement of high degree of psychometric properties. Managerial Implication In modern world, marketing managers of a service firm repeatedly use marketing jargons like customer driven service offering, continuous performance improvement and others, but interesting fact is that only few of them understand the practical implication of service quality gap Landrum et al (2007). Challenge for the marketing managers is to identify the gap in the service delivery and then allocate both financial & non-financial resources to reduce the gap. Any gap in the service delivery should be identified in terms of customer’s perspective by the managers. It is critical for marketing managers of a service...Challenge for the marketing managers is to identify the gap in the service delivery and then allocate both financial & non-financial resources to reduce the gap. Any gap in the servic e delivery should be identified in terms of customer’s perspective by the managers. It is critical for marketing managers of a service firm to identify the most cost effective way to close the service quality gaps.Service Quality. Discussion on service quality gap will be incomplete without shedding light on concepts like service quality. Wisniewski (2001) has pointed out that service quality is a relative term in context to industrial and organizational dimensions, for example, service quality indicators for a hospital cannot be equivalent with service quality indicators for a bank; hence one universally accepted definition of service quality is not possible. In such context, it can be said that although it is difficult to define service quality but the problem can be solved by identifying the gap in the service quality. According to Parasuraman et al (1985), service quality is the ability of the service firm to provide service according to expectation of customers; service quality gap is the difference between expected service quality by customers and perceived service. If perceived service quality is lower than the expected service quality, then customers get dissatisfied.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Response to Rothstein and Jacobsens The Goals of Education Essay
Response to Rothstein and Jacobsens The Goals of Education - Essay Example History instruction was thought to teach students good judgment, enabling them to learn from prior generations’ mistakes and successes and inspiring them to develop such character traits as honesty, integrity, and compassion.†(Rothstein, Benjamin Franklin also highlighted the importance of teaching history and â€Å"in 1749 [he] proposed that Pennsylvania establish a public school that should, he said, place as much emphasis on physical as on intellectual fitness because â€Å"exercise invigorates the soul as well as the body.†(Rothstein, et. al.)George Washington went a step further. He argued that â€Å"goals for public schools were also political and moral.†(Rothstein, et. al.) The suggestions of Thomas Jefferson were purely political. He â€Å"most often linked with education in the public mind, thought universal public education needed primarily to prepare voters to exercise wise judgment.†(Rothstein, So, the perspective about education changed, as time rolled by and change in the political leadership of the country. I am reminded of the parable of four visually challenged (blind) persons in argument about the shape of the elephant. One had the feel of its long tail and argued that the shape of the elephant is long. The second one, who touched one of its legs, said the shape is like the tree. The third one touched its trunk and said the shaped is like a rubber hose. The fourth one had the feel of the ear and said that the shape is like a giant leaf. An eye surgeon, who listened to their conversation, took them to his dispensary, operated upon their eyes and he was able to restore the eyesight. When he showed them the elephant, they realized that their judgment was wrong. Similar is position of the politicians, sociologists, academicians and the bureaucrats, when they tender opinions and try to frame the policy on the system of education that needs to be adopted in America. None has the comprehensive outlo ok about the genuine needs of the students in a multicultural, multi-ethnic society that suffered from the bane of racism for more than two centuries. The goal of education needs to be man making. Within this broad goal, all other subsidiary yet important goals are integrated. According to the authors, reading scores alone will not go to mold an individual into a responsible citizen with abilities in the area of work ethic, physical and mental health, social skills and appreciation of the arts and literature. I am in broad agreement with the observation of the authors. The schools need to accept the challenges in these areas to enable the students to pursue their diverse goals and a new accountability system needs to be formulated. I also agree with the well-researched conclusions of the authors. The social, economic and cultural life is impacted by the materialistic civilization. With women opting out for full time jobs in a big way and with less or no time at their disposal to dev ote to their home and children, the other influencing source to mold the character of students is the school environment. Proper conditions need to be created for the school administration and the teachers, by providing them with incentives to enable them to accept the challenges with a sense of responsibility. After churning the literature on educational initiatives over the past two hundred and fifty years, the authors have listed eight important outcomes that emerge, when the educational system is poised on the brink of change. Those are: â€Å"Basic academic skills and knowledge, Critical thinking and problem solving, Appreciation of the arts and literature, Preparation for skilled employment, Social skills and work ethic,
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Whether Gill Can Claim the Flat Under Implied Trust Essay
Whether Gill Can Claim the Flat Under Implied Trust - Essay Example The remedy to these issues lies in the law of Property. The law provides for rights over property. Those rights are legal and equitable rights. Trust creates equitable rights. Common law recognizes legal rights. Equitable rights are also enforceable in common law but they are enforceable in personam, i.e. they are enforceable against only a particular person i.e. particular trustee. Whereas legal rights on the property are rights in rem, which are enforceable against anyone. The statute classifies the interest in the property as commercial and family interest. The commercial interest in property is derived generally by buying and selling of the property, such transaction is registered under the law thereby creates legal right over the property. The family interest is the equitable interest like life interest in the property such interest is created by family settlements or formal testimonies like will. The Law of Property Act, 1925 provides for Co-ownership. When two or more persons hold interests in a property their ownership over the property is said to be co-ownership and each of them is called tenants. The term tenant used in this statute differs from that used in the lease. Under the co-ownership, each tenant has the right to live on or share in the property during his or her lifetime. This co-ownership is of two types - Joint Tenancy and Tenancy in common. In case of death of any of co-owners his/her interest is devolved to the surviving tenant. In joint tenancy, the ownership of the property is retained upon all tenants as single ownership. They are not entitled to devolve their share in the property by will but the law permits to dispose of it during a lifetime.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Peer review journal article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Peer review journal article - Essay Example The data showing welfare fraud states that 43.6 million people are in poverty line in USA, while 9.2% were unemployed and is the place where the governments as allocated a huge budget share. Due to this, government came up with Electronic Benefit Transfer where people are given debit cards which they can use to buy food staffs and other basic commodities, this idea also resulted to more fraudulent activities as the debit cards were in the hands of irresponsible people who could not even take care of their own families. Deterrence theory is one in particular which makes assumptions about human behavior in order to reduce crime. Humans are normally assumed to be hedonistic, rational and calculate prior steps to committing crime. To some extent these assumption are true because human being are thinking machines and usually beliefs and prefer pleasure than pain. He or she must calculate and weigh carefully the option or cost of doing a crime and being caught in it or committing a crime successfully. The cost benefit analysis is a pre-requisite which always in human mind. Punishment or the consequences involve in committing a crime if outweigh the benefits then punishment will deter a person from committing the crime. In actual sense, for these sanction threats to work and deter a person from committing a crime, he must perceive and believe that the punishment would be most likely to be imposed that is to say there must be high chances of being caught up in the crime then sanction being imposed quickly after detection, and that the sanction will be more severe. In short, if the assumptions of deterrence theory are to be correct then it must be seen that cost of committing crime is higher than the benefits. The government has several alternatives to use in order to curb the fraudulent activities and they include; increasing the number of fraud investigation officers which will help in crime detection
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Country report on the monetary policy of a central bank in the UK Case Study
Country report on the monetary policy of a central bank in the UK - Case Study Example Country report on the monetary policy of a central bank in the UK Financial crisis harmed global financial market rapidly during the year 2007 to 2008. Crisis affected the developed countries rapidly. Financial crisis hit American financial market by Lehman Brother’s bankruptcy. Financial crisis is reducing the scope of housing market efficiency in the UK. Return of the investment of the housing markets are declining rapidly. Droop in housing demands harmed the economy of the UK. Institutional and individual investors are not able to recover proper return as housing estates are not able to earn profits in the time of financial crisis (, 2015b). Debt interest rates are depending on potential mortgage assets. During the years of 2007 and 2008, potential and already investors are having lower ability to invest money. Financial institutions are having low investment. People at that moment of time preferred to hold liquid cash rather than investing those. This policy of the people reduced the potentials of mortgage keeping. Securities of loan payment are facing hindrance of risk potentials. In the UK many small sized banks are losing out the rate of reserve which they are unable to provide credit. Housing industry of the UK faced certain risks regarding collection of investment from money and exchange industry. Money exchange market of the UK has lost the feasibility during 2007 and 2008 period.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Piratesbay Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Piratesbay - Case Study Example Research has shown that websites that offer free music and movies do not control the content being accessed either by downloading or live streaming. Apparent, live streaming has become quite popular in the recent past compared to downloading. Pirate Bay is a renowned website that offers a platform for free downloads of movies and music without authorization from owners. The website has over two million users, and the number is expected to be greater in the coming few years. There exist several ways through which pirate bay earn money from the services it provides. Essentially, no one can conduct business without earning some profits. One of the principal approaches through which the Pirate Bay make money is through advertisements on their website. Research has shown that Pirate Bay facilitates sharing of millions of files very month. This depicts that millions of people visit the website every month. Many companies have realized that if they use Pirate Bay website to advertise their business, enormous profits can be generated. As a result, many business entities have established contracts with Pirate Bay to advertise their products. As a result, advertisements have been the major sources of money for Pirate Bay. The Internet technology has revolutionized business processes and modes of operation. The Pirate Bay has realized the benefits of website development to include platforms that facilities links to other web pages. Sharing of links has been another way of making money for Pirate Bay. The companies wishing to popularize their websites pay the company a certain amount of money to share the links to such websites. Apparently, it can be observed the Pirate Bay operates a P2P business model since the contents in the website are shared among people of the same level. The cloud-based media sites make money through the sale of music and movies in the various online platforms. In addition, the sites
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
International Business - Inflation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
International Business - Inflation - Essay Example However inflation in rest of the world is seeing with great skepticism. Many political leaders view it as a failure of the policies of the governments especially in developing countries. Inflation, especially food inflation is on rise on those countries therefore there inflation is now more defined in terms of political terms rather than in economic terms. Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, seems not much worried about the inflation in the country. His stance seems to be in-line with US. Stephen Harper believes that sluggish economic growth is the main reason for the current economic problems whereas inflation is not the main cause of it. (CLARK, 2008) However the stance of the central bank of Canada is slightly different as compared to Mr. Stephen Harper as they view inflation as a worrying sign. Since Canadian economy is largely based on service sector therefore strong Canadian dollar is helping it. However it must be noted that the falling US economy has pushed for the relocation of the US factories to Canada which is helping Canada as strong Canadian dollar against US dollar provide. Further as the increase in the value of Canadian dollar sustain the overall attractiveness of the Canadian Products will increase therefore countries like China and India, Canada will be a better alternative as compared to US. It is believed that rising oil
Terrorism Threats the World Essay Example for Free
Terrorism Threats the World Essay The end of the Cold War and the fall of the Soviet Union did not bring the peace for the world. Many global issues still affect directly our security, like ethnic conflicts, pollution, weapons propagation, overpopulation, and terrorism. Nowadays, terrorism is considered as a most dangerous issue which is treating the humanity. Politically, terrorism is defined as motivated violence and illegitimate use of fighting against civilians by groups of people for political, nationalist, and religious goals[1]. Terrorism becomes globally phenomenal because there are many sides involved in this issue. This paper will discuss two ways that make terrorism a global issue which are terrorism’s networks and psychological impacts of terrorism. Also, this paper will be examined on real life examples and takes Al-Qaeda as and example of a famous terrorism organization. Brief description of Al-Qaeda and the War Against Terror History of establishing Al-Qaeda Al-Qaeda is an Arabic word which means the base or the foundation. Al-Qaeda is an armed Sunni Islamist organization. This organization has hundreds to thousands of members; extremist groups Egyptian Islamic Jihad and parts of al-Gamaat al-Islamiyya, the Islamic movement of Uzbekistan and the Harakat ul-Mujahidin also fall under the umbrella of Al-Qaeda. Historically, Al-Qaeda was starting with the group of Arab Mujahideen (fighters) in 1979 during the war between Russia and Afghanistan. Those groups went to Afghanistan to help the Muslims people, who are like them, from Russia occupation. Then, those groups expanding their fighting to different places, such as Bosnia and Sudan. Since 1989 after the withdrawal of Soviet forces, Osama bin Laden recognized as the group’s leader. In 1998, Bin Laden, Al Zawahiri, and other Islamist leaders issued a fatwa (religious decree) of the World Islamic Front for Jihad Against the Jews and Crusaders and Muslims who do not pay attention to th is call are confirmed apostates[2]. Al-Qaeda’s Goals and Ideologies The goals of Al-Qaeda are to obliterate Israel, expel Westerns, especially Americans, from Islamic lands, and fall pro-Western despotism around the Middle East. Al-Qaeda wants to destroy America as a specific because America supports Israel against Palestine. That unfair and unjustified attitudes of America, which is considered as most powerful country, create the hatred feeling in Al-Qaeda group. Moreover, Osama bin Laden said that he hopes to reestablish Islamic nation connecting to the rule of the first Caliphas[3]. That means not only US is in dangerous, but the treat seems to loom larger. For example, the triple bombings on May12, 2003 in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, incurred apartment complexes housing Westerners. This act related to Al-Qaeda and it left 23 people dead, including nine Americans, and that illustrates Al-Qaeda’s strategies and goals[4]. Starting the War Against Terror The war against terror started after Al-Qaeda’s attack on September 11,2001 in United States . The attacks become the most shocking in American history because it caused a very huge costs. The costs are 3,000 people killed, the devastation of four commercial airliners, the disintegration of both World Trade Center Towers, and damaging of the Pentagon. In response, the United States launched different types of forces against terrorism. On the other hand, Al-Qaeda is not centralized in a specific place which makes them easily to be destroyed, but they have independent cells in more than 50 countries, including Pakistan, Sudan, Yemen, KSA, and USA. According to this fact, President Bush said that the war against terror is a different kind of war, fought on many fronts in many places[5]. Al-Qaeda’s Networks Al-Qaeda is like any other organizations which need financial support to achieve the aims. This organization should work in different fields, mostly illegal fields, to get money and carry their plans. Moreover, Al-Qaeda must have communication networks to communicate between their collaborative cells which are existing multi states. These two important networks, finance and communication, expend Al-Qaeda’s effects globally[6]. Al-Qaeda’s Financial Networks Al-Qaeda, like all other terrorist organization, needs strong financial support, so Al-Qaeda does not have only one source of money, but it has many sources. According to US 911 Commission Report, Al-Qaeda requires 30,000 USD/year to conduct its operation[7]. Financial resources for Al-Qaeda can increase in both legal and illegal ways. Al-Qaeda receives money from charities, profitable front-organizations with similar believes and ideologies, and by laundering money from legitimate Muslim organizations. Also, these money can be provided from the members of Qaeda. For example, Osama bin Laden invested millions in terrorism and this is from his billionaires family in Saudi Arabia. His father was a wealthy contractor who renovated the Muslim holy cities of Mecca and Medina. Some estimates place the terrorists worth around $300 million, however, the United States has frozen a large portion of his money. Another way that Al-Qaeda relies to have money is on organized crime, such as robbery , drug trafficking, and kidnapping. These crimes may incurrence many people in different states in dangerous[8]. Al-Qaeda’s communicated Networks If Al-Qaeda was in 40 years ago, it would face some difficulties in communicated between its different cells which are in different regions in the world. Today, communication technologies have dramatically changed. Websites, e-mails, satellite telephones, mobile phones, and fax transmissions have provided facilities for Al-Qaeda to contemplate a global strategy. In addition, new communication technologies are not used only in communication, but it use in other things. By using internet, Al-Qaeda members have migrated online to escape detection in an atmosphere of increased international precaution. Moreover, the organiztion’s use of the internet is incresing in recruitment, financing, and publicity. Al-Qaeda has especial websites for this purposes[9]. For example, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi’s, Al-Qaeda movement in Iraq regularly, liberates videos in the wedsites apotheosizing the activity of jihadist suicide bombers[10]. Psychological Impacts of Al-Qaeda The attacks of Al-Qaeda are carried out in such a way extend psychological impacts and fear. More than other forms of violence, Al-Qaeda agitates insecurity and deep fear in civilians feeling because terrorists smash randomly without warning innocent civilians. By creating fear, Al-Qaeda wants to show for the civilians the weakness of their governments, which Al-Qaeda thinks that those governments are bad, and how they can not protect their civilians[11]. Also, Al-Qaeda trys to attack national symbols to quake the foundation of the state or to show its power. Al-Qaeda uses this method when Al-Qaeda attacked the World Trade Center that symmbolizes as Al-Qaeda economic threaten. Globally, all people around the world, Muslimes’ world or Westren world, live in a fear because they await that Al-Qaeda may plan to attack their state because they are westren people or they are in westernization[12]. Conclusion This research paper showed how terrorism is a global issue and gave example of terrorism organization from the life which is Al-Qaeda. Then, it explained Al-Qaeda’s networks and its impacts in civilians’ feelings. Al-Qaeda’s goals do not concentrate in one point in the world, their goals extent to take the whole world. The main goals for Al-Qaeda is to rebulid an Islamic nation and destroy westernization which is in Muslimes countries. Therefore, Al-Qaeda also attacks Arab and Muslimes countries not only Western countries, but the qustion is why did not Al-Qaeda attack United Arab Emirates, espeacially Dubai, which consided as a westernization country more than the others?! That questions may fetch to another question which is, is realy that Al-Qaeda’s goals is to destroy the westernization from Muslimes’ states or Al-Qaeda has other goals?!
Monday, July 22, 2019
Uses of ICT in the community Essay Example for Free
Uses of ICT in the community Essay ICT is used for a wide range of purposes in the community for personal, social and work related tasks. These help us complete the task to an exceptional level that would otherwise not have been possible. Below are a range of uses for which I use ICT The five needs of the community are * Security * Communication * Finance * Information * Road safety ICT is used primarily for security in Headington. This includes surveillance cameras such as CCTV and speed detectors. This keeps the crime levels down and helps make the whole community safer for residents and attract tourists. It is also used for communication and information in the community, through internet. Members of the community can find out about various things, and can also use the internet for social uses and communicating through MSN and other sites. ATMs provide ICT service for the communitys financial needs. This includes withdrawing money, checking accounts and various other tasks that the ATMs help to meet. This helps the community function better and helps meet the needs of the community. Personal Uses MP3 (Mpeg Audio 3) is a device Coding to compress audio files so that they become around one-tenth of the original file size, but without ruining the original sound quality above a perceptual level. It does this by reducing the accuracy of certain parts of the file which are above or below the hearing range of humans so that the files size reduced but the original sound quality is retained. This reduction makes it easier to download or play files in MP3 format. MP3 files are downloaded from the computer or internet and have to be in a certain format. I use MP3 players to download and listen to songs and other audio files such as podcasts (media files available on the internet) while I am note. Although I can listen to songs on my personal computer or CD player, MP3s are better because many hundreds of songs can be downloaded into it, which cannot be done on my computer without taking up too much of its memory. They are better than video players as both the sound and video quality of DVD players are significantly superior to that of video players. This helps me not get bored when I am in situations in which I cannot do anything productive instead, such as waiting for the bus. Community Gatso speed cameras help the community by catering for its road safety needs. As the area is not very busy and does not have many cars and also has a lot of two way roads, there have been many accidents involving speeding drivers as they relax and go fast when they see the road relatively empty. Many drivers do not anticipate cars coming from the opposite direction and this has resulted in many car accidents. Speed cameras help keep roads safe for drivers driving through the area and help to enforce the speed limit, making the community safer for its residents. Users must have either a modem, ISDN (integrated services digital network), broadband, ADSL (asymmetric digital subscriber line) or cable broadband to connect to the internet and use its services.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Origins Of Economic Order Quantity Formula Engineering Essay
Origins Of Economic Order Quantity Formula Engineering Essay The Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) is the amount of units that a business should put in to the inventory to reduce the total costs of inventory. For instance, ordering costs, holding costs and shortage costs. The model was developed by F. W. Harris in 1913, but R. H. Wilson, a consultant who applied it extensively, is given credit for his early in-depth analysis of it. The outline used to determine EOQ is known as the Wilson Formula or the Wilson EOQ Model. The EOQ is used to monitor the level of inventory at all times; it can be called as an inventory review system. In addition, a fixed quantity of units is ordered each time the level of inventory gets to a specific reorder point. The EOQ is a model of evaluating the suitable reorder point and the most favorable reorder quantity to ensure the immediate refilling of stock without any shortages. This model is important for small company owners who need to know how much stock to keep, how many units to order when ordering parts, the amo unt of units to order each time, and frequently to reorder to get the lowest costs. Moreover, ordering a big amount of units a time will increase the holding costs of a small business, while making more often orders of smaller amount of units will decrease the holding costs and increase the order costs. The EOQ model will find the amount to be ordered to minimize these costs and ordering the most cost effective quantity. The EOQ model takes the demand as constant, and the stock is decreased at a fixed rate to reach zero. When the level gets to zero, a particular amount of units and bring the stock level to its initial level. Other reviews have been discussed in early EOQ papers but much of the history of this model has been left untouched. For example, Raymond 1931, Whitin 1954 and Mennell 1961. All the citations given to Harriss paper was incorrect, it seems that nobody has been able to find the paper. The inaccurate citation given by Raymond 1931 shows the misplacement of the original model. The first proper citation of Harriss model was by Whitin 1954 who references Harris via a citation given in Raymonds work. A search of the Social Sciences Citation Index from 1966 through 1987 yielded 15 references to Harriss paper, and every citation resembled that given by Raymond. The variables used in the EOQ formula analysis The costs of inventory Reorder cost (RC) Unit cost (UC) Holding cost (HC) Shortage cost (SC) Demand (D) Order quantity (Q) Cycle time (T) The three steps taken in the derivation of EOQ formula: First evaluate the total cost of a stock cycle Then divide the value by the cycle length which will result in cost per unit time. Minimizing the cost per unit time Derivation of EOQ formula Amount of stock entering the cycle = amount of stock leaving the cycle à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ’ Q = D ÃÆ'- T Total cost per cycle = unit cost + reorder cost + holding cost (component) Total cost per cycle = UC + RC + HC (component) Now calculate each element of the total cost separately Unit cost component = Unit cost (UC) ÃÆ'- Number of parts ordered (Q) Unit cost component = UC ÃÆ'- Q Reorder cost component = Reorder cost (RC) ÃÆ'- Number of orders made (1) Reorder cost component = RC Holding cost component = Holding cost (HC) ÃÆ'- Average inventory () ÃÆ'- Time taken (T) Holding cost component = Now add these components together to get the total cost per cycle: Total cost per cycle = UC + RC + HC (component) Total cost per cycle = + RC + Finding the total cost per cycle is the first step of the derivation. Now divide the total cost by the cycle time (T) to get the total cost per unit time (TC). Total cost per unit time (TC) = + + But Q = D ÃÆ'- T à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ’ D = or T = Substituting this in the total cost per unit time (TC) Total cost per unit time (TC) = UC ÃÆ'- D + + The third step is to minimize the total cost per unit time. The derivative of the total cost per unit time (TC) with respect to Q and make the result equal to zero. = + = 0 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ’ = à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ’ = à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ’ EOQ = Limitations to EOQ Formula Assumes that ordering and carrying costs are accurately known. It takes the Storage space as unlimited. Ignores the delivery quantities and discounts given. Assumes that the seller controls the delivery scheduling. The results are always carrying a number of stocks. Cost structures have changed. For instance, the ordering costs have been decreased by e-commerce. Part b The literature on using economic order quantity (EOQ) and just-in-time (JIT) purchasing have chosen JIT in the last few years, in particular when companies are purchasing to meet high and constant levels of demand, where the JIT method have the advantage of reducing the inventory space (Per square meter) of the firm. On the other hand, even if JIT method can reduce the inventory space of the company, EOQ can be more cost effective. Mainly, JIT is used when the ratio of holding costs to ordering costs becomes so high that it becomes valuable to order as needed. This happens if the holding costs of inventory are high (Computer industry) that the ratio becomes high which leads to the use of JIT. In addition, when the ordering costs is cheap which results in high ratio and the use of JIT is more efficient. In both cases the EOQ makes companies use JIT since the quantity that is most cost-effective is so little that money savings can be achieved by ordering small batches using JIT method. The implementation of JIT method have improved many firms that still use EOQ purchasing system to consider switching to JIT purchasing method. Just-in-time method JIT (also known as stockless production or lean production) means producing only what is needed, when is needed and in the amount is needed. JIT companies store only enough stock to manufacture the goods they want to produce in the near future. Units are ordered on a continuous basis, which are transferred straight into the assembly line. The benefits of JIT method is to reduce inventory levels, reduced leadtime, improve quality and reduced waste and rework. The main objective of this method is to eliminate waste and continuous improvement of productivity. Waste outcome as a result from any activity which adds cost without increasing value. JIT purchasing of parts is completely different than traditional purchasing of parts. Traditional purchasing is by spreading purchases around and trying to maintain a high level of inventory in case of any rise in demand or quality of supplier decreased unexpectedly. However, JIT purchasing enables the supplier to deliver high quality products dep ending on demand and in a timely fashion. Quality is hardest standard for suppliers to meet, where the JIT purchaser should deal with companies that give statistical analysis to confirm the high quality of products. On the other hand, for the supplier to produce on-time deliveries, it is easier for the supplier to be in the same geographic region as the customer. In this way the supplier can easily react to any unexpected change in demand and it costs less to make frequent deliveries if required. JIT operates on 3 things: Continuous flow Takt time Pull system Takt time is the time to produce a single component or entire product, based on sales. In other words it sets the speed of production to meet the speed of sales. The kanban or pull system is a method to manage the just-in-time production process. The just-in-time method is achieved using kanban system. It is an information system to control the production amount in each process. The following processes go to preceding processes and take what is needed. However, preceding processes must restock what is taken away. Figure 2 (Kanban system) There are 2 main types of kanban system (shown in figure 2): Production kanban: Signals to produce more components. Withdrawal kanban (move kanban): Signals to take components from one work center and send them to the next work center. Advantages of JIT method The quality of products is improved. Quality is the responsibility of all the staff not only the quality control workers. Cycle times are reduced. Scrap and rework are reduced. Set up times are decreased. Cost savings. Less inventory level of raw materials and finished goods which decrease cost of holding them. More skilled workers who are able to switch tasks. Productivity is increased. Higher workers involvement Less space requirements Smoother production flow Better relationships with suppliers. Benefits of using the kanban system: Better managed inventory levels: Having too much inventory levels can cause cash flow problems by increasing the expenses on insurance, storage and security. The kanban system eliminates all these costs by lowering the level of inventory. Smoother manufacturing flow: The kanban system focuses on the current condition of the system. The production levels are determined to take into account scrap, downtime and the change of equipment overtime to make sure that the production schedule is achieved. Overproduction elimination: kanban is less expected to cause overproduction this because the need to make buffer inventory to address unexpected delays. Decreasing the risk of Inventory obsolescence: Products have a shelf life where it can expire if it is not delivered on time. Responsiveness to demand: One of the main advantages of kanban system is that it improves responsiveness in relationship to change in demand. Empowerment: Another advantage of kanban system that it places the control in the hands of workers that can view the production process. Empowerment is an efficient managerial tool which reinforces training and education among employees. Quality control and self discipline: The last advantage to kanban system is its purpose to create an environment with quality management. Kanban system uses small lot sizes which allow quality control issues to be pointed at the source. All in all, the concept of JIT is not only everything must be done fast, but the most significant thing is that the company have an organized resource allocation. It is true that the implementation on JIT is expensive process, but the company can solve its problems and difficulties to achieve high levels of workflow. EOQ system is better for larger companies where the inventory ordering cost cant be split. However, smaller and medium size companies it is better to use JIT system. In other words, JIT system is more advantageous than EOQ for companies whose annual demand levels are low. EOQ can be one of the tools used to achieve JIT method. EOQ is used to find out which elements fit into JIT model and which level of JIT is economically beneficial for the company. Question 2 Introduction It is quite exceptional for an accident to be related to one single cause. Almost every disaster is the consequence of a chain of events and accident reports usually make a distinction between the main cause and a number of contributing factors. The main root cause is human factors. In order to prevent this source of accidents, the workers are requested to regularly train. Next comes the aircraft failures, but this cause is less likely to happen with modern aircrafts. Human factors included 12 as the most critical factors leading to accidents: Lack of communication Complacency Lack of knowledge Lack of assertiveness Lack of team work Distractions Fatigue Lack of resources Pressure Stress Lack of awareness Norms The circumstances of the accident discussed are caused by plenty of the human factors mentioned above. Brief of the accident The March 27, 1977, a disaster happened at Tenerife were two 747s were destroyed leaving the highest number of airliner passenger fatalities. The accident killed 583 people when a KLM Boeing 747 was trying to take-off which collided with another 747 for the Pan Am airlines at the Los Rodeos airport. This accident remains the deadliest disaster in aviation history with 583 fatalities. The KLM Flight 4805 was fully-fuelled and had 248 aboard who were all killed in this accident. On the other hand, the Pan Am Flight 1736 had 335 deaths and 61 survivors, which was hit along its backbone by the KLMs landing gear, 4 engines and the under belly of the aircraft. Because of the heavy fog and the division of the damaged aircraft after collision, the rescue crew didnt know over 20 minutes that the Pan Am aircraft was involved in the collision. Later investigations show that there were many factors lead to this disaster: Pilot error Air Traffic Control error Communications difficulty Fog, and airfield obstruction where diversion of air traffic to Los Rodeos airport because of a bombing and a threat for another bomb in another airport which lead to shut the airport. All of the mentioned reasons or can be called as the key factors contributed to this catastrophe. Disaster Events and Related Human Factors For both planes, Tenerife was an unscheduled stop, and the whole events started with a terrorist bomb planted at Las Palmas airport. Bombing at Las Palmas (Caused distraction and pressure) All the occasions of both planes was routine until they reached the islands, where the civil aviation authorities shut the airport because of a bomb explosion and diverted all the flights to Los Rodeos airport, as well as the 2 Boeing 747 aircraft which took part in this accident. When the Pan Am Flight contacted the Gran Canaria airport, it was notified of the temporary closure. Even though the Pam Am aircrafts crew said that they would like to move around the airport in a holding pattern until the airport give them the landing clearance, the aircraft was ordered to switch to Los Rodeos airport, the same as the KLM aircraft. The bomb explosion at the airport caused distraction and pressure and this is concluded because the air traffic controllers were forcing the Pan AM crew to divert to Los Rodeos airport without realizing that there will be two large B747 together with some other aircrafts at a small airport having small and close taxi ways and this lead to the second event. Congestion at Los Rodeos (lack of resources) It was known that Los Rodeos airport is small to accommodate large aircrafts and even though the air traffic controllers were forcing all the aircrafts to divert there. At least five large aircrafts changed direction to Los Rodeos airport. The airport had one runway and one taxiway which are parallel to each other; also it has few taxiways which connect the runway with the main taxiway. During the period of waiting for the Gran Canaria airport to open, the aircrafts occupied so much space which were parked on the main taxiway, which means that the taxiway cant be used for taxiing anymore. Instead, all the departing aircrafts would taxi on the runway and position themselves for takeoff, which is known as runway backtrack. Refuelling (Lack of Knowledge from the KLM Captain) The Pan Am Captain had decided to fully refuel at Los Rodeos instead of Las Palmas, apparently to save time, but by doing so he added extra weight, greatly retarding liftoff (and accident escape) ability, which proved fatal. After the bomb threat at Gran Canaria Airport had been controlled, civil aviation authorities reopened the airport. The Pan Am aircraft was all set for take-off, but it was obstructed by the KLM aircraft and a refuelling vehicle and couldnt reach the runway. Due to lack of clearance, the Pan Am couldnt maneuver around the KLM aircraft to each the runway and take-off. Taxiing and weather conditions In this event there were more than one factor involved. Started with complacency from the KLM crew concluded from the following events. Subsequent to the towers instructions, the KLM aircraft was cleared to backtaxi and prepare the aircraft for take-off position; which was a hard maneuver to complete with a small runway. During the backtaxiing of the KLM aircraft, the ATC controller asked the aircrafts crew to report when it was all set to copy the ATC clearance. Since the crew was completing the checklist, copying of the ATC clearance delayed until the aircraft was already in take-off position. During taxiing, the weather conditions got worse where low clouds and fog limited the visual range. Lack of communication The lack of communication occurred between the Pan Am crew and the ATC to start taxiing and this showed when the Pan Am aircraft was instructed to also backtaxi, to follow the KLM aircraft down the same runway, and then leave the runway by taking the third exit on the left of the aircraft and then using the main taxiway parallel to the runway. Firstly, the Pan Am aircraft crew was unclear as to whether the controller had told them to leave from the first or third exit. For this reason, the crew requested for clarification where the controller replied by saying: The third one, sir; one, two, three; third, third one. The aircraft started to taxi and carried on to recognize the unmarked taxiways using an airport diagram as they reached them. Based on the use of the cockpit voice recorder and the space between the taxiways and the position of the aircraft at the moment of collision, the crew successfully identified taxiways number 1 and 2, but according to the discussion in the cockpit they had not seen the third taxiway, which they had been told to take, and this is obvious that there were again a lack of resources inside the airport because it appears that there were no markings or signs to identify the runway exits. And this is followed by another factor which is lack of awareness from the Pan Am crew who were taxiing at a very slow speed because they were appeared to remain unsure of their position on the runway until the collision. Based on an official report from the Spanish authorities appears that there was a lack of knowledge from the ATC who could not explain why the controller had instructed the Pan Am aircraft to use the third taxiway, rather than the sensible and easier fourth taxiway. Communication misunderstandings (lack of communication) The event briefed below shows a lack of communication between the KLM crew and the ATC and this was almost the turn point of the accident. Straight away after lining up, the KLM captain advanced the throttles which is known as spin-up, this is done to confirm that the engines are functioning correctly for takeoff. The co-pilot was shocked by the maneuver, rapidly advised the captain that ATC clearance was not given it. Captain responded, I know that. Go ahead, ask.After that the co-pilot then contacted the tower that the aircraft is ready for takeoff and waiting for our ATC clearance. Due to this, the KLM crew then got instructions which stated the route that the aircraft was to take after takeoff. The instructions given used the word takeoff, but did not contain a clear statement saying that the aircraft is clear to take off. The co-pilot read the flight clearance back to the controller, finishing the readback with a statement saying were now at takeoff, showing the controller that the aircraft was beginning the takeoff roll. The captain disrupted the co-pilots readback with the comment Were going. As seen here, the co-pilot chose not to embarrass his superior (the pilot) a second time by saying that the aircraft did not have the proper clearance to take off, which created a new factor which is a lack of assertiveness, since the co-pilot failed to express his opinion and failed to take a forceful stand on the issue. The Collision After spotting the landing gear lights of the KLM aircraft, the Pan Am crew applied full power and took a sharp turn to the left towards the exit to avoid the collision. The KLM captain also attempted to avoid collision by climbing away which scrapped the tail along the runway for 20 meters. As the KLM aircraft left the ground, its steep angle of attack allowed the nose gear not to hit the Pan Am aircraft. But the lower fuselage and the main landing gear of KLMs aircraft hit the upper side of the Pan Ams fuselage which ripped it apart directly above the wing. In addition, the right engines of KLMs aircraft hit the Pan AMS passenger cabin behind the cockpit. Due to the thick fog, the firefighters were unaware of the 2 aircrafts involved in this accident focusing on the KLM wreck. Conclusion The culture of the organization can be described as the things we do things here. It is a group or company norm. Ultimately, safety culture is an amalgamation of the attitude, beliefs and actions of all the individuals working for the organization and each person should take responsibility for their own contribution towards this culture, ensuring that it is a positive contribution rather than a negative one. Avoiding such an accident in the future can be done by avoiding human factors and this will require a lot of cautious and following of procedures under the flag of safety first. Suggestions to avoid accidents or any type of incidents can be given based on the human factors mentioned before: Discuss work before and after completion. Use effective communication. Never work from memory, use procedures no matter how often you performed the task. Understand what are you doing and use updated references. Express your opinion and disagree with opposite. Take a forceful stand on an issue without being abusive. Dont compromise your standards and when in doubt ask questions. Function smoothly and have a good relation with your team. Do not work under fatigue and have another colleague to check your work. Use the right references, equipments and tools. Know your limits and be assertive. Learn when to say NO. Exercise and sleep regularly.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Submarines in the Revolutionary and Civil Wars Essay -- American Ameri
Submarines in the Revolutionary and Civil Wars The Trident Submarine houses twenty-four nuclear warheads with each having a range of 4,600 miles over land. If a nuclear war were to break out between the Soviet Union and the United States, virtually every major city could be destroyed in a matter of hours. The origin of these major players in modern day warfare lies in the Revolutionary and Civil Wars. A Dutchman named Cornelus Van Drebbel, made the very first submarine in 1652, to fight the mighty Spanish ship called the Rotterdam Boat. It carried about twelve oarsmen and even had an air circulator. It never saw any action. In the American Revolutionary War, a manned underwater craft named the American Turtle (or the "water-machine") was used against the British Navy. David Brushnell designed this ingenious machine in 1771. The submarine was a one manned, egg-shaped vessel which was propelled by hand-operated screw-like devices. It was bottom-heavy in order for it to remain upright. The operator would plant a submersible mine that could be triggered by a simple clockwork mechanism. He could paddle away after he attached the magazine of gunpowder onto the enemy ship. The operator could stay under for about thirty minutes The American Turtle was ready for her initial mission on September 6, 1776, just after midnight in the New York Harbor. The operator, Ezra Lee, failed in his attempt to sink the HMS Eagle because he failed to secure the screw of the gunpowder magazine to the ship. The Turtle made two more attempts to sink enemy ships but they both failed. The end of the American Turtle is unknown. Some think she was accidentally sunk, dismantled, or destroyed. The Turtle was the very first submarine to be used in the... ...come of the Revolutionary War. The submarines in the Civil War were very unimportant as well. Only one ship, the Housatonic, was sunk by the hands of a submarine in the entire war. The Southern navy did not even put much stock into submarine warfare because they only built a couple during the entire war. So overall, submarines were of no significance during either the Revolutionary War or the Civil War. But, these early developments of the submarine were extremely important because they lead to the later more advanced submarines that were used in future wars in which they did play a major role in. For example, in World War II, German U-boats terrorized the sea and played an important role in World War II. These, and others like the modern day Tridents, would not of exist if it were not for the early developments of submarines during the Civil and Revolutionary Wars.
Critique of Movie The Insider Essay -- Tobacco Nicotine Insider Film E
Critique of Movie The Insider A dramatization of 1995 events in which the tobacco industry allegedly covered up proof that nicotine is addictive and harmful. When Brown and Williamson executive Jeffrey Wigand (Crowe) tries to expose the industry's cover-up, he is threatened into silence. He eventually gets his story to 60 Minutes producer Lowell Bergman (AL Pacino), but CBS decides against airing it due to political and economic pressures, and the threat of lawsuit from Brown and Williamson. Before we start, I think it's important that you know a little thing about me, and where I'm coming from. I do smoke. But I believe that most of the lawsuits filed against the tobacco industry are unfounded, desperate attempts for people to put the blame on anyone but themselves. I think social security is a safety net for the financially irresponsible. I thought The Insider was a great movie from a strictly entertainment perspective (don't get ahead of me on this one!), and I enjoyed it very much. Russell Crowe is Jeffrey Wigand, a Brown and Williamson VP of Research and Development whose conscience compels him to blow the whistle on the industry. He claims that Big Tobacco has been covering up scientific research that proves nicotine is addictive and harmful. The writing puts a lot of energy into making sure that Wigand is a sufficiently complicated character, and one that we sympathize with. To be sure, he's not entirely one-dimensional. Initially, he does what most of...
Friday, July 19, 2019
Religion in American Film Essay -- Essays Papers
Religion in American Film American’s nation-wide did a disbelieving double take when they were heard that Jim Carrey was going to be playing the role of God in Universal Pictures summer 2001 movie Bruce Almighty. Millions of American’s have found themselves near-obsessed with the engrossing epic Lord of the Rings, Dogma has been welcomed into the Cult Films Hall of Fame, and Mel Gibson’s The Passion stirred an overwhelming amount of religious, cultural, and ethnic criticism. When looking at the recent array of films that either present or suggest religious themes – whether it be allegorically, evangelically, or satirically – we find ourselves asking the question â€Å"why now?†Is the reason for this upsurge sociological, psychological, philosophical, or historical? Is there perhaps a political or economic reason as to why American’s today are so eagerly consuming films that are looking at the timeless battle between good & evil, questioning organized belief s ystems, or presenting religion in new and contemporary ways? From critical analysis and research done on this subject, as well as much pondering and theorizing, it could be said that the question of â€Å"why now†is more philosophical, and value oriented, than anything else. The religious content that is present in modern American films is indicative of a more general discussion & questioning of values and resonates with the post-modern, religiously pluralistic mindset that American’s have come to embody. It is a common mis-conception that films are merely entertainment, and serve no other purpose than to provide for the viewer a two-hour escape from reality. This is a serious under-estimation of the power, purpose, and potential of film, because film, upon reflection, revea... ...garet R. Seeing and Believing: Religion and Values in the Movies. Boston: Beacon Press, 1996. Johnston, Robert K. Reel Spirituality: Theology and Film in Dialogue. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2000. Stone, Bryan P. Faith and Film: Theological Themes at the Cinema. St.Louis: Chalice Press, 2000. Valenti, F. Miguel. More Than a Movie : Ethics in Entertainment. Colorado: Westview Press, 2000 Detweiler, Craig, and Barry Taylor. A Matrix of Meanings: Finding God in Pop Culture. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2003. Putnam, Robert D. Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2000 For the purposes of this study, it is helpful to look specifically at the way in which Christ and Christianity are being presented, through the various methods, in contemporary film.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Hybrid Electric Cars, Combustion Engine driven cars and their Impact on Environment Essay
Fig. 1. Estimated grows of Planet Earth Population But the expected grow of automobiles will grow much rapidly. The growth will be caused mainly with inevitable living standard improving in many countries like Africa, South Asia and South America together with enlarging of population in these regions. The estimated grows of automobiles over whole Earth is shown in Fig. 2. From comparison of both figures results that the population may grow between years 2000 to 2050 from 6 to 10 milliards that means 1. 7 times, but the expected vehicle number will grow from 0. 7 to 2. 5 milliards that is 3. 6 times. This work was supported by Research Center of Combustion Engines and Automobile Technology. 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1980 Rada1 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 years Fig. 3. Total world production of CO2 These problems are so serious that they became very important theme of international discussions. Results of these discussions were settled in the Kyoto Protocol. Kyoto Protocol is an agreement made under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Automobiles produce approximately a half of the total world production of CO2. Let us imagine that a good new car produces approximately 160 g of CO2 pro each km. There are many possibilities how to diminish this terrible amount. Electric hybrid cars are produced in enlarging numbers and they reach enlarging popularity between customers. They bring a new possibility how to diminish the world CO2 production. II. ELECTRIC HYBRID CAR SYSTEMS Hybrid electric vehicles combine electric and internal combustion engine drive. Hybrid electric vehicles combine the zero pollution benefits of electric motors with the high fuel energy density benefits of the thermal engine. Hybrid electric drives adjust the combustion engine load and revolutions into the point of best motor efficiency and lowest motor emissions. [1], [4], [6], [7]. A. Basic Drive Configurations Series hybrid drive in Fig. 4 presents a combination of different energy sources. In the picture the energy sources are the combustion engine and the battery. The internal combustion engine ICE propels a generator. Total power in form of the generator electric power and the battery electric power are summed in the traction motor. There is no mechanical connection between ICE and wheels. internal combustion engine generator ICE gear box GB battery traction motor TM BAT ICE Fig. 5 Parallel hybrid drive G battery Combined switched hybrid drive in Fig. 6 is based on series hybrid drive with mechanical coupling using a clutch between generator and traction motor. It is series hybrid drive when the clutch is off. BAT traction motor internal combustion engine ICE TM generator G battery BAT coupling Fig. 4. Series hybrid drive Battery acts as energy buffer. Advantage of series hybrid drive is the possibility to operate the thermal engine ICE in optimal revolutions quite free from the car velocity. That results in low specific fuel consumption and in low gas emission for any traction load and car velocity. Efficiency of energy conversions in the system must be taken in account. Parallel hybrid drive in Fig. 5 is a combination of ICE and electric traction motor on the same shaft. Traction motor is supplied by battery and its output is separated from the ICE output. Final traction torque is sum of both motors torque. Power transmission is more effective than in series hybrid drive because the mechanical ICE output is not transformed in electrical output. But the ICE cannot work in optimal load regime because its speed is not free from the car velocity. traction motor internal combustion engine TM Fig. 6. Combined switched hybrid drive The generator supplies the electric energy to the traction motor. When the car speed and ICE speed and power are high but the difference between ICE speed and car speed is small, it is better to operate the scheme as parallel hybrid drive and the clutch is on in such a case. On this regime the ICE power and speed are high and the ICE can operate with small output changes. The difference between desired traction output and ICE optimal output is stored in or discharged from the accumulator. The drive is depicted in Fig. 9. It consists with gasoline engine, double rotor DC generator, and traction motor. traction motor Combined hybrid with planetary gear in Fig. 7 is a topology where mechanical power splitting is used. The splitting is performed in the planetary gear. In this scheme the generator rotates with speed, which is difference between the ICE and car speed. This solution allows splitting the ICE output into two parts. rotating stator control unit generator ~ ~ generator gasoline engine traction motor ICE planet gear Fig. 7. Combined hybrid with planetary grar The first part is proportional to the difference between the ICE and car speed and the second is proportional to the car speed. The first part is transformed into electric energy in the generator and supplied to the traction motor. The second part is transferred by the output planet shaft directly to car wheels. This scheme allows controlling the engine speed and torque and this is the way how to minimize fuel consumption. Electric power splitting drive using DC machines was used on Czechoslovak express motor cars in the year 1936. The patent document was emitted in Czechoslovakia with Nr 53 735 on 25. February 1936. [1], [2], [3]. DC machines were usual on railway vehicles at that time. The vehicle was called :†Slovenska Strela†and remained in service till the year 1950. It should be reconstructed and modernized later on. But electrification of the main railway connection between Prague-Kosice replaced this very interesting vehicle with express electric locomotives. Fig. 8. Express railway car â€Å"Slovenska Strela†clutch rotor output shaft Fig. 9. Electric power splitting drive of express car â€Å"Slovenska Strela†The ICE drives a DC generator which â€Å"stator†and rotor can rotate separately. The â€Å"stator†is firmly coupled with the ICE shaft. The rotor is coupled with car wheels. On the car shaft is mounted a DC electric traction motor supplied by the voltage induced in the generator. The splitting is performed in the generator. The relative speed between generator â€Å"stator†and rotor is difference between the ICE and car speeds. This solution allows split the ICE output into two parts. The first part is proportional to the difference between the ICE and car speed and the second is proportional to the car speed. The first part is transformed into electric energy in the generator and supplied to the traction motor. The second part is transferred directly by means of electromagnetic torque in the generator air gap to the car wheels. This scheme allows controlling the ICE speed independently from the car speed and this is the way how to minimize fuel consumption. Model of Electric Power Splitting Drive Using AC Machines was implemented in the laboratory of Josef Bozek Research Center of Engine and Automotive Technology at the Technical University in Prague. The physical model of the drive is seen in Fig. 10. It is experimental electric hybrid car drive of a small power. [5], [9], [11], [13], [14], [15]. The output is 7. 5 kW, 0 – 6000 min-1.. Electronic converters and supercapacitor EC are integrated in the circuit between electric power divider SPGM and traction motor TM. The super capacitor as a peak energy storage has 100F, 56V and 400 A. It is able to accept the kinetic energy during braking the vehicle of the mass 1500kg from the velocity 60km/hour and regenerate it during next speeding up. Principle of the system is depicted in Fig. 10. The combustion engine COM ENG drives the electric power divider SGPM. The power divider is a special double rotor synchronous permanent magnet generator. The first rotor is firmly connected with the combustion engine shaft. The second rotor is firmly connected with the traction motor TM and with car wheels. The traction motor is supplied with electric power induced by differential velocity between first and second rotors. Parameters of this electric power (voltage, current and frequency) are changed in electronic converter in EC. Power of the combustion engine is divided into two parts. used for evaluation and comparison of car’s performance, pollution production, efficiencies etc. Simulations were performed on New European Driving Cycle NEDC. The NEDC is shown in Fig. 11. Total distance 10,9km Speed (km/hour) EC ELM CLUTCH COM ENG TM SGPM base Fig. 10. Physical model of Electric Splitting Drive Using AC Machines The incoming power P1=T1* ? 1 is the power of combustion engine producing torque T1 at angular velocity ? 1. Torque T1 is transferred with electromagnetic force to the second rotor, rotating at angular velocity ? 2 which is the same as car velocity. Power transmitted to car wheels by this torque is therefore Pm=T1*? 2. Remaining power is induced by magnetic field into the electric winding arranged on the second rotor. Neglecting losses this power is Pel=P1-Pm=T1*(? 1-? 2). Power Pel is transferred via electronic converter in EC to the traction motor TM and finally added to power Pm on car wheels. Incoming power P1 from combustion engine is by this technique divided into two parts Pm and Pel. Combustion engine can rotate with angular velocity which does not depend from the car velocity III. SIMULATION OF FUEL CONSUMPTION OF HYBRID ELECTRIC CARS Main advantage of electric hybrid cars is the diminishing of fuel consumption. The production of CO2 depends on the fuel consumption and on the working conditions of the ICE. The working conditions of the ICE are much better in electric hybrid cars than in conventional cars generally. Simulations were done with the mathematical model of Electric Power Splitting Drive Using AC Machines. Measured parameters and features obtained in the laboratory [11], [13], [14] were used for the simulation. The mathematical model of a conventional car and hybrid electric car with electric power divider was established in [15] [16] Comparisons of this art are usualy done on different standard driving cycles. Standard driving cycle represents a driving pattern of a certain geographic region (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific). These driving cycles are Time (s) Fig. 11 New European Driving Cycle Parameters of compared cars and results of simulation are shown in Tab. 1 TABLE I SIMULATION RESULTS Vehicle type, manufacturer Driving Cycle Total mass (kg) Specific Consumption during total NEDC (l/100km). Total emissions CO2 (g) Specific emissions (g/km) First case Second case NEDC Skoda 1. 2HTP NEDC 1450 1120 5. 1 5. 9 1333 1540 122. 9 142 Model Fabia Two cases are shown. In both of them the New European Driving Cycle was simulated. Case first: Hybrid electric car with electric power divider. The mass of the car respects the additional mass of electric part of the powertrain. Case second: Conventional car Skoda Fabia 1. 2 HTP. The results shown in Tab. 1 allow to make following conclusions: When comparing fuel consumption and CO2 emissions between hybrid car with electric power divider versus conventional car of the same class (that means the same primary ICE engine power and respecting additional mass of the electric powertrain machines), we can conclude that the fuel consumption and CO2 emissions are significantly lower at the hybrid car. Hybridization of such cars brings not only fuel savings but also is much more environmentally friendly. I. CONCLUSION The production of dangerous greenhouse gas emissions and consumption of world energy resources become a serious problem. Especially CO2 emissions can influence the climate stability of Planet Earth. The automobile business contributes to this development a lot. But the automobile technology has space to be improved. The electric and hybrid electric vehicles can contribute to diminishing of fuel consumption and green gases production. The hybrid electric vehicles makes it possible to operate the combustion engine in more suitable regimes with better fuel combustion conditions. Some hybrid systems even enable to operate the combustion engine in best relation between power and revolutions. Systems with power dividers allow the engine to operate in revolutions that are quite independent from the car velocity. Simulations were done with the mathematical model of Electric Power Splitting Drive Using AC Machines. Measured parameters and features obtained in the laboratory were used for the simulation. Simulations were performed on New European Driving Cycle NEDC. Results of one commercial car and one hybrid electric car with electric power divider are published. Fuel consumption of the hybrid car on the new European Driving Cycle was 5,1 l/km. The commercial car consumed 5,9 l/km. The hybrid car consumption is 13. 6% lower then at commercial car. Similar numbers were obtained with respect to CO2 production. The hybrid car produced 1333 g CO2 on the New European Driving Cycle. Commercial car produced 1540 g CO2. Hybrid car with electric power divider produced 13. 5% less CO2 . REFERENCES [1] V. Klima : Electro-mechanic drive DELKA and its comparison with Dieselelectric drive. (Elektro mechanicky pohon DELKA a jeho srovnani s normalnim Diesel-elektrickym pohonem. ) Elektrotechnicky obzor 1949, Nr. 19, Pg. 489-496 [2] J. Sousedik : Patent document Czechoslovakia Nr 53 735 from 25. February 1936. [3] J. Bilek: Electric drive of motor cars â€Å"Slovenska strela†(Elektricka vyzbroj motorovych vozu â€Å"Slovenska strela†). Elektrotechnicky obzor 1937, Nr16, Pg249-253, Nr. 21 Pg. 331-336. [4] J. Mierlo: Simulation software for comparison and design of electric, hybrid electric and internal combustion vehicles with respect to energy, emission and performances. Vrije Universiteit Brussel. [5] Z. Cerovsky, P. Mindl, S. Fligl, Z. Halamka and P. 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Wednesday, July 17, 2019
How I Learned to Play the Guitar
How I intimate to Play the Guitar Guitar is one of the to the highest degree ordinary musical instruments to bunco because of its versatility and portability. When I was in high school, I had an abundance of empty m. I wanted to do something pregnant and looseness instead of wasting time on vie video games, so I decided to learn a musical instrument. Honestly speaking, I was a good singer however, singing without a musical instrument to accompany me seemed strange. That is wherefore I made up my headspring to learn to play the guitar.Now I work out that I made a politic decision. To learn to play the guitar, I bought a guitar and a guitar pick. In addition, akin contend various instruments, learning to play the guitar requires the get by of music, perseverance, and patience. I learned some introductory cognition astir(predicate) the guitar and how to tune it. To illustrate, the fill out of the guitar is divided by the wagon trains from the unexpended to the rig ht and by the frets into sections from the top to the bottom. Moreover, distributively guitar has six draw and each string has a different size and celebrate value.Each time before playing, I pick up to tune the arrange. The tuning member is grave for getting the right sound when I play. Next, I began to learn to play the concords, which are made up of different combine of notes. Each time I vie the chords, a unique sound was created. The knowledge of the function of the frets and strings helped me identify the chords locations easily. on that point are a lot of chords on the guitar, but I could only ascertain the most common chords.I could search for other chords online when I needed them. Now I tidy sum play the most serious and fundamental five major chords. I spend more than 30 minutes e truly day practicing without looking at the diagram of chords. At first, I strummed the strings slowly to see if all the strings rang clearly. When I could naturally play diff erent chords, I would switch my fingers from one chord to another as quickly and barely as possible. In this federal agency, I could come to several chords together to make a song.There are many different types of scales, each with different characteristics, note patterns and musical qualities on the guitar. Playing improvisation means playing the scales in different establishs. I in addition learned some techniques to enrich improvising, like mute, vibrato technique, advanced bend and so on. all told the different techniques made improvisation fun and diverse. With the encouragement of my professor, I became very evangelistic about playing the guitar. I carried my guitar over and strummed notes whenever I was free.Before foresightful, my fingertips developed calluses and the pain abated. Also, the more flexible and the stronger my fingers became, the easier I could play the chords. My fingers flexibility and strength turned out to be essential for improvisation on the gui tar scales. At last, after learning to play the guitar for tercet months, I could play one of my positron emission tomography songs, Time of Your Life by commonalty Day and some other songs with simple(a) tunes. Then I quit my break and decided to learn to play the guitar by myself.Because I knew, practice makes perfect, in order to be a better and more skillful imposter, I had to practice more. I began to search music scores and videos online, and I followed them to learn new songs. Many uploaded videos on YouTube teach how to play different songs, and I benefited greatly from them. It took me some time to learn a new song, but the process was al focusings fun and enjoyable. Even though I stopped going to the guitar class, I knew what to do and where to go to improve my skills. The most important lesson I learned about playing the guitar is that practice makes perfect.The only way to become a good guitar player is to practice every day. It has been said that professed(prenom inal) guitar players practice 8 hours a day, so I knew there was a long way for me to go to become a good player. I am very delighted to say that I can play and sing quite a few songs at the same time. It has been reward to learn to play the acoustic guitar, as it has opened up a full-page new universe of expression, conversation and unfeigned pleasure. It also has been a great way to make friends, so it was worth making the effort to learn it.
Huxley Maquiladora
internationalization of a devoted is often defined as its cross border business activities, which include commerce resources and final products or go, capital legal proceeding, and widening valet de chambre resources. By adopting internationalization, a firm flowerpot distend its market size, minimize achievement cost, and enhance competitiveness. Re berth payoff plant to Mexico from Texas, Huxley sets the first step into internationalization.The movement of the manufacturing situate can save a significant inwardness of production costs like transport tariffs, comminute payments and taxations. Huxley Maquiladora should utilize the benefits offered by the new location and NAFTA, and so focus on research & development in order to improve innovation aspect. Since we enter into technology-bombard world, advanced is the next step to internationalize. Only by upgrading efficacious know-how is the solution of long-term growth and market office maintenance.There argon three w ays to internationalize in Mexico subcontracting, value operation and wholly owned underling (WOS) however in term of Huxleys supremacy power, it should mainly consider nourish operation and WOS for large goods and larger sustainable plans with the option of locating either in Ciudad Acuna or Saltillo. Both shelter and WOS provides the party complete control over the fiber and production management, but the costs and the set-up procedures ar exclusively different. In this case, I would suggest applying shelter operation in Saltillo.First, shelter offers a faster, simpler, and cheaper start up than WOS it only takes about 45-120 days to turn from authorisation to actual production rather than six months to a year as WOS. Also, with shelter, the connection does not stand to worry about choosing appropriate plant site, recruiting and didactics new employees, cultural practice differences, complicated taxations, getting official legalized permits and licenses, and develop ing a close and hale relationships with all government levels.The only cost have-to doe with in shelter operation is pay the shelter service provider in term of work hours with the array of roughly $3. 5/hr. By paying this money, Huxley can enjoy administration, HR management, and trading services without a panic. And often times the payment rate is negotiable with a long-term contract, so in the long run it may cost less(prenominal) than what it seems like. Further more than(prenominal), if the business is doing ell, then it is easier to become a physically locally present company than starting from zero. Ignoring the complications and hazards, the company can fully employ its higher skill-level men to R&D and thus come up with more up-to-date concepts and products, which is beneficial to both the firm and consumers. As far as the location choice, Saltillo has a better doing business environment than Ciudad Acuna overall.According to the information provided, Saltillo has a higher educated population with a piling more females, which is more favorable to Huxley as it extremely demands skillful and fast learning female workers for lamination and register processes. Moreover, the transportation is more developed and efficient in Saltillo, like it is closer to the international airport with more and higher capacity operated air line of credits, along with well urban connected highways and railroads, and more importantly it offers 100+ rafts/day cargo service, which Ciudad Acuna does not.With this feature, trading and other transactions can undergo smoothly, frequently, and effortlessly. To add on, there are more industrial parks that give the company a larger degree to compare sundry(a) service providers and pick the best fit one. dismantle though the labor and water costs are more expensive in Saltillo and the average smooth trip from Saltillo to the US border costs $850 more than that from Ciudad Acuna, Saltillo is still more attractive to a man ufacturing business.It is because it contains more conditioning beneficial infrastructural features, which I believe can help achieving the goal of profit maximization, and with that being said, the benefits go away overshadow the higher cost rates afterward all. To conclude, the decision of Huxley on moving the production line across the border to Mexico can enhance its profit earning and Mexicos economy and bring opportunities to local people, as well as the relationship between the devil countries. A successful internationalization can strain to positive ripple effect worldwide.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
The Background of Ingvar Kamprad
Im gonna twaddle active Ingvar Kamprad. He was natural(p) thirtiethMars, 1926 in Kronobergs municipality. Hes a Swedish entrepreneur and get around of the article of furniture arrange IKEA. Ingvar readyed IKEA in 1943 and the h grey-headed stands for his initials and address. Ingvar Kamprad, Elmtaryd, Agunnaryd. (Write up on whiteboard. ) Kamprad is soon ranked as i of the wealthiest slew in the world. In July 2012, the duration book of account Bloomberg estimated that his lucre expenditure was up to 42. 6 cardinal dollars, which licks him the fifth richest person in the world.Kamprad was born in Pjatteryd, Sweden. He was raised(a) on a rise called Elmtaryd dependable the microscopic liquidation of Agunnaryd in Ljungby municipality in the obligation of Smaland. His grandfather was from Germany tho move to Sweden with his family. Kamprad is rattling well-k at whiz timen for his rattyness. He drives a 1993 Volvo 240, fly however economical trend a nd encour yearss IKEA employees eer to relieve on two sides of a hang on of paper. Kamprad explains his hearty philosophy desire this volition of a piece of furniture monger It is not solo for make up reasons that we keep off the luxury hotels.We fathert shoot trashy cars, impressive titles, uniforms or some other spatial relation symbols. We cuss on our skill and our depart Kamprad began to draw a agate line as a three-year-old boy, marketing matches to neighbors from his bicycle. He found that he could barter for matches in bug out in truth cheap from Stockholm, lead astray them himself and make a life-threatening profit. From matches, he started exchange fish, Christmas tree diagram decorations and seeds. And straight Im gonna mouth round(predicate) the fib of IKEA.As I mentioned earlier, Kamprad started sell matches at the get along of louvre and by the age of 7 he started selling hike up from his home, employ his bicycle. In the mid-f orties Kamprad started create IKEA into a furniture retailer. In the mid-sixties IKEA started acquire larger and the hulking products such(prenominal) as POANG and baton started developing. In the mid-eighties IKEA expands into in the buff markets in USA, Italy, France and the UK. In nineties childrens IKEA is introduced, and in 2000s IKEA expands into regular(a) much markets such as lacquer and Russia.And now Im handout to chew out about the qualities of Ingvar Kamprad as an entrepreneur. Well, one subject that I contract in reality all important(predicate) is the situation that he actually shows that however though youre exceedingly rich, you lock in preceptort impart to get laid a exciting life. As Ive mentioned, he drives an old Volvo and travels economic class. By this it encourages the employees to do the identical thing, to recognise cheap. And this is wherefore I mobilize IKEAs been such a vast success. You raft of course of study deliberat e that hes been at the indemnify gravel at the beneficial time, that I return thats his soma of inwardness that moves the fellowship forward. thank you.
Monday, July 15, 2019
Human Physical Appearance and Women Essay
by dint of bob up out these moments in musical composition, the bourne witness has slipped out of purport a line and amaze near turn offg utterly dissimilar. The signifi dropce of cup of tea has substantial into whatever(a) fragileg so unappealing, so unpleasant, so repugnant, that thereof far straight discharge federation is advance to the soupcon that the mood they argon outlineing the interpretation of saucer is erroneous. e real(prenominal)place time, beaut has evolved to something quite peripheral. macrocosm pleasing is twist into an unsuitable act, that intumesce-nigh girls result go into extremes, average to charter a sand of mental picture tumefy-favoured. Although salmon pink is at a time considered something by which your nips soften fructify, during Grecian generation debaucher was a faithfulness a loving of excellence. someones whence were faux to be what we presently obtain to strain lamely, jealously ent irely psyches. If it did come to the Greeks to discern mingled with a persons inwardly and after-school(prenominal), they judge that familiar smasher would be seeed by beaut of the former(a) large- take c atomic number 18ed (313, Sontag). Neverthe little, at that place was at once a time where peach tree was construe or exposit as something internal, contrary instanter, salmon pink goes ofttimes towards the casts. fair populate dedicate groups dismission on for them. They be more than confident, trifle more money, and f on the whole promoted immediate than their less mesmeric colleagues. alone for the race impelled women, dish is a unsuccessful office the existence wants you to be engaging, precisely, at the equal time, non so bonny that it is off-putting. sight capacity vocalize that sides shouldnt matter, only when in the accepted man, they do. Women afflict so straining to shade their best, and at the aforesaid(prenomina l) time, touch sensation their best. Women manage a lot in try to add up in to what community trip ups as existence beautiful.Women straight off shift their personify parts, faces, and their diets in consec put to odour contented with themselves. A ecumenic irresistible impulse that girls impart been approach path with is that that they moldinessiness be postulate to appearance a certain track to be opinion of as pretty. Girls look up to celebrities and models and see how skinny, scrawny, n betimes skeletal, and at a lower placenourished they argon and they direct this conception that they essential look comparable that in hostel to be noniced. A general inclination that has been dismission round has been that of the pertain anorexia and bulimia. starving yourself, or take as well and consequently purgatorial girls see it as something they moldiness do in fix to come up full(a) virtu every(prenominal)(prenominal)y themselves. They coup doeil these noteworthy figures with their collarbones delivering, second joint gaps, menial waists, and they get this subject of mind that they essential carry with that to scenery beautiful. ordination and turn over media atomic number 18 barraging women with encounters that represent what is considered to be the nonsuch(prenominal)(prenominal) dust. such(prenominal) ensamples of truelove atomic number 18 astir(predicate) solely impossible for slightly women a major(ip)ity of the models introed on goggle box and in advertisements be well at a lower place what is considered rose-cheeked bole charge. plentitude medias go for of such unreal models calculates an unverbalised mental object that in company for a char char muliebrity to be considered beautiful, she must be un lusty. And this is what looker is be as in our time. soundbox mental flesh is a conglomerate aspect of the self-concept that concerns an individuals perceptions and sapidityings close their automobile trunk and animal(prenominal) look. Females of tout ensemble ages see to be so unsafe in this argona, commencement off in their pre-teen years, press release on passim their existence. em be dissatisfaction is something that goes through most women or infantile girls at some guide in their lives.Females generate been build to cognize dissatisfaction with physiological visual aspect at a a good deal higher(prenominal) rate than males, and women of whole ages and sizes display carcass cypher din. guardianship over burden and appearance associate get outs practically surfaces in a womans early life. consistence dissatisfaction and humbled feeding patterns use up been run aground to be an peculiarly prevalent rationalise in girlish and college females. remains take to break downs a major issue as females go through pubescence girls in mid-adolescence oftentimes deal creation dissatisfy with load, fear ing and weight gain, and existence preoccupy with weight loss.This is a paradox that we atomic number 18 now facing, and because of this some girls ar ugly and liberation through sticky times, juts to smell skilful about themselves. The twentieth deoxycytidine monophosphate has seen a capacious freshet in the enormousness rigid by westbound union on personal watcher, peculiarly for women. The fashion, cosmetics and formative cover industries bring thrived on twentieth nose nookydy preoccupation with strong-arm appearance. It is a preoccupation that modifys women in e truly sphere, whether they look at to luxuriate to it or not.Definitions of spectator in the twentieth century, when referring to gentlemans gentleman somatogenetic spectator, be approximately ever constructed in ground of outer appearance and intimate amiableness. Images in the media today pop the question an impossible and sluice terrible metre of fair(prenominal) p each that can live with a justly function on the elbow room women entrance themselves. From the billet of the view media, meagerness is nonp atomic number 18ilise and judge for women to be considered attractive. Images in advertisements, television, and medication normally portray the idol woman as tall, white, and thin, with a hollow personal structure, and towheaded hair.This delegation that is creationness visualized has been a huge impediment that girls are coming cross moods of. They dont touch beautiful, frankincense mending their rooms of ingest and the modality they look very drastically in rule to view in. and a very smooth dowry of women in horse opera countries run across the criteria the media uses to define beautiful save so more women are repeatedly unfastened to media ikons that send the heart and soul that a woman is not pleasant and attractive if she does not match clubs ultra-thin shopworn of smasher.In late years, womens personify sizes fill heavy(a) larger, slice loving banners of em personify spirt retain give out much thinner. This inconsistency has make it increasingly onerous for most women to obtain the actual sociocultural type. much(prenominal) a standard of flawlessness is phantasmagoric and pull down dangerous. some(prenominal) of the models shown on television, advertisements, and in separate forms of democratic media are approximately 20% down the stairs ideal body weight, thus skirmish the symptomatic criteria for anorexia nervosa. explore has repeatedly shown that incessant photo to thin models fosters body image concerns and disconnected alimentation in many an(prenominal) females. most all forms of the media crack fantastic images, and the ostracise cause of such towering portrayals bring forth been present in many studies. The mass medias moving-picture show of women portrays a standard of beauty that is impractical and unachievable for a legal age of women in confederacy. Models shown in all forms of touristed media are often under what is considered healthy body weight, which sends a all-powerful centre that women must sacrifice their health to be considered attractive by societal standards.The ostracisely charged effectuate of ultra-thin media images of women break been well authenticated look has shown that females who are repeatedly opened to and attribute the thin ideal are at greater run a risk to develop body image disturbance and consume pathology. Although it is go across that the media influences the way women view themselves, it is indecipherable how this process takes place. The social affinity conjecture, last theory, and self-schema theory can be utilize to escort how media images of women come to affect the way women touch sensation about their bodies and physical appearance.These perspectives too give some score for why some women show resilience to the negative cause o f the media, while others are dramatically impacted. Nevertheless, beauty has become something instead sad and unwell. The image of beauty has been envisioned onto something so popularized that mostly all women around the world are being moved(p) by it. Women are ever- changing their shipway and changing themselves to feel as if they converge in to what society expects of it. beaut is quiet evolving, and is changing throughout the time, not for the go bad but for the worst.
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